YouTube is cracking down on conspiracy videos linking 5G to COVID-19
- DroidBoye
- vaQ
- 09 Apr 2020
The trollers have spoken and the normies of the internet thinks that it's the truth. OMEGALUL.
- N
- NotAnOpinion
- 4dt
- 09 Apr 2020
Lies. No Google have not removed or issued takedown notices to COVID-19 conspiracy videos. If anything, oodles of more conspiracy videos are on YouTube.
- A
- Anders
- LaT
- 09 Apr 2020
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2020To Dumbo's asking why Google ain't censoring flat earthers.... moreExactly. Encouraging people to destroy property is a crime. Thinking you can walk off the side off the Earth isn't.
The opinion itself isn't a problem, opinions are harmless. People settings fire to stuff is the problem as it's dangerous and illegal
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8kN
- 09 Apr 2020
Anders, 08 Apr 2020It has been researched though, it has been found safe by th... moreand forgot to add that when 6G & 7G become the norm then I hope 4G and 5G will be shut down as well
- A
- Anders
- LaT
- 09 Apr 2020
Anonymous, 09 Apr 2020If 5G supposed to be commonplace all around then at least s... moreLots of 5G is just 4G that has been converted and upgraded into 5G
- A
- Anders
- LaT
- 09 Apr 2020
Pixel is the new HTC, 09 Apr 2020Indepence is vague lie.
Common dude, don't be so naive thi... moreYou will have a 5G phone within the next 4 years I guarantee it.
Then in 10 years from now we'll all be here having the same ridiculous conversation about 6G
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Rs
- 09 Apr 2020
Uninstalled youtube.
I use browser if i need it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8kN
- 09 Apr 2020
Anders, 08 Apr 2020It has been researched though, it has been found safe by th... moreIf 5G supposed to be commonplace all around then at least switch off 2G & 3G to offset the extra radiation caused by 5G. So many radio waves and they need to be curbed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8kN
- 09 Apr 2020
Ariur, 08 Apr 2020There are thousands of flat earthers on Youtube as well. Sh... moreBut somehow they're obliged to gather massive amounts of data on everyone and selling it to third parties and that seems perfectly fine with you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- NL{
- 09 Apr 2020
To Dumbo's asking why Google ain't censoring flat earthers...
Those guys aren't destroying property or harming anyone except themselves with their rockets... These guys are burning stuff up which is a crime. That needs to be curbed
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxu
- 09 Apr 2020
5G is simply a protocol. There is several ways to implement 5G, none is damaging to human in anyway. If you are afraid of 5G, be more afraid of Wifi, AC and the new AX.
COVID-19 has nothing to do with 5G. Its a very small particle that binds to some cells in your body and multiply cause you to be sick. Its biological, any implementation of 5G have NO WAY NO WAY to cause something to change biologically.
Watching too much Youtube Video is bad for you. Because of youtube referring new related videos to you. Google allows you to search whatever you want, reinforcing your silly baseless beliefs.
So, how to know you are duped and fooled? Watch the opposite videos, and search online for opposite news. Keep an rational and open mind, and most importantly, understand the facts of each topic.
- D
- AnonD-909757
- 0JM
- 09 Apr 2020
Anders, 08 Apr 2020People thousands of years ago burned "witches" because they... moreThe thing is, 5G do have problems and this is something we do understand.
Not just about the wave and health risk, but talking about that, 5G, at least the mmWave frequency of 5G, those are bad at long range and penetration, the reason is simple that they are more absorbed by matter, and this is the principe behind the Microwave oven, using wavelength that is the most absorbed by objects rather than going through or reflected, which excite the atoms, aka heating them, this is also a great energy carrier, which is why you can create plasma and flames get feed up in a microwave oven and you can more easily create electric arcs because of the relation between electromagnetic waves and plasma.
Technically microwave oven wavelength aren't ionizing radiations, but there are still conditions where ionisation happen.
And ionizing radiation is actually harmful, but we are talking about millimeter wave here rather than micrometer wave, so is it all good then ?
Not so fast, we know that the other hand of the spectrum isn't that safe either, Extremely Low Frequency is officially categorized into potentially harmful to human and based on experiments like the Tesla tower and HAARP who can be linked to many short term issues, we can easily say that all wavelength can't be consider safe.
But like ionizing radiations, the issue is both the intensity and the duration who combined are the exposure which cause harm rather than the radiation themselves, any frequency at a high enough energy level can be lethal.
And 5G is by far the closest to microwave we ever had in public and high energy constantly broadcasting frequency, so we can't say it is safe, the answer is that we have no idea about that, and it might also be really harmful on the long run, unlike most other radio communication, if there is one we should be careful about and who is the more susceptible to be an health hazard, this is truly the 5G at mmWave range.
But this is just the health issue, there are far more issues with 5G...
The first one is that, we don't actually NEED 5G, optical fiber and 4G are already really good, but here, rather than focusing on bringing FTTH to more users or improving the already existing 4G coverage, we focus on a costly technology that haven't proved really effective on real life tests, that most phones aren't compatible with and that doesn't help in anyway on improving existing but still lacking coverage for many peoples.
So 5G is actually, because of the economical aspect, slowing down the development of far more useful networks.
5G is ultra fast, but does we really need THAT fast connexion ?
With a reliable 4G coverage, we could average at 80Mb/s and have for goal that on most relevant area (roads, cities, towns and other places where there are peoples often enough) to be at minimum 50Mb/s real world speed, that's 6,25MB/s, and with 4G+/LTE-A, we can reach around 200Mb/s, that's 25MB/s, which is already crazy fast, a lot of peoples only have 100Mb/s FTTH speed, here in France, some internet providers sell 200Mb/s FTTH plans, even if the globally now standard accepted 1Gb/s is probably the most common.
