Huawei P40 to have a triple camera, production line photo suggests
- a
- ahC
- fu4
- 04 Jan 2020
I've seen people struggling with gboard when it keeps suggesting email address during typing. I found that if you toggle the "adapt Gboard to user typing patterns" options off it's when this problem persists. I know this is not the topic here but just trying to help out anyone who might be struggling with this problem like I did. Toggle it to on then hold and delete the email suggestion
- N
- NotAnOpinion
- 4dt
- 04 Jan 2020
Boring! The only true excitement for 2020 techs are the next-gen consoles, 8K MicroLEDs displays, more use of bendable display applications (automobiles, helmets, exercise equipments, marine, etc.) AI IoT, CyberTruck competitors, electric bikes/ATVs, huge advancements in batteries, iPhone 12 and Apple watch evolution (AR/VR, microLED smartphone display, etc).
C'mon tech companies, bring the noise!