Samsung I9100G Galaxy S II ICS update now available
- s
- sful9
- ibb
- 09 May 2012
mohit, 08 May 2012hello all here is the good news yestarday Mr. Kan has sende... morehai mohit. plz sent me the instruction ICS at
- d
- dayle
- P$$
- 09 May 2012
i dont seem to be getting his email, can someone forward it to please
- s
- sanjay
- utb
- 09 May 2012
Please send me the instructions too
- T
- Tom Cheong
- wHS
- 09 May 2012
kan, 07 May 2012hey all, al those which have done the mail to samsung i am ... moreHi kan,
I'm from Malaysia.
my email id is
- D
- AnonD-53992
- iE{
- 08 May 2012
Hi Folks,
where can i get ICS for my GT9100G, please mail me Details
thank you
- h
- hayam
- uZ9
- 08 May 2012
hy..iam from brunei..send me the ics for the g version on my emil tq
- s
- shyfull
- sF}
- 08 May 2012
How to update 19100G
Could you mail the ics update to my email -
- s
- shredder
- IWc
- 08 May 2012
hello kan... can u email me the detail...
- j
- jason
- RJ2
- 08 May 2012
Kindly send the ICS to my email address :
- J
- Jason
- RJ2
- 08 May 2012
kan, 07 May 2012hey all, al those which have done the mail to samsung i am ... moreCan you please send me the ICS for G version? thanks a million ! email :
- ?
- Anonymous
- DM9
- 08 May 2012
please can you send i9100g ics to my mail
thank you
- D
- AnonD-53970
- PS6
- 08 May 2012
Hello Mr. Kan
I am from malaysia. Please send me ICS for I9100G
- P
- Prasad
- vIg
- 08 May 2012
I want to update my galaxy s2 I9100g..
Could you please send me the update and how to install instruction to my email id:
- G
- Gautam
- KSg
- 08 May 2012
rakesh, 08 May 2012hello friend me to got the update for my galaxy s2 i9100g. ... moreHi ALL, can someone please send me the mail how to upgrade I9100G to ICS in email id is
- ?
- Anonymous
- Jcx
- 08 May 2012
please send me g ics files and instructions my email is
- m
- mrgh
- Jx7
- 08 May 2012
Hello Mr. Kan!
Please send me ICS for I9100G!
- r
- rakesh
- vGe
- 08 May 2012
hello friend me to got the update for my galaxy s2 i9100g. Mr. Kan is trying to save us. today morning i got the mail. and i have installed it.Its working. I am happy. thankyou sir.
- m
- mohit
- vGe
- 08 May 2012
hello all here is the good news yestarday Mr. Kan has sended me the files and instruction guide to update my galaxy s2 i9100g. i follow the instructions and my Android 4.0 was installed.It takes only 15 min. I am happy. I would like to tell he is basically from XDA development division. and one more thing get a SD card of 8gb atleast as while installing you will need it. any time he will send the files at your mail box too. He promised to give updates in future. so be ready for upgrade your samsung galaxy s2 i9100g. thankyou sir for helping me out.
- s
- salman
- u1D
- 08 May 2012
Hey ..plz can any one send me ics update package?
My mail
- d
- dayle
- P$$
- 08 May 2012
has any one got the email, proably a mail filter is preventing me from getting it. any one who he sent it to please forward it to