The US is trying to cut off Huawei's global chip supply, China threatens retaliation

15 May 2020
The US Department of Commerce announced stricter rules for trade with China, affecting any company that uses US tech to manufacture chips.

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  • I
  • I am Inevitable
  • D0g
  • 16 May 2020

Anonymous, 16 May 2020What a delusional narcissistic comment.when USA is mad, shows you are winning.

    • X
    • X
    • ku{
    • 16 May 2020

    Crackling Doom, 15 May 2020This is what happens when you put an Oompa Loompa in charge. But remember, it's Obama's flaut

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 7XY
      • 16 May 2020

      NotAnOpinion, 15 May 2020Bahahaha! What's so laughable is, people on here are rea... moreWhat a delusional narcissistic comment.

        • T
        • TestTest
        • t34
        • 16 May 2020

        Anonymous, 16 May 2020I will not pay more due to USA extra cost to manufacturers,... moreTotally agree.

          • T
          • TestTest
          • t34
          • 16 May 2020

          NotAnOpinion, 15 May 2020Bahahaha! What's so laughable is, people on here are rea... moreUS fanboy, Huawei's new phones use less than 1% of US made chips.
          Second, travel to some country, get familiar with how people are living there, what they think and only then you will have a right to talk about one country or another.
          Getting your knowledge from MSM is not so bright of an idea.

            • T
            • TestTest
            • t34
            • 16 May 2020

            Anonymous, 15 May 2020while xijinping is also trying to hide the facts that coron... moreYou don't know what you are talking about. Reading from one-side sources is not a good way to get the full picture.
            China lied about numbers?
            Why China identified the virus then, while France was keeping silent about it? You have a reports of people who came WuHan games in 2019, some of them already being sick with flu-like symptoms and being told by French to keep it hush-hush, not allowing them to speak to press and get a test. You have reports online. Go and check it on your own.
            I don't hear from you calling out France for that?
            Virus was first identified in WuHan. That does not mean that it originated there, yet.
            Anyway, I just hope that TSMC will show some backbone and say "NO" to US request. Taiwan should be in good relationship with their neighbours. No country should be able to pressure anyone on who they will do a business with. If TSMC want to make another plant in US, let it be. But this, what Trump/US is doing atm is outrageous.
            I have to stand behind Huawei with this!!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 3gE
              • 16 May 2020

              I will not pay more due to USA extra cost to manufacturers, that's for sure. I'll choose brands that do not do that and offer better prices globally. Brands will have to choose and hopefully all this will promote more R&D and new technology that do not depend of US patents so we as customers will have a bigger variety of products to choose and not more expensive ones. Even cheaper due to not have to pay extra royalties.

                Plot twist : trump loves huawei deep inside and this is one of his plans to make them independent of usa

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 8pc
                  • 16 May 2020

                  Anonymous, 15 May 2020We have a family of six and switch to Huawei from Apple and... moreBlind love for a brand, feel bad for you.

                    Kriegsherr, 16 May 2020Nope, low cost production would be shifted to India, Bangla... moreWell, of course, Iran, N. Korea, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen (what do all these regimes have in common?). I mean, they are the reason why Huawei try to secretly breach US/UK sanctions to do business with them after all.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3gE
                      • 16 May 2020

                      Kriegsherr, 16 May 2020Nope, low cost production would be shifted to India, Bangla... moreMoney is not friendly. China will evolve and develop its own technology despite if they have or not external support. Productions will always be shifted to the cheaper place, at least for now. So yes, Vietnam, etc will win it for now. Also customers will shift to brands with better prices that do not charge extra cost due to the USA facilities, salaries and production. Apple even with their own will have to decide to charge only USA customers the extra price, maybe up to 250 - 400 dollars more for each phone depending the hardware or charge more globally losing customers that will no accept the new prices while competitors that don't produce in USA offer a lot better prices. The Apple ecosystem will not be enough reason if prices rise a lot. The time will show it.

                        outsider007, 16 May 2020If the world can't work together by now then it never will.... moreInsular and conservative? You mean China with its own country firewall and blocking of services and apps?

                          [deleted post]Lol US lets getting help from China to battles the virus...why to cut off??

                            Itz vikky G, 16 May 2020The US is going too far,for me i called this wickerd we suf... morehow dumb it is to be fan of a country just by using a single product?

                              • j
                              • ja
                              • IbI
                              • 16 May 2020

                              Huawei is just the Chinese Communist Party in semiconductor form.

                                Anonymous, 16 May 2020Good. China will evolve more and manufacture they own tech... moreNope, low cost production would be shifted to India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand and some other asian countries. if they are needed, Latin american countries can be good option too. remember, profit comes from top of the line products, not midranger. so the market of america and europe would be gone for china. Japan korea and europe is america's ally. it wont take long to form groups of countries and China won't win anyhow. who do you think other than Russia would support china in this?

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-909757
                                  • pZQ
                                  • 16 May 2020

                                  Can't we just ban peoples ?
                                  The problem will be solved quite rapidly...

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-888522
                                    • IPp
                                    • 16 May 2020

                                    NotAnOpinion, 15 May 2020Another thing, that blind threat that China will retaliate ... moreThis post is seriously the only sensible comment backed by facts! Thank you!

                                    China cannot afford “retaliation” without causing further damage to its economy. Give it a few more years maybe it can stand a chance, but it’s at the mercy of US right now.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3gE
                                      • 16 May 2020

                                      Good. China will evolve more and manufacture they own technology offering it cheaper to the rest of the world. USA products that will forced to pay the new facilities and factories cost plus more expensive salaries and will only sell locally at insane cost. A pity for USA citizens as they'll have less options to buy in the future, Apple will raise prices due to that, Samsung will charge more as will be forced to invest more there. The rest of the world will simply ignore that market. They will not be able to export as no one will pay their expensive products, so USA market will become a local restricted and restrained than ever. Trump will change United States of America!!! ;D

                                        Itz vikky G, 16 May 2020US think that they are the best in the world which they are... moreYes and only thing US is good at nowadays is making their allied foolish.
                                        US it not to trust anymore, they only deserve to be friends with... US... America first they says.
                                        They are making wars around the world only to get more money, sooo hypocrite.
                                        They pushes their allied to the Chinese and maybe even the Russian and the whole world is laughing... What a shame.