Galaxy Nexus ban in the US gets temporarily suspended
- ?
- Anonymous
- sF{
- 08 Jul 2012
AnonD-62170, 08 Jul 2012there are so many defensive android fanboys here, hehe. why... moreTry looking at statistic. It's statistically proven that the Apple's OS does indeed face more crashes than the Android counterpart.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vbS
- 08 Jul 2012
AnonD-62170, 08 Jul 2012there are so many defensive android fanboys here, hehe. why... moreWow, you're in denial. Studies show that iOS crashes a lot more than android does. The funny thing is that iOS cant even do 1/4th of the things android can. Basic things such as transfering files via drag and drop, live wallpapers, watching movies of many different formats etc. just aren't available on your puny little device. You will feel the lag on android if you compare the iphone to devices 1/2 or 1/4th of its asking price. Use a SGS3 and you will see the true potential of android. Android devices are "difficult to use to the average joe" only if the average joe is an absolute technophobe (in which case iOS will also be difficult to use). Android is far more user friendly and customisable in every way possible and if you still believe otherwise, watch this video series One more thing the diverse nature of android and google provides devices that vary in personalities.
You have a choice of phones that ranges from small pocket and budget friendly phones to huge 5.3" screen mammoths (GNote) to quadcore powerhouses (SGS3, HOX, Optimus 4X HD). The choice available in iphones is either black or white. It's still upto you what you prefer.
- D
- AnonD-62170
- 08 Jul 2012
there are so many defensive android fanboys here, hehe. why so insecure? can't help the fact that apple mad you're supposed superior phone temporarily banned in the US?
many of you fanboys keep saying that apple and their os sucks and it stinks. give a reason then to proove it.
android lags and more often crashes than iOS. is that an os that sucks? so, to you guys, an OS that is more stable and user-friendly sucks while an OS that lags more and is more difficult to use to the average joe is superior.
iOS is bad (PERIOD!). that's you're reason. how rational.
- D
- AnonD-62170
- 08 Jul 2012
Anonymous, 07 Jul 2012it doenst matter. samsung now #1 cellphone manufacturing/s... moreare you crazy? can you're galaxy phone unzip you're pants? don't think so. i think you just didn't know how to use a 4s to it's full potential. what did you consider to make you switch to android?
- D
- AnonD-62170
- 08 Jul 2012
Gregory, 08 Jul 2012Am i delirious, or does it look like on the street that 90%... moreyes, you really are delirious, hehe.
- S
- Sam
- M3s
- 08 Jul 2012
Gregory, 08 Jul 2012Am i delirious, or does it look like on the street that 90%... moreYou're totally deluded. the iPhone has a massive market covering all ages and cultures. I work in phone retail and the amount of iPhones sold to any age of customer is massive!
- G
- Gregory
- d$b
- 08 Jul 2012
Am i delirious, or does it look like on the street that 90% of the iPhone 4 buyers consists of teenage girls and 10% of social wannabes? Apple is smart targeting this consumer group because most of them do not know what a brutally overpriced phone they are buying. It seems like most business people, smartphone users and grown ups have a Galaxy device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IW9
- 08 Jul 2012
This is so stupid.. even iam not sammy fans.. but iam android user.. apple are so... being a kids... apple are not reconise by its innovation but most of the story about apple lawsuit patern war.. hahahhaha
Dear apple: go back to your mac world..!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- IW9
- 08 Jul 2012
This is so stupid.. even iam not sammy fans.. but iam android user.. apple are so... being a kids... apple are not reconise by its innovation but most of the story about apple lawsuit patern war.. hahahhaha
Dear apple: go back to your mac world..!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- qiG
- 08 Jul 2012
Anonymous, 08 Jul 2012Apple has no class...maybe...maybe not.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qiG
- 08 Jul 2012
Anonymous, 07 Jul 2012it doenst matter. samsung now #1 cellphone manufacturing/s... moreits a matter of opinion.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SHe
- 08 Jul 2012
Apple has no class...
- s
- silly hamps
- m8I
- 08 Jul 2012
with their crapple four corner patents :) so funny :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rbq
- 07 Jul 2012
Unless you prefer your internet experience to be text-only with NO audio or video or interactive functions beyond text links and youtube-mobile, I'd stay away from the new nexus and android4.1
Remember why you went with android in the first place? Choice..well 4.1 takes away 70% of your media options online. Restricted/limited browsing is a problem for 4years ago, not today! Fight with your pocketbooks, that's the only language companies understand.. unless you don't like choice, maybe you prefer having options taken away..
- e
- equinox
- 6P$
- 07 Jul 2012
Its not Apple own all the patents in the world.No one like their products now so they opted this strategy trying one company after another
- d
- dave
- J4b
- 07 Jul 2012
Apple's Ios is now copying android and 4.0 and 4.1 are the most beautiful and advanced OS for mobiles. the only problem is that apple has 3 smartphones while android has... i don't know.. millions. If you want your phone to be updated get the nexus.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4{n
- 07 Jul 2012
it doenst matter.
samsung now #1 cellphone manufacturing/seller in world, surpassing nokia, may they RIP.
apple is afraid because samsung is pumping out so many high quality phones while apple, determined to control every little aspect of its phone, is pumping out 1 a year.
and believe me, from an ex-apple user and now samsung supporter, their phones far surpass apple's any day of the week. i even had the 4S at one point and even SIRI wasnt all that great.
when she is able to unzip my fly and help me go to the bathroom, than MAYBE ill switch back to apple.
but knowing samsung, by then their phones will help me go to the bathroom, wipe my backside, and make me breakfast.
- w
- what wow
- 3RM
- 07 Jul 2012
sanitycheck, 07 Jul 2012Note that "we" consumers are eventually paying fo... moreonly if you buy apple or samsung.
if i buy sony or lg i dont have to pay the premium for the lawsuits :d
- s
- sanitycheck
- I0S
- 07 Jul 2012
Note that "we" consumers are eventually paying for all of the heavy legal costs triggered by Apple, in addition to all the marketing costs they spend to attract certain target age groups, who for some reason are getting very emotional and religious often lacking objectivity, fairness, and open-mindedness...
Many people own both Apple and Samsung products and use Google every day. However, we did not buy Apple (or any other brand) products because we were blinded by the "religious" beliefs and sophisticated marketing schemes that certain company(s) use. They were bought because they met very specific needs best.
Regardless of product or company, getting religious and turning into "blind" people don't appear to be very productive. Otherwise, you'll miss out too much on other good or better stuff...