Samsung Galaxy Watch3 and Watch Active2 receives incremental update
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8F4
- 01 Jul 2021
Elixon, 31 May 2021I know. But I don't see the reason why I have to "... moreI totally agree
I am finished with samsung
I have a 55 inch curved TV that just sits in a corner unused as it is all in Thai
due to region or country and can not change
my galaxy phone somewhat the.same
looking for new NOT SAMSUNG phone now
- ?
- Anonymous
- kqw
- 01 Jun 2021
28 May update drains battery in 4 hours. Is there a fix for this? Horrible updaye!
- Solun1
- 0yR
- 31 May 2021
Elixon, 31 May 2021I know. But I don't see the reason why I have to "... moreLol, whatever floats your boat bro. It's not like THEY don't want you to have it, it's regulations. If they didn't want you to have it the workaround wouldn't be so easy and they would actually make it so it really doesn't work.
- E
- Elixon
- nms
- 31 May 2021
Solun1, 29 May 2021You can simply enable it by downloading the .apk, problem s... moreI know. But I don't see the reason why I have to "cheat" if they promised it in the first place nad I bought into that promise. Not going down that dishonest road. They don't want me to have it then OK, SAMSUNG lied and I don't trust them anymore.
- E
- Elixon
- nms
- 31 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021You can get around this easily, check for instructions on youtubeI know, thanks. But I don't have neither time nor will to tinker with a quite expansive device to break through the restriction artificially imposed by the manufacturer to f*k people over.
They don't want me to have it then I am not going to break the license I had to consent to (no rooting, no "illegal"...).
That way I will stay honest and they will stay liars. Unlike they I will keep my end of bargain. I will remember what SAMSUNG stands for for the future.
- m
- moumen samad
- 8nY
- 30 May 2021
Faisalshoukat, 29 May 2021Plz search on YouTube and download softwares to activities ... morei tried but it wont work
- F
- Faisalshoukat
- 29 May 2021
Plz search on YouTube and download softwares to activities ecg and BP functions
- R
- Ron
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021A watch cost one fourth of this comes with better features.... moreWhich watch?
- S
- Samsung user
- Dk1
- 29 May 2021
Useless watch, samsung promised for blood pressure monitor & ECG, but now it's more than year no update for BP & ECG better go for Apple watch or Garmin watch as per your needs, don't waste money on samsung
- J
- Jay Dee
- uZa
- 29 May 2021
Is this update available in Pakistan
- C
- Curious
- 0B2
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021A watch cost one fourth of this comes with better features.... moreWhich is...?
- Solun1
- 0yR
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021Agree 100%!! Was promissed when I bought the active 2 at th... moreYou can simply enable it by downloading the .apk, problem solves in 10 seconds when this feature wasn't available in my region.
- a
- anon
- Tmc
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021A watch cost one fourth of this comes with better features.... moreOh really, Could you guys tell us about those much cheaper yet more functions watches ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021Agree 100%!! Was promissed when I bought the active 2 at th... moreA watch cost one fourth of this comes with better features...nd long battery hours
- P
- Peterlc
- wgm
- 29 May 2021
I'm still waiting for the blood pressure and ECG functions to be added to my Galaxy Active watch 2 here in Australia. These functions were promised for a few months after I purchased the watch in October 2019. If I knew they weren't going to happen, I would likely have bought something else. Samsung get your act together. It's false advertising at best and blatant fraud at worst. The Active 3 has features activated that should have been on the Active 2 ages ago.
- ?
- Anonymous
- DkP
- 29 May 2021
ECG and BP is working fine for me in watch 3
- T
- Tutho
- YQx
- 29 May 2021
GSM--ARENA, 29 May 2021Samsung has betrayed their customers, AGAIN. Samsung promis... moreYes very.... I would be ditching new watch.
- ?
- Anonymous
- YQx
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021Exactly, they are yet to release ECG and blood pressure mon... moreIs there any option of refund on return of watch for not making available of ECG and Blood Pressure?
- ?
- Anonymous
- rJT
- 29 May 2021
I also bot this for the awaited BP and ECG feature...:(
- ?
- Anonymous
- 56E
- 29 May 2021
Lalitsehgal2181, 28 May 2021Nothing in India..this watch is no better than normal ones.... moreExactly, they are yet to release ECG and blood pressure monitoring in India. Without these, this watch is no different then other watches out there