Nokia's first 5G smartphone will feature in upcoming James Bond movie

05 March 2020
It will be unveiled on March 19.

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  • d@b
  • 15 Jan 2021

Sony always marketed their phones through James Bond movies, specially cause they are producing it. Quite strange from Sony to give up advertisement of their own devices versus competitors.

What do you all think?

    • M
    • Max
    • 7s3
    • 10 Mar 2020

    Who cares about James Bond???
    I like Nokia, because they make quality phones at competitive prices and avoid random marketing nonsense.
    And now I have to have to pay for Marketing costs to have some dude hold a phone in a movie?!

      This is going to be the Wokest Nokia ever!

        This type of ad placement costs lots of money for Nokia and will surely end-up to the final price of the phone. If someone wants to buy a costly Nokia compared to competitors, here's some or even most of the cost went, not on the hardware/software of the phone being sold. Goodluck for anyone persuaded by this type of ad.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • y{4
          • 06 Mar 2020

          Anonymous, 05 Mar 2020I think in first Iron man, iron man itself was using one sm... moreit's LG, as you can see when he is calling Obadiah, he use LG phone that display can be rotated. And Rhodes was using LG chocolate flip type (not the candy bar nor the slide)

            • A
            • Arol
            • mgK
            • 06 Mar 2020

            Anonymous, 05 Mar 2020Bond waves his phone around trying to get a 5G signal.Funny, that would be if they wou'd use your phone, but thank god they don't.

              • C
              • Carol
              • mgK
              • 06 Mar 2020

              CompactPhones5ever, 05 Mar 2020I really hate these kind of huge and pompous advertisements... moreSorry, go back to school and attend some marketing classes, when you learn, come back and rectify your comment. Oppo sold high quality? That is a first, no starter from china sold high quality, they still do not. They use third class quallity components batches (cpu's ram, storage) . If you do not know what that is, search for quality components batches, their is enough info if you know what you're looking for. Second, their devices are already on the market with other names, mostly samsung or apple, so, nl

              Minimum to no costs for design. Third, their starter business was simple, almost no profit just cover manufacuring costs and make people aware of the "shoking" prices. Forth, this type of business does not hold for a long time, you gotta be paid at some point, and that is why all chinese devices got or will go more expensive after some time, because is normal, they need to survive too, not only give you free manufacutirg because you're cheap. Fifth Not everybody uses this marketing strategy which for europe is offensive to even remotly talk about. So, nope HMD are not overpriced, they are actually good balanced for the offer, are not the cheappest and are not the most expensive.

                • C
                • Carol
                • mgK
                • 06 Mar 2020

                Notsure, 05 Mar 2020They haven't heard 5G is not Bond level technology anymore ... moreNope, he ain't cause we're talking about Nokia, not xiaomi, oppo, realme or samesung. Get your facts straight, you seem to be lost in information. If their would not be Nokia, you would nout have nothing you have now. If their would not be this other copy paste brands their would be no difference, besides the lack of child slavery in china.

                  • C
                  • Carol
                  • mgK
                  • 06 Mar 2020

                  Dominique, 06 Mar 2020Matrix used Nokia 8110 if you already forgot. -,-He wasn't born at that time...

                    Anonymous, 06 Mar 2020Give an HMD to James Bond is like give him a Chery QQ3 inst... moreMatrix used Nokia 8110 if you already forgot. -,-

                      Sony Xperia is mad.

                        I'm glad the phone will still be announced on 19 March and not pushed back to November like the movie.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3gE
                          • 06 Mar 2020

                          Give an HMD to James Bond is like give him a Chery QQ3 instead of an Aston Martin. Poor James. They fooled him too. lol

                            • R
                            • R.I.P. Sony
                            • mW4
                            • 05 Mar 2020

                            NiJon, 05 Mar 2020Funny there's no saying of why Sony is not the "sponsor" an... moreBecause Sony don't have money to be a sponsor for anything... Sony has got more and more loans, depts and loses and they will probably bankrupt till 2025 (basically, this is written in S&P)... So I will miss their cameras and audio stuff ;-(

                              • N
                              • NiJon
                              • nQe
                              • 05 Mar 2020

                              Funny there's no saying of why Sony is not the "sponsor" anymore?

                                Oh man, the movies been delayed??

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3iY
                                  • 05 Mar 2020

                                  Anonymous, 05 Mar 2020in case you dont realized it. Major big movies are always u... moreI think in first Iron man, iron man itself was using one smart called, Idol. Alcatel with MediaTek inside. Great ad :)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • y{4
                                    • 05 Mar 2020

                                    CompactPhones5ever, 05 Mar 2020I really hate these kind of huge and pompous advertisements... morein case you dont realized it. Major big movies are always used for advertisements inside.
                                    Avengers 1 we can see Accura cars and often used by shield agents in another mcu, in iron man they use audi. We can see in avengers 2, there are lot of samsung products inside, phones, tablets, displays and even Tony's transparent phone got samsung logo on it. We could see vivo brands in Civil War, Honor and Microsoft in Doctor Strange.

                                    In Dawn of Justice we could see Diana is using famous brand for her apparel, Ben Affleck is using Lumia phone and Jeep car, and even Lex Luthor is advertising a candy!

                                    Especially in James Bond movies, it was full of apparel products inside, from shoes, jackets to eye wear that can costly up to thousand dollars each.. Aston Martin as their main cars and then the entire movie plagued by Sony products from phones, laptops, tvs and other electronic device. So movies are often used for huge and pompous advertisement, and its not only Nokia, lol

                                    As for OP, instead using traditional ads, they used online to advertise their products, this method is effective for phone manufacturer that online strategy like xiaomi, honor, and OP. Thats's why they just only need to make it viral by sending their products to youtube reviewer, movie stars, forums, online reviewer etc, its more cheap than making ads and put them on tv channel

                                      They haven't heard 5G is not Bond level technology anymore for some time maybe. Is he/she going to drive a Daewoo, too? What a lame Bond...

                                        I really hate these kind of huge and pompous advertisements. What it really tells me that the phone is going to cost like 5-10% more because they had to pay somehow for the monstrous exposure of their products.

                                        It's kind of what happened with OnePlus. Up until 6T they were doing "make a high quality phone with best software and great price and let customers find their way to us" and with OP7 they turned 180° into "newspapers! youtubers! movie stars! F*ck price/performance ratio, lets spend it all on advertisement!". The problem with Nokia phones lately are already overpriced for what they offer, adding even more to the price tag via flamboyant advertising is kinda scary.