Google has its first $14B quarter but net income decreases

19 October, 2012
Falling ad click prices and an operating loss from Motorola caused GOOG to miss analysts' expectations.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vV5
  • 19 Oct 2012

Biggest mistake google ever did was bought Motorola & did nothing, while lettings Samsong earn all the profit, obviously selling OS earn peanuts, google should stop feeding Samsong, let Moto have the latest OS at lease 3-6months before realising to other mfg, in this sequence LG, Sony, HTC lastly Samsong, this would help balance the market share, as making Samsong to dominant in the market mean google are at Samsong mercy, in fact Samsong are nothing without google Android, sent Moto back to market leader position.

    • B
    • Babybear
    • n5y
    • 19 Oct 2012

    Just a timing mishap for 'G' yet to be announced projects
    will sort it & moto will probably become superb FTW

      • M
      • Marco
      • 5i4
      • 19 Oct 2012

      [deleted post]Stop spamming!

      We know you're the same person using different nicks. It's very visible as you post from "smbR".

      Oh, and try reading the news next time. Their income decreased primarely due to lower amount of paid clicks, which also had a lower price than earlier. Pay-by-click (AdWords) is Google's main income. A drop of more than 33 % is significant and yet they managed quite well.

      Hasn't got anything to do with Android.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • vuF
        • 19 Oct 2012

        AnonD-60469, 19 Oct 20125 comments in a row saying the same... sad sad... btw. how... moreActually he must be very very smart... he used different names! DOH, he must be another nokia fan!

          • D
          • AnonD-69184
          • fkV
          • 19 Oct 2012

          LOL @ the people who think that google makes money from android,it is OPEN SOURCE so basically every OEM can use android in their products without having to pay google a single penny.How are they going to make money from it except from using their apps like gmail and maps ?

            • D
            • AnonD-60469
            • mD6
            • 19 Oct 2012

            [deleted post]5 comments in a row saying the same... sad sad...
            btw. how is android going down if there are 1.3+ milion activations Every day??? Right, i forgot, WP with maybe 13 activations daily are stealing the show ;)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vuF
              • 19 Oct 2012

              [deleted post]PS smbR, everyone can see from your coded location that you have made 3 comments basically saying the same thing... SAD... you need to get out more!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • vuF
                • 19 Oct 2012

                Anonymous, 19 Oct 2012This is why Nokia did not choose Google and android, it see... moreYou dont make mention that Microsoft's revenue and profits are down sharply as well???

                It seems that the main reason for googles drop in profit is the purchase of motorola which is done to strengthen their patent base.... given that android registers 1,300,000 new devices EVERY DAY i think they are still going strong.

                Anyway, haters will hate but i have my Note 2 and it is a BEAST!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-24171
                  • fq6
                  • 19 Oct 2012

                  Its only a temporary problem and Google will light up again.
                  As it said in this news "The reason behind the drop is the increasing share of mobile ads, which are cheaper"

                    • a
                    • algar
                    • Mu8
                    • 19 Oct 2012

                    Very good news, the evil is dying little by little.

                      • D
                      • Deonix
                      • NNV
                      • 19 Oct 2012

                      They had a good quarter. Motorola will take time to get back on track. To say other things than that it's plain stupid. No, that's not why Nokia partnered with Microsoft... because Google "is going down". Google already had a strong alliance from the other manufactures. And don't forget how much Google invests now. Just saw an article about their data centers and new car fleet for Google Maps.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • smb
                        • 19 Oct 2012

                        This is why Nokia did not choose Google and android, it seems that they are on the way down and that's before Windows 8 came out. LOL

                          • J
                          • Jason
                          • wiX
                          • 19 Oct 2012

                          Congratulations Google!! :)