Watch the Poco X3 NFC announcement live here

07 September 2020
The event will begin at noon GMT and will be live-streamed on YouTube.

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  • s
  • sq2013
  • 7P3
  • 07 Sep 2020

Qimchi, 07 Sep 2020Almost thought this was a realme product because of the nam... moreThe branding as NFC is done simply because a lot of buyers just don't know what they're buying. Poco are simply taking advantage of the average consumer's naivety.

    • s
    • sq2013
    • 7P3
    • 07 Sep 2020

    Qimchi, 07 Sep 2020Almost thought this was a realme product because of the nam... moreUnder 50 cents per Chip including the NFC chip and RFID chip. It's dirt cheap but manufacturers simply cost it's value based on it's usefulness and not what it costs to implement. Another smartphone manufacturer marketing trick. Because it allows for contactless payment, they probably put an extra 30-50 quid on the price of any phone that includes it. Not all manufacturers do this though. The redmi note 8 pro can be purchased for 185 euros. The phone has NFC and the cost is not leveraged to a higher amount just because of NFC being included.

      Almost thought this was a realme product because of the name and logo colour. Out of all the things they could've chose (Pro, Plus, +,) they chose NFC. How expensive is NFC to not have it in every phone?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PZa
        • 07 Sep 2020

        How do they know what I need? I think it comes with NFC.