Nokia N9 wins D&AD Yellow Pencil design award
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Cb
- 26 Apr 2012
nokia always was the master of design. n9 and lumia carry the pedigree heritage of a long story of superb designed devices:8810,8850,6700 and so many more. many customers wich buy nokia now are doing this because of the pefect design of n9 and lumia and less for their functions. they refuse to buy a stupid copy of iphone 3gs, make from cheap materials and with cheap android inside. android seems to be unfinished, still testing, a high-school project of a geek student
- D
- AnonD-49722
- tht
- 26 Apr 2012
Anonymous, 26 Apr 2012The look is pretty sleek, not more than iPhone 4. Windows p... morehey this is meego not wp
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Cb
- 26 Apr 2012
yes, very beautiful and the software is perfect on it. what a pitty they stop meego
- D
- AnonD-6193
- KA5
- 26 Apr 2012
WTH, people still crying about Meego?
Its dead already...
WP7 is a closed OS for consumers, but still its 100% open for Nokia.
Meego is FREE for anyone.
WP7 comes with billions of $$$ from Microsoft.
No shitty insane person on this planet will go for any opensource after this offer.
Btw, Android is the most stupidest OS. WP7 will not compete with Android. Android will be killed by WebOS.
For that safety of transition, Samsung has TIZEN (better than MeeeeeGO)
- X
- X-man
- QMr
- 26 Apr 2012
Nokia has nice looking phones. I still have the E71 and materials were excellent compared to all these plastic phones now. I hope Nokia will one day have Android devices FTW.
- M
- Mystic
- m2h
- 26 Apr 2012
No wonder what is nokia doing with their money after laying off majority of their staff... bribing other guys to give their pathetic piece of crap an Award :D
hahahahaha pitty on u nokia fan boys :p
- K
- Kunal
- w47
- 26 Apr 2012
N9 is perfect hardware and have the best OS, still Nokia ditched the Meego for Windows...
- ?
- Anonymous
- jn@
- 26 Apr 2012
The look is pretty sleek, not more than iPhone 4. Windows phone is really nothing special. Very boring and simple. Imagine nokiA phones with android. That would make Samsung and very one go bankrupt. Hopefully they do it
- x
- x
- i84
- 26 Apr 2012
Erikkson had great designs I believe
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Ei
- 26 Apr 2012
The most beautiful mobile phone ever produced.
- B
- Big-V
- 7y}
- 26 Apr 2012
I knew it already.. GO Nokia N9! Nokia should have kept Meego OS!
- D
- AnonD-49722
- thu
- 26 Apr 2012
finally n9 can prove that it is really a good phone and popular phone......
- ?
- Anonymous
- PSx
- 26 Apr 2012
Hurray iphone Did not won
- D
- AnonD-41462
- K2I
- 26 Apr 2012
The N9 is epic ! there's nuthing compared to it. The most beautiful piece of device ever made :)