Nokia fakes Lumia 920 PureView video, issues an apology for it

06 September, 2012
Turns out the highly stabilized footage in the video was from a professional video camera, not the Lumia 920.

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  • M
  • MarkusLeto
  • K7c
  • 06 Sep 2012

No big deal. Nokia hardware is the best. Their R&D rocks!! Haters gonna hate. Wait for the proper reviews will yah?!

    • a
    • anonymous
    • t7X
    • 06 Sep 2012

    AnonD-5666, 06 Sep 2012The images are FAKE too: morelet the real lumia 920 talk when its out...ur just referring to a non-concrete conclusion.look at the pictures lower left part it is written clear that lumia 920 is used(ApolloPureView-image2.jpeg)
    videos that was posted here is just misleading which in the first place it is common sense that they did not claim to be lumia 920's outcome ( thats why apology came out ).. why is it hard to those fanboys to shot-up and understand videos purposes was to emphasized the possible real life functionality of the phone...
    if this phone bomb the market might changes other brands over pricing and very cheap looking style

      • V
      • Vin
      • t7X
      • 06 Sep 2012

      Honestly the best policy

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • MDV
        • 06 Sep 2012

        LOL LOL! it shows how is capable the lumia 920! LOL 185 g brick with no iinovation just like other droids with ugly wp !impureview technology by nokia. may be fakeview technology. LOL! liars finally truth was known! LOL! i won't buy anytime from a bunch of liars!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IVW
          • 06 Sep 2012

          Bad tactics from Nokia considering the camera is very capable. Hopefully camera samples from the real Lumia will put this unfortunate incident to rest.

            • W
            • Wasiq
            • u1t
            • 06 Sep 2012

            Nze 1, 06 Sep 2012iphone 5 is gonna murder every phone out there. long live p... moreLOL! Samsumg has taken all the money they wanted and emptied all the pockets. Apple is too late no wonder the device must be wonderful but samsung played smart and generated all the revenue from apple's loyalists.

              • D
              • AnonD-29900
              • rK1
              • 06 Sep 2012

              the F/2.0 aperture is the lowest found any smartphone. Think of aperture as how “open” a lens can get—the more open, the more light comes in. That’s crucial as light is what camera’s crave and is the key to getting a good image. You want to buy an expensive lens for your DSLR? Search for one with an F/1.4 aperture—basically the lower the number, the better. Reaching F/2.0 on a camera-phone is a pretty big deal, make no mistake about it. It will also greatly help to make your photos better as the shutter speed can go faster.

              back-side illuminated sensors (BSI) —it’s what is found on the iPhone, Titan II and many Samsung phones. It puts the wires behind the sensor, allowing more light to be received and once again, making brighter photos. We’ve wanted Nokia to do this for a very long time and now they have.

              The Lumia 900, Lumia 920 and 808 PureView

              Sensor size is also crucial. Here, the bigger the better and the fact is, most smartphones have tiny sensors. Why do some “pro” DSLRs cost so much? It’s because they have a giant sensor (it’s also why they’re so big). The Lumia 920 sports a 1/1.4” sensor that beats many phones who roll with a smaller 1/2.5”. That brings us to megapixels…

              Photographers hate megapixel discussions because it’s all consumers focus on, instead of all of the above. It’s often the least important aspect as those pixels won’t improve your photo much. It’s good for cropping, yes, but other than that?

              Nokia said they could have added more than the 8MP to that 1/1.4” sensor, as some of their competitors have on their devices. But as we mentioned last night, jamming more megapixels on a sensor can have negative consequences, like reduce image quality. The more pixels on a sensor, the more light you need to illuminate them all. In turn, cameras with high megapixel count tend to have worse low-light performance. That’s right folks, putting 16MP or 32MP into a camera can be a bad thing, especially if it’s on a small sensor.

              No, Nokia took the good route here—the one that photographers would have preferred: larger, BSI sensor with less megapixels so there is less noise in low light conditions.

