iPhone 12 pricing leaks - no 5G premium
- B
- BegineR
- 3iY
- 30 Apr 2020
Iphone 12, 5.4" in 19:9 or 20:9 ratio, 650$, thats seems good, and compact. Well done Apple, only company that listen their users (at least, since 2020). There is a already tons of big phones (above 6.5" or 7"), even from Apple, so this, iPhone 12 seems like good and unique flagahip phone in 2020 (iPhome SE is anyway like iPhone 6, so nothing new there). We will see.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rX{
- 30 Apr 2020
Lol even the iPhone 11 is better than the s20 ultra ulgy design low-end soc with heat ... A lot of bugs especially in processing even 1 years old iPhone like the 11 pro max is better than the ultra and for the dame prixe juste imagine if these prices are true it is gonna be the 21 ultra super max amoled ultra sonic exynos
- ?
- Anonymous
- JT5
- 30 Apr 2020
What makes phones expensive is not 5G.
It is 120Hz screen, much bigger camera cmos, periscopes, more battery, etc ..
Apple is not going to have any of this.
- J
- Jack07
- msn
- 30 Apr 2020
So, let me understand. They keep the same design for 3 years and people are still acting like it is a new amazing phone. Apple boys! Faceslap!
- ?
- Anonymous
- qb4
- 30 Apr 2020
Nice. Pro Max will be mine!
- e
- egcg
- yp1
- 30 Apr 2020
My next phone will be iphone 12 pro. Got tired of samsung software support. Samsung flagships loses value quickly & only 2 years of major updates for $1000 phone is bullshit.
- Nothing New
- rpn
- 30 Apr 2020
The prices are good if they are true , at least they are not going to charge extra for 5g
- S
- Saravanan
- U@3
- 30 Apr 2020
Even without 5G flagship phones, prices went very high.