Microsoft executive posts first photo shot with Surface Duo

08 April 2020
Chief Product Officer at Microsoft, Panos Panay shares this image and well…

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • kwQ
  • 10 Apr 2020

I hope they have a black model so I secretly pretend I'm one of the Westworld workers.

    Nacho Eater, 08 Apr 2020Dual screens are not practical. Give me a proper windows ta... moreSurface pro x you mean.

      You do know that microsoft sold their Nokia assets... lol

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • XRg
        • 09 Apr 2020

        Adoogle, 08 Apr 2020The Surface Foldable™ was supposed to have Windows, but aft... moreData harvesting Pact with Satan.. Lol
        If Intel can't produce a suitable chipset, What about the Ryzen Mobile series?
        I really want a full fledged Windows OS in a foldable body in my pocket.
        Was really excited for the Surface Duo, but now not so much.

          • L
          • Lumi
          • 3iY
          • 08 Apr 2020

          Adoogle, 08 Apr 2020The Surface Foldable™ was supposed to have Windows, but aft... moreMicrosoft Made a pact with a satan long time ago, that why you only sees Nokia name on Foxconn made HMD phones, with Skin that's a 99% same as '¢satan' skin on their Pixel phones. Thats why you only sees good Microsoft made apps on Play Store, that's why you sees "Microsoft launcher" that's a more Android launcher than Pixel launcher, and thats why there is no in that launcher since of beginning, Live tiles. So, no wonder why device with Microsoft branding runs on Android os, iOS is restricted for Microsoft, and those beta fails in a shape of Windows 10 mobile os, is still there. Also, now rhey even son't have Zeiss, no Pureview, so photo quality is worse than on 1020 Lumia from 7 years ago.

            It was burned by MS mobile products in the past and many people as well, so most likely this Surface will pass unnoticed.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Pv$
              • 08 Apr 2020

              Adoogle, 08 Apr 2020Quote, "what are these companies thinking? who needs a dual... moreApple hasn't used the i monicker in a while. It probably will be called iPad Pro Fold or iPad Fold, since apple wants to stick to its lines.

                miaumiaumiau, 08 Apr 2020what are these companies thinking? who needs a dual screen ... moreQuote, "what are these companies thinking? who needs a dual screen smartphone?
                and like always, Microsoft is late to the game."

                Where's Apple's dual-screen device ? Precisely. And when Apple eventually release their i F o l d in 2022, after having several years of d r o o l i n g over its competition (Samsung Galaxy Fold, Microsoft Duo, Royale Flexpai, etc), the i S h e e p l e will herald the wizardry of T i m C o o k et al. as awesomely astonishing, with the i S h e e p l e adamant that Apple invented the foldable dual-display device first.

                  PRK, 08 Apr 2020iPad Pro has already been crushed by putting it in a bag wi... moreAbsolutely correct, because the iFad is just that - a fad of unprecedented proportion.

                    Anonymous, 08 Apr 2020I thought the surface duo was running windows OS. It's jus... moreThe Surface Foldable™ was supposed to have Windows, but after literally years of not having a power-efficient CPU available from Intel, and the next generation of Windows (WCOS = Windows Core OS) taking far longer than expected to be ready for prime time (WCOS is still delayed, its availability was expected Q1 2020, and shall be the OS installed on the Surface Duo), Microsoft has made a pact with the data-harvesting satan himself, and opted for Android.

                    I am of the opinion that should the Surface Duo become a raving hit, I am hopeful that a second iteration of Surface Duo may well have an additional Windows model, on the proviso that WCOS has reached RTM.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-492870
                      • IA5
                      • 08 Apr 2020

                      ipolit.matveich, 08 Apr 2020It is strange for me to accentuate on the camera instead on... moreThis to me has been the only unanswered question. I see this same perspective that they are not going to sell a butt load of these, and I can only think that they are doing this to usher in or bring users to their OG surface devices soon. More like a tactic or device used tactically. Sure they will prove they can do it which is an accomplishment from the Surface team alone, but I honestly believe they should be focusing more on their own HW for their Own OS rather then enter another market again.

                        • N
                        • Nacho Eater
                        • utU
                        • 08 Apr 2020

                        Dual screens are not practical. Give me a proper windows tablet like the iPad. Come on. I don't want Windows in S mode or whatever.

                          • M
                          • Maki
                          • 60H
                          • 08 Apr 2020

                          Perhaps five years ago that design would be a thing. Today it is not even out and looks dated.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • XRg
                            • 08 Apr 2020

                            I thought the surface duo was running windows OS.
                            It's just a skinned version of Android.
                            No thank you!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • XRg
                              • 08 Apr 2020

                              PRK, 08 Apr 2020iPad Pro has already been crushed by putting it in a bag wi... moreExactly, nobody wants to pay premium for bendable products.

                                Finally a new, interesting piece of hardware. Looking forward to this.

                                Samsung take note - you could actually learn something here. Stop making g*arbage tech and stop scamming your customers by lying to them or giving them highly inferior chips.

                                  It is strange for me to accentuate on the camera instead on the ways and advantages of usage of such type of device.
                                  Me personally do not understand for what kind of activities it is suitable. For sure they do not expect to crush the market with this thing, it is just an expensive toy.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • KZK
                                    • 08 Apr 2020

                                    I think I will treat it as a tablet instead of a phone.

                                      • T
                                      • Trooper
                                      • mx}
                                      • 08 Apr 2020

                                      miaumiaumiau, 08 Apr 2020what are these companies thinking? who needs a dual screen ... moreThe thing is, it's people like you, with opinions like yours, that are driving the market to produce phones that are exactly the same as every other phone that's already out there. This is what's stifling innovation and individuality, and causing the phone market to become tired and unexciting. Why bother purchasing a new phone, when the current one is only marginally different than the shiny new one being offered (usually) at an extortionately inflated price, but looks almost the same, just slightly updated.

                                      There 'are' some people that actually want something different than what the herd mentality masses are accustomed to, that fits their USP, how they use them, and what they use them for. That are bored with all the same old, same olds being released year after year, and want something they can actually use. You stick with your generic glass slabs, and let the others have what they want (and need) too.

                                        • P
                                        • PRK
                                        • xd7
                                        • 08 Apr 2020

                                        LilPhone, 08 Apr 2020iPad Pro will still crush the Duo into pieces. Even the cameras.iPad Pro has already been crushed by putting it in a bag without a case. :P :P