Samsung Q1 results shows increased smartphone profits despite COVID-19

30 April 2020
Sales weakened, but the increased price of the Galaxy S20 lineup saved the quarter.

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Orchard Inc., 30 Apr 2020Quote, "Its cheap, has almost all flagship specs (wireless ... moreI dunno man... some companies sold more than their 2019 Q1 in 2020 Q1

    Orchard Inc., 30 Apr 2020Quote, "Its cheap, has almost all flagship specs (wireless ... moreCorrect dese...... whatever

    Correcting "fast chipset" to "fastest" is not a correction. Stop being pretentious

      • l
      • lacp
      • ncG
      • 02 May 2020

      LilPhone, 01 May 2020Says a Samsung fan. Samsung already has several major fault... moreYou have nothing to say about the displays of Samsung, they are intense in the colors and vivid and have no green tint since 2017 after. Their cameras are exceptional and their socs lately since the first Mongoose are exceptional, the last one is the best of them in everything. You will see in the next flagship of Samsung with AMD RDNA 2 graphics, better than Adreno.
      They manufacture everything in their own plants with their technology without copies unlike Apple or Huawei. They are like the Japanese of the last 20 years and of the close future, not like the chinese which only know to spy and copy. And Apple also copy, they buy enterprises with financial problems than steal their patents of their own technologies and after they become owner oft that patents and assume them like their own patents and then use them like it was nothing like they were of them then retaliate and blackmail other big companies like Samsung and influence and buy the jurists of the tribunals to get and extort their money to weak that companies. Other times some of that rival companies invent some technology and then use it in their products but Apple use the same technology on their own products just after be invented by Samsung or LG and then file a court case claiming that technology is from them and those companies have to pay a reward to them (Apple) for stealing a thing which they (Samsung or LG) own invented and make patents of things invented by those companies.

        • D
        • AnonD-762416
        • m2B
        • 01 May 2020

        LilPhone, 01 May 2020Says a Samsung fan. Samsung already has several major fault... moreOf course, I am a Samsung fan. Samsung is the only company able to make a phone like the Galaxy Z Flip. You don't like that reality? Well, boohoo...

        There are trlls spamming fake issues on social media, that is more a sign of how worried Apple is about the popularity of the S20 Ultra and Z Flip.

          • L
          • LilPhone
          • xZI
          • 01 May 2020

          lacp, 30 Apr 2020By the way, Huawei have something to offer? Nothing. Samsun... moreRubbish comment.

          In reference to the Huawei P40 Pro/Pro+ (as these are Huawei's key selling phones), it does not use Samsung parts. Display is sourced from BOE and the camera sensors are Sony-made. The standard P40 uses an LG display (I think).

          Huawei is already not using Samsung parts so Huawei doesn't need Greedsung to do its job.

            • L
            • LilPhone
            • xZI
            • 01 May 2020

            AnonD-762416, 30 Apr 2020Keep hating, but Samsung is the only progressive quality br... moreSays a Samsung fan. Samsung already has several major faults in their flagship smartphones recently. Just look at the overpriced S20 series. From the screen with green tint issue and cameras with failing AF. Also has the same ol' lame Exynos chipset.

            Apple doesn't even need Samsung to compete well in the market. iPhone XR and 11 uses zero Samsung parts and sold a lot. Huawei P40 Pro and Pro+ also skips Samsung parts (BOE display) this time and also sold a lot

            Now Samsung phones cost more than its rivals, whether Xiaomi, Huawei, Apple, Oppo, etc. when they have inferior specs. What's the A80 for?

              PartTimePhoner, 30 Apr 2020I dont understand your problem with SE 2020 Its cheap, h... moreQuote, "Its cheap, has almost all flagship specs (wireless charging, IP68, stereo speakers, fast chipset and great camera) for $400"

              A slight correction - the iPhone SE (2020) is not "IP68" certified, but rather IP67.

              Another correction - the iPhone SE (2020) doesn't have a "fast chipset", but rather the fastest ARM smartphone SoC currently available today.

