Nokia to investigate the Lumia 920 promo video fiasco

10 September, 2012
Nokia is going to conduct ethical review because of the misleading Lumia 920 commercial.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 0U$
  • 10 Sep 2012

AnonD-8143, 10 Sep 2012wait wait.. so they did all that Lumia launch promo mumbo j... moreWell said
nokia fans please dont lie to yourself!

    • M
    • Miharbiictek
    • p2K
    • 10 Sep 2012

    Normal, this is a Advertising!

      • D
      • AnonD-36622
      • n$4
      • 10 Sep 2012

      [deleted post]You wish mate...I'm not a samsung fan, but they did a really great job with S3, one thing is the design, Lumia is better but...wait, 185g 920 against 133g S3 well that makes me wondering O.o the abilities of S3 are way superior than Lumias. And to finnish, what S3 has alike with crappy iPhone?! Nothing!

        • D
        • AnonD-70835
        • j@$
        • 10 Sep 2012

        investigating yourself the people who got caught in their own lie.........yep that makes me feel " ALOT " better............elop you suck

          • m
          • muhs
          • NrH
          • 10 Sep 2012

          if nokia is that bad, why r there many people trolling and bashing it that much???!the lumia 920 is a marvelous piece of technology, whether u like it or not.
          btw the stock market(yeah it soared during the announcement) recovered after the announcement of lumia 920 which means investors r satisfied about the lumia 920 and it has a chance against the competition using the right marketing tools
          and it was never about android , just look at htc financials and how things r going for htc!
          and everybody makes mistakes, i am sure messing up a video is nothing like being a copycat in case of samsung, or messing up the main function that a phone have in case of apple in iphone 4 antennagate and then replying to the issue with "hold it right"!
          people get over it!

            • D
            • AnonD-8143
            • n5y
            • 10 Sep 2012

            wait wait.. so they did all that Lumia launch promo mumbo jumbo without "understanding what happened" ?? For God's sake, those were some top officials on the stage presenting the pictures n videos mentioning clearly that they were captured by the Lumia 920 in comparison to the latest Galax (cough.. cough).. I saw the Live Event and the crowd's reactions to the images n video presentation. Crowd cheered cuz of the fact that it these samples r from Lumia, not cuz they were from a simulated Lumia.. How dumb does Nokia think people are??? Well maybe they can Understand what Happened when Lumia hits the trash cans..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • t7X
              • 10 Sep 2012

              Nokia treats its loyal client fanbase like sh!t. First with underpowered overpriced devices, then the Nokia N97, then Nokia 5800XM, then the Nokia N8. Then not launching and releasing Nokia 808 PureView on time, then this so called camera phone with lesser features than the previous generation. Lies, lies, and more lies.

                • D
                • AnonD-12210
                • 7tL
                • 10 Sep 2012

                Why are apple and samsung fans accusing nokia ? These both are proven cheater and patent thieves. And nokia didnt say that its shot by 920. They just 4got to add the disclaimer. Thats it . Btw , the verge, witnessed gs3 and iphne 4s being smoked to ashes by lumia 920 camera . How bout that ?

                  • G
                  • Guy Tentworth
                  • nxj
                  • 10 Sep 2012

                  I think some readers need to grow up. Like Eikcam has stated, they were demonstrating what their new technology will be capable of. They never stated that they were using the Lumia 920 to film or capture anything, just replicating its possibilities.

                  Sure, they should have put a disclaimer on their videos and they have slipped up there. But using this as an argument that Nokia are a failure? Their sales figures sure don't show that.

                  I'm also sure by now they know whether or not there are Windows Phone users or not and to whether to ditch it in favour of other platforms. We obviously have some Android fanboys here.

                    • M
                    • Mr Smartman
                    • Pcm
                    • 10 Sep 2012

                    "Even though the video gives you the wrong impression, Nokia has never claimed this an actual Lumia 920 sample. This confusion could have been avoided with a proper disclaimer but there is none within the promo video"

                    ¿How can it be fake if they didn't even said it was from the phone itself?

                    This is called misunderstanding, in my opinion.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-11222
                      • vbR
                      • 10 Sep 2012

                      AnonD-58102, 10 Sep 2012They doomed themselves when they called it "Lumia"... morethey sold 7 million Lumia phone based on old WP 7.5 even if it is not success it is not failure
                      btw i wonder how Nokia will look with Android if they failed with WP sure they will go for it

                        • D
                        • AnonD-58102
                        • ppj
                        • 10 Sep 2012

                        AnonD-42209, 10 Sep 2012Is there really a handset exist named loooomia 920 ??? LoL.... moreThey doomed themselves when they called it "Lumia" I mean come on... say it... Lumia... LUMIAAA... LOOMIA... GLOOMIA... LAMIA... LOO-MIA.

                        Nokia is an absolute mess, this 920 will be another failure, they are disorganized, they STILL will not go Android, cause they never learn, so in the end they'll probably be bought out by somebody.

                          • h
                          • hmm
                          • 3GM
                          • 10 Sep 2012

                          gsm arena mentions no hatred no trolling and no bashing in posting rules but unfortunately does nothing to stop this.. if people dont like anything why do they come to comment? who is asking you to buy it if you dont like it , stay away from it.. simple!
                          All these internet trolls are good for nothing in real life. They can't face the real world so they hide behind computers

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • sXD
                            • 10 Sep 2012

                            Nokia! I think you've underestimated the effort you should be putting in to pull yourselves back from the brink. Get on with it- this is disappointing! ...

                              • D
                              • AnonD-70824
                              • iL%
                              • 10 Sep 2012

                              I think a lot of people need to remove their Tin Foil hats for a bit.

                              The real issue is the fact they're advertising PureView, and the general public had made assumptions it has the Nokia 808 Pureview camera; which let's be fair, would have easily convinced the public it could have made that video. Nokia have already described what the true meaning of Pureview is, and its not just the high quality massive megapixel lens technology alone, its about the pureview and the statement it makes, depending on the job its made to perform. Nokia did not purposely try and convince us the 920 was recording that video, not during the video or anywhere else. It just said it had the technology to stablize the image in hand.

                              Again, remove that tin foil hat before you bash and say "They got caught out blah blah", because there was nothing to catch.

                              Remember this:

                              To assume is to make an ass out of u and me.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • dQI
                                • 10 Sep 2012

                                Yeah, they will investigate it alright! The end result will be punishment for the team responsible for not covering the foot tracks like the mirrored image of the van, and the inconsistencies in the pictures regarding the lights and Helsinki and ...; Nokia has proved once and again that they don't see their financial thriving in being honest with people; what a bad policy.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-36414
                                  • TL5
                                  • 10 Sep 2012

                                  just give this officer or whatever sequence it is-more publicity.people already know lumia has great camera wud just close the mouth of lumia haters who had a chance to open their mouths!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 9C0
                                    • 10 Sep 2012

                                    Anonymous, 10 Sep 2012Its quite understandable that nokia has yet not done much i... moreKeep believing mate. A phone that weighs 185g aint gonna succeed. Another failure from nokia

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-70004
                                      • utL
                                      • 10 Sep 2012

                                      AnonD-42209, 10 Sep 2012Is there really a handset exist named loooomia 920 ??? LoL.... morefor survival a welcome wont do they will have go on their knees and beg to android

                                        • w
                                        • what wow
                                        • 3RM
                                        • 10 Sep 2012

                                        What happened ? You got caught ! Simples !