But does peoples really need a DATA bandwidth fast enough to saturate an SD card ?
At 10MB/s we already are at SD cat10 max speed, but yet 25MB/s that we can reach isn't enough and justify switching to 5G ?
Now talking about real life speed, I live near a 4G antenna of my carrier, and even though we have huge walls blocking a lot of the wave, I can still top at 170Mb/s on good days, so an average of 80Mb/s and a minimum of 50 isn't unrealistic at all, but since money is wasted on 5G, that's isn't an option...
Also, note that 5G is actually implemented on important area who already have a really good 4G coverage rather than where it could be useful.
5G have a huge range issue, compared to 4G, we can talk about "short range" here, and even worse, 5G is easily stopped by things, remember what I said about mmWaves being absorbed, well with rain, at 1Km, you already loose half the signal compared to a sunny day...
I am not against 5G, I am against 5G focus rather than 4G and FTTH, one of the big advantage of 5G over 4G is simply how many clients can be connected to the same emitter, but, this isn't something we couldn't improve 4G to handle or that come cost free, it is expensive AND have overheating issues, and I know at least one instance where a 5G antenna simply burned upon turning it ON...
The better solution would be to simply improve/upgrade the current 4G system to handle way more clients allowing the unlimited DATA plan per user that 5G is promising, using the same antenna hardware, we simply upgrade existing 4G antenna and make them ready to receive a 5G system in the future as an add on system, plan ahead for an optimized coverage of 80Mb/s on average and 50Mb/s on least frequented area, from this smart map taking into account average weather, building and other constructions which may lower signal, potential interference sources, etc...Relocating antenna that are on the wrong spot, and adding the necessary new ones to complete the coverage, all that while seriously updating the fiber network for FTTH, pro, 4G/5G etc.
Because something we never talk about when evoking 5G, is that the current optical fiber network for mobile DATA isn't made at all to handle that technology.
THEN, on places who already have the proper coverage and no need for improving the 4G, and only when it can be done without negatively affecting 4G and fiber expansion, the 5G add on and all the intermediary antenna will be installed, so after peoples have a RELIABLE internet and a backup solution, the luxury/"almost useless overspeed" 5G can be installed.
So, 5G isn't as innocent as you might think, it actually cause more issue than it solve (and don't really solve that much).
And I haven't mentioned how 5G frequencies interfere with weather installation and potentially other important infrastructures, and other issues.
I agree that peoples really are afraid about things that are highly improbable, I mean, how the hell can 5G, which isn't even installed on a lot of place where the COVID-19 is, be responsible ?
But it doesn't mean that 5G isn't coming with lot of issues and concerns.
- A
- Ariur
- gGM
- 09 Apr 2020
Pixel is the new HTC, 09 Apr 2020Indepence is vague lie.
Common dude, don't be so naive thi... moreA real scientific research about safety of 5G: "there is no proof it's independent and has no agenda behind it, I refuse to believe that 5G is safe!"
Random youtube dude in a tinfoil hat talking about dangers of 5G: "this is a solid proof, trustworthy and independent research, I believe 5G is dangerous!"
That's how tinfoil hat logic works.
- A
- Ariur
- gGM
- 09 Apr 2020
Jason, 09 Apr 20205G towers sorely needed? No one even has a 5G phone.Conspiracy videos on the Internet most certainly don't belong to the category of "sorely needed" things for our society, but still a lot of people vehemently defend their right to make and watch such videos. And then the same people say we don't need 5G towers just because they aren't "sorely needed" for our society. Tinfoil hat logic (complete lack thereof) at its finest.
- P
- Pixel is the new HTC
- PBb
- 09 Apr 2020
Anders, 08 Apr 2020It has been researched though, it has been found safe by th... moreIndepence is vague lie.
Common dude, don't be so naive this 5G is multi billion projects.
- A
- Ariur
- gGM
- 09 Apr 2020
John Doe, 08 Apr 2020I'm actually more surprized by the tech companys more than ... moreCenturies of scientific research FAILED to prove to some people that Earth is not FLAT. There are still thousands of them running around and rejecting every single scientific proof that Earth is NOT FLAT. Suggesting to delay 5G until every tinfoil out there acknowledges that their conspiracy theories were wrong is ridiculous, this will never happen.
- A
- Ariur
- gGM
- 09 Apr 2020
alen, 09 Apr 2020Why then Google didn’t censor that thousands of flat earthe... moreWhat do you define as "censorship"? If there is a video instigating to murder people with different skin color (because they are "dangerous"), should it be allowed to propagate freely? If there is a video instigating to burn down communication towers (because they are "dangerous"), should it be allowed to propagate freely? If there is a video instigating people to refuse Ebola vaccine (because it's "dangerous") and spread the disease instead, should it be allowed to propagate freely? Sorry, but your freedom to swing your fists ends where my nose begins, and I have the full right to "censor" you if you insist on your right to damage me - either by attacking me personally, or by posting videos and instigating dimwits to take torches and attack me.
- B
- Bazza-90
- StU
- 09 Apr 2020
Jason, 09 Apr 20205G towers sorely needed? No one even has a 5G phone.I do. And I ain't become ill or anything. Clearly 5G is the problem 🙄
- J
- Jason
- r@5
- 09 Apr 2020
5G towers sorely needed? No one even has a 5G phone.