Apple files another lawsuit against Samsung, adds more devices

31 August, 2012
The notable additions to the new list of devices are the Samsung Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note 10.1.

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  • D
  • AnonD-68354
  • vwq
  • 02 Sep 2012

[deleted post]We respect your Right 2 Freedom of Xpression n can understand y ur soo jealous of Samsung! However, u SERIOUSLY need a vacation pal, paid 4 by Apple!

    • 3
    • 313photography
    • TiN
    • 02 Sep 2012

    Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012then sumsung will be more than screwed because that is wher... moreyou think
    if it was like that you will never see a menace from samsung to apple and you will see apple supported from another compagny

      • K
      • Kaushal
      • vwn
      • 02 Sep 2012

      Apple has lost it, it is just jealous as samsung is coming up with alot of smartphones and apple worries that their market share will drop down drastically.

      Rather than sueing, Apple should focus on their Launch for I-Phone 5 and lay it a smackdown to samsung....which is very difficult...hope for the best cheers

        • 3
        • 313photography
        • TiN
        • 02 Sep 2012

        Tomsk, 02 Sep 2012For all those who think Samsung copied just think of this E... morewow you really really do a great job by writting this
        its something that change the mind to something else lol

          • i
          • iSJ5
          • t7X
          • 02 Sep 2012

          [deleted post]best comment of the day!

            • D
            • Dutch
            • UE6
            • 02 Sep 2012

            I guess Apple has no other way to stay ahead... Bad game, Apple... Go Samsung

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • t7X
              • 02 Sep 2012

              Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012sumsung wont file a case against apple possible because the... moreyeah! lagdroidfans want to be a judge! lol!

                • M
                • MAKRAJA
                • vbx
                • 02 Sep 2012

                Apple dO what or with your lawsuits , we live in democracy , go for any products available or through in markets. if apple have guts then they BAN the product before its launch. What FCC and other govt. official do when company registering the product.??

                  • i
                  • iSJ5
                  • t7X
                  • 02 Sep 2012

                  [deleted post]apple is not greedy! they just revenge!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • q8Q
                    • 02 Sep 2012

                    AnonD-59657, 02 Sep 2012Iphone used to be best smartphone but it is history now. T... moreIt was never best. It was just more known.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-68354
                      • vwq
                      • 02 Sep 2012

                      Oh and to all the folks sayn Apple is all about America, perhaps u guys 4got that Android is also an American product! Google is a sleeping giant, which hasn't yet been needed 2 show it's muscle n might! Apple have been very cautious thus far in not challenging Google directly, cos they're wary of Google's prowess n Google is also CA-based! However, this time they hav gone too far with the Galaxy Nexus, n v can expect to Google to vigorously defend it's own should it be challenged!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 7tU
                        • 02 Sep 2012

                        Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012sumsung wont file a case against apple possible because the... moreHow much crapple "pay the loyalties" to you to speak these non-sense.


                          • T
                          • Tomsk
                          • mxh
                          • 02 Sep 2012

                          Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012sumsung wont file a case against apple possible because the... moreAh thanks for that. It explains other cases in the rest of the world where Apple have been suing and lost.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • fu$
                            • 02 Sep 2012

                            sumsung wont file a case against apple possible because they have nothing against apple.if apple has used somebody's ideas in their phones i'm sure they have paid loyalty fee for them.the mistake sumsung did is that they refused to pay the loyalties and even told apple to go to can sumsung fans stop running their mouth around!nobody takes to court for absolutely nothing

                              • s
                              • sunny_summer
                              • 4ve
                              • 02 Sep 2012

                              Samsung the copy cat must be punished, after that, they will focus on creating new stuff to make their phone better. SS should learn from Sony and Nokia or even LG!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-59657
                                • u7m
                                • 02 Sep 2012

                                apple fanboy, 02 Sep 2012Dear apple dont forget to sue sony ,lg and htc too because ... moreIphone used to be best smartphone but it is history now.
                                The best smartphone on earth id Sammy Galaxy S3 and Note 2.

                                  • T
                                  • Tomsk
                                  • mxh
                                  • 02 Sep 2012

                                  For all those who think Samsung copied just think of this EVERYTHING you have in your home is a copy of some original. Everything from the roof above your head to the flooring under your feet. So you have a car in the driveway, well that is a copy from the original car. What about the food in your fridge...well do you thing that is the original type off apple or milk container.

                                  You just posted online and even if it is from a mac or iphone they are 'copied' from what already existed.Where did Apple get that shape from, did they magically wave a wand and think i know i'll invent a shape called a rectangle but with rounded corners, well that shape already existed too.

                                  A Copy is something that looks like the original in every sense, if you think Samsungs did that with their phones then why do you have an iphone if it is a copy. There is an old saying a fool and their money are soon parted.

                                  All people ever hear from Iphone users are "You're envious because YOU can't afford one" Well as someone who can (hell i bought house, carS, etc all cash, i still wouldn't have one, hell i don't even want a smart phone.

                                  What i want to see is a world where fair is fair. Whatever next, violent spouses sitting on jurys to defend other violent people, sure that would be fair.

                                  Imagine those times in life where you have been accused of doing something wrong, knowing you didn't do anything wrong but everyone blaming you. How did that feel? It may have been when you were a child or just yesterday.

                                  So fine if you want a world where you have just one choice of everything do it now, go out and buy just one colour shirt, trousers etc, just one make of cereal, one brand of food no matter what it is, then when it isn't there in the store you'll have to wait till it is in stock, why switch to something else YOU wanted a one brand world and when prices go up through the roof still pay the man for it .

                                  I want a world of freedom of choice, to choose what i want in life, not have it dictated to me by a company that is really only interested in its own finances NOT what its customers want. I know iphone users who are annoyed with Apple and the way they haven't listened to customers, the same goes for other users of different mobiles, Samsung had the D900 screen problem, no one listened to them at the company either.

                                  Just remember Apple users, without Samsung there wouldn't be an Iphone and without the Iphone, Samsung would be down sales of chips etc.

                                    • s
                                    • sulo
                                    • Rxg
                                    • 02 Sep 2012

                                    Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012Samsung has over 80 divisions that all operate semi-indepen... moreits not copying its using the idea and making it better or crapper depending on the company apple is a very good company when it comes to making things but even they get an idea and make it better its just how a business is if everything was copying then there would be one company for everything for example there would only be mercedes benz as the only car manufaturer unless someone made something new, apple just took everything to a whole new level by patenting alot of their ideas which quite a lot are not invented by the company

                                      • r
                                      • rcl4444
                                      • sG{
                                      • 02 Sep 2012

                                      AnonD-22157, 02 Sep 2012if Apple keep winning each lawsuits against samsung the pro... moreApple haven't been winning lawsuits - this is the first one. They've lost every other one in the world so far.

                                        • B
                                        • Bro
                                        • RJ2
                                        • 02 Sep 2012

                              , 01 Sep 2012what ever apple will do ,,,,, samsung at the end will eat t... moreOf course apple will be dead in future...