Google announces $800+ million commitment towards COVID-19 relief efforts
- O
- OwnFix3
- DkL
- 05 Apr 2020
Adul Al Salami Kebab, 30 Mar 2020WHO is world wide while CDC is Murica only.A world wide organization that doesn't care about the world.
- a
- annoying customer
- IiA
- 02 Apr 2020
20 million dollar to coronavirus so google doing is evading tax article is lying
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2H
- 01 Apr 2020
Kingslayer, 29 Mar 2020Apple is worth a trillion. People bashing Google for actual... moreAnd Google doesn’t care about the private data they solicit from their users, all for money.
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2H
- 01 Apr 2020
Kingslayer, 29 Mar 2020Apple is worth a trillion. People bashing Google for actual... moreLow blow mate. Be respectful. Apple donated millions to both the hurricanes in the US and Bushfires of Australia.
- A
- Adul Al Salami Kebab
- pcL
- 30 Mar 2020
OwnFix3, 29 Mar 2020WHO is political. Donate to CDC, instead.WHO is world wide while CDC is Murica only.
- E
- Ezio
- gN{
- 29 Mar 2020
Shanti Dope, 29 Mar 2020Yeah sure 'cause your damn freakin' data is really far more... moreTrue.
- F
- Fitbri
- gmx
- 29 Mar 2020
Shanti Dope, 29 Mar 2020Yeah sure 'cause your damn freakin' data is really far more... moreTotally agree. Its a time to work together and people are doing it tough and this is not the time for personal selfish rants.
Thankyou google. Every bit helps and what your doing is of real practical value. Together we beat this thing
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Rs
- 29 Mar 2020
Of course people would bash a company who sold user data for advertisement purpose. Couldn't give a d*mn if they donate trillions.
- S
- Shanti Dope
- C9a
- 29 Mar 2020
YUKI93, 29 Mar 2020Of course people would bash a company who sold user data fo... moreYeah sure 'cause your damn freakin' data is really far more important than even your own freakin' life, human.
The world is already panicking in fear of many lives being taken away each day, and you still care more about your personal issues against Google?
You truly aren't selfish, eh?
We could talk about their personal issues in a separate topic, but do give the credit to where it's really due.
For what it's worth, this move is far more sensible and necessary than OnePlus' product warranty extension, which in itself is even more uncertain since our future cannot be easily predicted.
You ain't forced to thank them anyway, but to say something bad when one lends a helping hand to all of us is certainly inhumane and very inconsiderate of yours.
- YUKI93
- 29 Mar 2020
Kingslayer, 29 Mar 2020Apple is worth a trillion. People bashing Google for actual... moreOf course people would bash a company who sold user data for advertisement purpose. Couldn't give a d*mn if they donate trillions.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qn@
- 29 Mar 2020
the biggest give here is actually PPE manufacturing and their medical research company working on the virus... and a few millions here and there that aren't actually ads. 20M in coloud compute isnt bad.
- Kingslayer
- IbE
- 29 Mar 2020
Apple is worth a trillion. People bashing Google for actually donating money while Apple will just solicit money from their fans.
- S
- Shanti Dope
- C9a
- 29 Mar 2020
The important thing here is that they at least helped in the battle.
At this point of time, we don't give a damn about whether or not it came from us customers by robbing us or not. The world needs us to work together as one even just for once at this crisis where many lives are taken each day, so shame on those criticizing Google's move of actually trying to help and doing something about this.
Nobody gives a damn about fixing their own products' faults or anything. That ain't gonna matter when we're going to be extinct because of this virus. I can't believe you people still manage to talk about irrelevant things in life when it should've been a human instinct for us to actually forget about them for a moment and focus on this very important plague instead.
Shame on you guys!! Shame!!!
- D
- AnonD-732843
- 3Zy
- 28 Mar 2020
ithehappy, 28 Mar 2020Excellent. Now acknowledge the Pixel motherboard problems/ ... moreI really hope that was your 1st and last pixel ever - please confirm. :)
- D
- AnonD-732843
- 3Zy
- 28 Mar 2020
SGMENAAR, 28 Mar 2020But they still gave $200m didn't they? Oh did they? Let dem account deposit pics rain on us plz :D
- S
- RxE
- 28 Mar 2020
Smallworld, 28 Mar 2020All the people applauding this should be spending more time... moreBut they still gave $200m didn't they?