Samsung Galaxy Z Flip debuts in India, ships on February 26
20 February 2020
Pre-orders are set to go live on February 21.
- amsoft
- 0%T
- 21 Feb 2020
more expensive in india than in the states? Well, after one month of use, it is only worth half, so it doesnt matter anyways
- A
- Abhi-Darth-Plagueis
- YQ@
- 21 Feb 2020
It'll be interesting to see how it manages in India. With this much money on line, people here always consider Apple first. Not to mention durability concerns.
- ?
- Anonymous
- RxX
- 21 Feb 2020
Flip phone was cool maybe back in the Motorola Startec time
- b
- blah
- PNt
- 21 Feb 2020
It looks like a Gameboy SP :)