Leaked iPhone 5 parts fit nicely into supposed frame
21 August, 2012
iResQ, Apple devices repair company, fitted parts into the new chassis of the iPhone 5.
- C
- Chetu
- vGF
- 21 Aug 2012
I am kinda tired hearing about leaked sh**, Just bring it out as i am waiting to see what they have to offer vs Droids :D
Hoping for some freedom or ill be go for Droid again !
- ?
- Anonymous
- p77
- 21 Aug 2012
50 million devices sold this year!
- D
- AnonD-54125
- QuD
- 21 Aug 2012
why doesn't anyone care?
if it doesn't have better specs than xiaomi mi2 then I wont either
- O
- OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!
- 21 Aug 2012
omg!!! omg!!! omg!!! heeee....
- l
- lol what?
- fJC
- 21 Aug 2012
The rumored iPhone 5 features a 3.5 mm headphone jack at the bottom!!! OMG!!! Thats the turning point of smartphone era!!! This news should have made the headlines of "The Guardian" and "The Times"!!!