Xiaomi sold 200,000 Mi-One S phones in less than 30 minutes
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0X
- 23 Aug 2012
galaxy s3 is still much better with a trusted brand
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 23 Aug 2012
what? china phones sold like this! i cant believe it!
- T
- TruckStop
- Mk7
- 23 Aug 2012
Nice! A dual core Android with Jelly Bean for under €200. If they release this outside of China other manufacturers would have to lower their prices to be competetive.
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2c
- 23 Aug 2012
as one of the first owners of the Xiao Mi M1 phone living overseas, I sometimes question the actual 'success' of the device. There was no doubt hard to get at the beginning, but at this stage, just two months before the 80 US dollar more much more powerful M2 going to be on sale, the attractiveness of this M1S is pretty questionable as oct closes in.
Its server was pretty much dead when I try to order the device last year.
The device is rooted out of the box and able to install every software outside Google Play imaginable, which makes it the only officially Android with offical root support.
- e
- exe
- mEB
- 23 Aug 2012