              Throw in their whole “Floating lens”, which is a mechanical form of image stabilization (aka better than software based) and we’re talking a whole new category of a camera phone. I'VE seen some of the images and so far, I really like what we see. Expect more in the future

                • D
                • AnonD-70004
                • uty
                • 06 Sep 2012

                windows cannot even improve their desktop os.
                advice to windows phone users . the first app you should buy is a good antivirus. but event that wont help bcoz the os itself is a virus. the ability of the os to crash on its own, lag,etc..etc...

                and wp users dreaming of the windows apps will b available for their smartphones keep dreaming

                here are the list of requirements.

                video card of 1 gb or more
                ram of 2gb or more
                processing speed of 3+ gzh not to mention multiple cores.
                only intel and amd are capable of fulfilling their powerful requirements. and when done you will find your smartphone get converted into a laptop.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-3367
                  • fjR
                  • 06 Sep 2012

                  Oh dear Nokia, a new low reached once again :) , i dont know whats worse though? Faking the vids and apparently the pics to OR the Nokia fanboys trying oh so desperately to make excuses, going as low as mentioning other manufacturers, lol.

                  Gone are the days of Nokia innovation i guess, now they are all about gimmicks and faking things, this comes after Lumia900 owners discover they wont get WP8, lol, its a damn shame. Nokia should just exit the HW industry, and sell its patents, for the sake of its finances and fanboys, they have no pride left.

                  Im going to sit back and laugh at the Nokia fanboy insults, bad english and grammar, excuses and desperation now. :)

                    • f
                    • fake crap
                    • Lft
                    • 06 Sep 2012

                    Fake and shoddy like everything Microsoft makes. This is phone for liars and ugly people.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-5666
                      • b%2
                      • 06 Sep 2012

                      The images are FAKE too:


                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Mh}
                        • 06 Sep 2012

                        Nokia have also faked the still images.


                          • D
                          • Dante the great
                          • fsV
                          • 06 Sep 2012

                          Nze 1, 06 Sep 2012iphone 5 is gonna murder every phone out there. long live p... moreSorry. Your comment just seriously confuses me. iPhone will murder every phone. Then u go on to say, long live Sony. Anyway, this article makes me wonder what else Nokia has lied about?

                            • H
                            • Herman
                            • TrD
                            • 06 Sep 2012

                            I think it had to do with planning. The marketing team already knew what they had to deliver some time ago, a movie that demonstrated image stabalization. On that time the 920 was I think not yet finished. So thats why they had to use a different camera to demonstrate the same effect. Nokia is not stupid, when the Phone comes out all sites will review it so they know they have to deliver. The clip is just what it is, a demonstration of the capabilities. The Verge could have said this also, more profesional biased I think.

                              • c
                              • curious
                              • iJs
                              • 06 Sep 2012

                              shame on them

                                • D
                                • AnonD-669
                                • vaP
                                • 06 Sep 2012

                                They could have just used the PV 808. The PureView technology would still be highlighted even if they were introducing WP8 devices.

                                This is a testament that camera phone...even with advance technology such as Nokia's so-called PureView can't deliver what bigboys can do like a DSLR.


                                  • m
                                  • mfuc er
                                  • iwp
                                  • 06 Sep 2012

                                  Nokia is just s -it now.long live android.

                                    • G
                                    • Gavin_Is_A_Man
                                    • iIR
                                    • 06 Sep 2012

                                    A PR disaster from Nokia which reeks of desperation; yet another blow following the whole WP8 thing. Why would they lie about something like this? Is the Pureview not ready or something?

                                      • w
                                      • whatever os bro
                                      • Mfy
                                      • 06 Sep 2012

                                      If Nokia can present OIS well in LUMIA 920, the ads doesn't effect me much..

                                      I dont think a big company and so much experience like Nokia would lie about OIS, it's just the ads use things or anyways to show what OIS does.

                                      Yes, There's a flaw in the ads. Think about this, what if the van doesn't show in the ads, you wouldn't know how the ads being made right ?

                                      The ads, just to show you The "Next Innovation" from Nokia. If the "Next Innovation" can't be brought to reality, then it's true lie for me.

                                      so it doesnt effect me much, just a bad ads only.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-6193
                                        • ijy
                                        • 06 Sep 2012

                                        Waiting for Microsoft Surface Phone!!!