WhatsApp moves forward the date to accept its new terms to May 15
- ?
- Anonymous
- nFa
- 20 Apr 2021
I just had a message asked me to sign in with Facebook to get my comment published! I don't to FB/Twaddle/Instacrap or any of the other antisocial media stuff. Never have and never will.
- B
- Bintim
- nFa
- 20 Apr 2021
It's not so much the front end that's important it's where the servers are based, I always avoid anything based in the US and China/Russia. If you want real privacy use Threema (servers in Germany
- B
- Bensone
- Nue
- 03 Feb 2021
bear yogurt, 20 Jan 2021the end of whatsapp and hopefully the end of facebook Love is the altimate
- D
- DantE O2
- njB
- 22 Jan 2021
bear yogurt, 20 Jan 2021the end of whatsapp and hopefully the end of facebook funny thing is the 2 founders of signal are among previous founders of whatsapp and facebook themselves . you are a genius.
- b
- bear yogurt
- S7v
- 20 Jan 2021
the end of whatsapp and hopefully the end of facebook
- i0S...Never...Again
- 7kd
- 20 Jan 2021
Anonymous, 19 Jan 2021And if you know that terrori*ts changed app, then it must b... moreFbi knows it.
It's just that intercepting WhatsApp conversations was easier for the Fbi, not so much with telegram.
- ?
- Anonymous
- x3Z
- 19 Jan 2021
Facebook not getting your message or call but it can get your phone contact number to sold it, not just your number but all your friends contact number also. Many people may receive many unwanted call from salesperson after that. Should change to other apps, let Facebook own WhatsApp with no users anymore. 2021 is the date for WhatsApp to RIP. A lesson for Facebook to learn.
- ?
- Anonymous
- prk
- 19 Jan 2021
i0S...Never...Again, 18 Jan 2021Terr*rist switched from WhatsApp to Telegram as WhatsApp wa... moreAnd if you know that terrori*ts changed app, then it must be very correct and important thing. Maybe you know that, but FBI doesn't?
- t
- theRajeshV
- 7k3
- 18 Jan 2021
Anonymous, 17 Jan 2021Speak of yourself... End to end encryption widly used here ... more*facepalm*
End-to-end encryption refers to complete and single-point encryption of data between the sender (one end) and the receiver (other end). None of the servers or relays in between will be able to see your data.
Your referring to in-transit encryption. *sigh*
- t
- theRajeshV
- 7k3
- 18 Jan 2021
i0S...Never...Again, 18 Jan 2021Terr*rist switched from WhatsApp to Telegram as WhatsApp wa... moreOh, you see me endorse WhatsApp? Feel free to show me where.
Only the stupidest of your heroes would use Telegram instead of Element.
- i0S...Never...Again
- 7k9
- 18 Jan 2021
theRajeshV, 16 Jan 2021Telegram is NOT 'end-to-end' encrypted by default... moreTerr*rist switched from WhatsApp to Telegram as WhatsApp was easily intercepted by intelligence agencies. Let that sink in! Let that tell you which is more secure.
I trust Telegram over Thief Zucki's products namely FB, WhatsApp & Instagram.
- M
- Muttley
- dUP
- 18 Jan 2021
So The Zucker made a mistake by actually admitting he just wants your data.
Now people are now looking at what data facebook wants from you.
I suspect that facebook is losing users also as now it is mainstream news.
All the people who made Zucker rich are either happy to continue giving him their data or shuting their accounts.
Zucker may not worry for the moment , but a business idea based on theft is probably not so good in the long term.
I used facebook once but they demanded my real name , so I said adios.
- M
- Missowly
- mQn
- 17 Jan 2021
It’s moving BACK not forward. Forward would mean it’s happening sooner, the opposite of postponed. This is important.
- M
- Missowly
- mQn
- 17 Jan 2021
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8js
- 17 Jan 2021
Carol, 17 Jan 2021Yeah, what is even worse is that this people who think they... moreSpeak of yourself... End to end encryption widly used here means the 'transfer' of data between user to user is encrypted. It does NOT mean the storage (both server AND client) is encrypted. There is no ways 1) Anyone can proof Telegram's server are encrypted as that part is closed-sourced. You can only accept and believe what they say. 2) The client side is definitely NOT encrypted, and it funny you mention recovery, as it's been known and proof deleted Telegram client data including messages can be recovered. A quick google of 'telegram data recovery' and you can see for yourself. And given Telegram's funding source, it unlikely encryption of actual data will ever being enforced as the extra taxation data and processing required on the server.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8js
- 17 Jan 2021
aReefer, 17 Jan 2021Another aspect of Telegram's security - and another re... moreYes, you were told... and now you're spreading information of something you're unsure and without a confirming source... Despite I like neither Signal or Telegram, but I find it amazing Telegram is much popular by far as it NOT that secure at all (not to mention end-to-end encryption is not enable by default, there's many instance you wonder the decision of design at stages such as no encryption for group messages, and for very long, not even expert can foolproof that all message of telegram IS encrypted), definitely not locally encrypted as even deleted data can be recovered and is actually PARTIALLY open-source. Only the end-client side is open sourced, the cryptography protocol and server which is much more important is NOT. Also there has been known cases of unintentional file leak on the Anroid client. In comparison Signal is much better in comparison. However, the need of phone number as a immediate identifier is a no go for me, not to mention despite the minimal data signal keep, it critical enough to become an identifier.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8js
- 17 Jan 2021
Anonymous, 17 Jan 2021The government need to make FB spin off WhatsApp, apple to ... moreAnd WhatsApp need to generate revenue how if it becomes independent? I'm not justify what Facebook is doing, but often people glorify and go way too beyond the need of 'open source', independent and all. It hard for any open source project/organization to generate proper and stable revenue, and in communication platform it even more difficult as the need of having an opex for server and its maintenance cost. Needless to say, look at the recent service down of Signal and how many huge downtime did Telegram have?
- ?
- Anonymous
- p%B
- 17 Jan 2021
Zucky made an oopsie.
- H
- Handsome
- fwq
- 17 Jan 2021
We don't care, but we are moving out if what's app
- S
- Some of director
- gyt
- 17 Jan 2021
We're stop using WApp on our factory plant and tell all our employees to stop doing this. We change it to Telegram for now (I don't know for how long). Of course it concern only business chats. Also our IT Security group force to use our managers Key2 phone model and that works perfectly. Don't be fool people all that's doing Facebook it's for crowd control and all that is just for data for AD and money of course. If I want to chat about pizzas I'll use any chat app whatever it is even youtube live :) but if we are talking about business staff and money well we throw away all potentially unreliable.