              The reasons you outline are indicative of this phone becoming an outright massive success. The geniuses at Apple have once again struck gold.

              It wouldn't surprise me in the least amongst all the Q2 2020 financials of handset manufacturers, that Apple shall only be the one having an increased year-on-year growth in profitability. As for the others, they are at the mercy of a microscopic enemy.

                Anonymous, 30 Apr 2020Great, make it even bigger!!! So go together with Apple fan... moreI dont understand your problem with SE 2020

                Its cheap, has almost all flagship specs (wireless charging, IP68, stereo speakers, fast chipset and great camera) for $400

                Its just not for everyone with its battery and display but I mean, who else has all at that price? Even Oneplus went $900 when it added IP rating and wireless charging

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Njd
                  • 30 Apr 2020

                  Anonymous, 30 Apr 2020Pathetic to see people wasting their life hating on an OEM ... moreThese are humans not just oems. It's sad to see them losing their job because of an unfair ban especially when they are working harder to make a better product.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0uZ
                    • 30 Apr 2020

                    lacp, 30 Apr 2020By the way, Huawei have something to offer? Nothing. Samsun... moreAnd why do they use Qualcomm's SoC, Huawei's and Nokia's patent for networks, Sony's Camera, Google's OS!?

                      • l
                      • lacp
                      • 0p}
                      • 30 Apr 2020

                      Anonymous, 30 Apr 2020Samsung enjoying Huawei Ban, Pathetic!!!By the way, Huawei have something to offer? Nothing. Samsung are the ones who develop and manufacture their cameras, their screens and their ram memories, in their own plants, Huawei, if they have plants are much less than Samsung. They haven't capacity to invent or engineer that things like Samsung. Not even capacity to manufacture like Samsung. Huawei only know to copy, nothing more else.

                        • R
                        • Raky
                        • 0uZ
                        • 30 Apr 2020

                        So, it's not Qualcomm's fault....Samsung increased prices, knowing that they will sell lesser units, but still make more profits.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3gE
                          • 30 Apr 2020

                          Great, make it even bigger!!! So go together with Apple fans. Next time SD865 at 399 dollars with 1250mAh battery, single camera and ohhhhh it doesn't matter it's a Samsung!!!!!

                            [deleted post]I can be a slave according to you (LOL ... !!!) but if I am, I am not a silly slave. Show yourself here or whoever is the evidence that Huawei has spied on the US as its President says ... President who must believe that we are all fools except him :-DDDD

                              • D
                              • AnonD-762416
                              • cem
                              • 30 Apr 2020

                              Keep hating, but Samsung is the only progressive quality brand these days.
                              Apple doubles down on bargain bin phones and Huawei can't do anything unless they have something to copy.

                                • A
                                • Anonymous
                                • 7$X
                                • 30 Apr 2020

                                Guess thats why you increase prices well done Samsung

                                  Jake420, 30 Apr 2020Honestly that's just it most people hate it but there's no ... moreFind X2 pro is a good all-rounder but it doesn't enjoy the same availability as Samsung.
                                  Also Samsung shipped tonnes of phones before the covd19 ban while other manufacturers are not even ready to open shop - Delayed everywhere!

                                    • q
                                    • q
                                    • IDc
                                    • 30 Apr 2020

                                    Anonymous, 30 Apr 2020Samsung enjoying Huawei Ban, Pathetic!!!And How many Companies are banned in China before they ban Huawei??
                                    China banned tons of companies including Google way before U.S. banned Huawei.
                                    I don't get why they are complaining about the ban at the first place.

                                      Anonymous, 30 Apr 2020if he is pushing CCP does that mean you are pushing Trump P... more"LMAO, CCP makes world goverments shiver,that's a good sign"

                                      The world goverments are looking at China right now for the wrong reasons, bud. So, who's really shivering right now??

                                        SLSAHXOHVOMVN, 30 Apr 2020Where are all the Samsung haters? Despite the S20 ultra is... moreHonestly that's just it most people hate it but there's no better all rounder released this year