Dark Knight Nokia Lumia 900 priced, only 900 to ever exist
- t
- therock
- 4Hr
- 01 Jun 2012
NOKIA AND BATMAN fighting crime! Now, that's a dynamic duo.
BATMAN first paired with NOKIA in BATMAN BEGINS when the nokia 5800 express music was used as a bat sonar.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kg3
- 01 Jun 2012
floppia, 31 May 2012That means jack all.Nokia probably bribed them for this so ... moreNokia, Samsung and HTC are bribing people. Proof below.
- i
- ibm
- 2SR
- 01 Jun 2012
asha21, 31 May 2012Keep dreaming kid!! Your the avid fun of SGS3!!! LOLdreaming made the companies doing better, lets wait and keep dreaming about lumia 900 and see the result.
- T
- Tony Stark
- P@d
- 01 Jun 2012
Like an Iron Man Lumia..
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$u
- 01 Jun 2012
floppia, 31 May 2012That means jack all.Nokia probably bribed them for this so ... moreits amazizng phnone-- think wat u want --
- ?
- Anonymous
- kg3
- 01 Jun 2012
floppia, 31 May 2012That means jack all.Nokia probably bribed them for this so ... moreSamsung probably bribed them. I have a galaxy s2 and it's not as good as the lumia 900.
- D
- Denzo
- 2CF
- 31 May 2012
This looks pretty nice. Exclusive makes it even nicer and I really like the Windows OS.. smooth like iOS and has some good things going..
- f
- floppia
- 3af
- 31 May 2012
Anonymous, 31 May 2012Lumia 900 won the best cellphone of CES 2012, Popular Mecha... moreThat means jack all.Nokia probably bribed them for this so called award.Of they were that good why are they dropping so quick in price and and why are they giving loads of freebies away with the to try and shift them.There a flop thats the truth and sales are no way like the gs3 nokia can only dream of this kind of success.Its sad but true ssu.g have won more awards with the s2 and the s3 will follow.9MILLION PRE ORDERS AND COUNTING.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kg3
- 31 May 2012
Lumia 900 won the best cellphone of CES 2012, Popular Mechanics editor's choice award for CES and Popular Science "Product of the Future". #1 rated phone in Amazon with 500+ customer reviews. Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak prefers Windows Phone over Android after using the Lumia 900. He said Windows Phone and their apps look better than anything he has seen on Android or iOS. Both Siri and S-Voice on Galaxy S3 have said Windows Phone is the best. Lumia 900 is the best phone ever created. It's very fast and beautiful, running on the most intuitive and reliable OS.
- f
- floppia
- 3af
- 31 May 2012
Lumia 900 sucks root, 31 May 2012hahahahahaha. lumia... thats the funniest word i have heard... moreCouldnt agree more.Nokia is floored underpowered and destroyed by the gs3 loom at the sales.When did nokia last have a a major release like this on there hands.The best thing they can do is offer us a cheesy tatman phone with limited uselesa software.Dream on losers
- A
- Andy
- ajN
- 31 May 2012
900 is a big number when counting limited edition cars, but when speaking about phones is a tiny sum. The most rarest Nokia phone is the N950 MeeGo Harmattan DevKit phone, less than the Batman 900 phone (and olny counting the black N950s, the silver ones are rarer that Veyrons)
- D
- AnonD-48819
- fBh
- 31 May 2012
Lumia 900 sucks root, 31 May 2012hahahahahaha. lumia... thats the funniest word i have heard... moreYeah, I just checked the stats and saw that SGS3 was blown away by Meizu (Chinese company) in benchmarks.
- a
- alextwit69
- mVx
- 31 May 2012
Lumia 900 sucks root, 31 May 2012hahahahahaha. lumia... thats the funniest word i have heard... morehahahaha your obviously BAsherrrr!!!
Promoting SGS3 in Nokia's phone page...LAME
- W
- Whatchasay
- 4$v
- 31 May 2012
Lumia 900 sucks root, 31 May 2012hahahahahaha. lumia... thats the funniest word i have heard... more"hahahahahaha. lumia... thats the funniest word i have heard in a long time. nothing will beat the gs3 EXCEPT THE NEXT iPHONE. fact... look at the stats. take your crap little single core over expensive door stop and take a long walk off a short cliff"
There I fixed it for you. No need to thank me.
- L
- Lumia 900 sucks root
- M3s
- 31 May 2012
hahahahahaha. lumia... thats the funniest word i have heard in a long time. nothing will beat the gs3. fact... look at the stats. take your crap little single core over expensive door stop and take a long walk off a short cliff
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sgv
- 31 May 2012
A production run of 900 eh. I knew that Nokia's sales had tumbled but I didn't realise that things had got this bad :-)
- P
- Poorepicfail
- pth
- 31 May 2012
Seriously this is the most ugliest brick looking underpowered phone I've ever used.The specs of it are old and dead before its released and to top it off it's windows puke.No future and no direction for Nokia now.So long old friend
- W
- Whatchasay
- 4$v
- 31 May 2012
Anonymous, 31 May 2012LOL nokia already dead.... they can't compete with Sams... moreIf they made 1,000,000 phones then it isn't a collectible anymore, is it? It's just a different version. I don't think the fanboys on this site understand the concept of a limited edition collectible.
- t
- tharani
- 31 May 2012
nice 4n
- m
- mlk
- v{u
- 31 May 2012
Most importantly Nokia Lumia 900 is a good phone.