iPhone 5S targeted for a July launch, iPads coming in October

26 January, 2013
Apple's next generation iPads and iPhone might be hitting the shelves in July.

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  • a
  • apple dfans
  • PRW
  • 28 Jan 2013

if only apple their i pad with call function, will significantly decreases its opponents geratly in sales. apple you are giving a chance on your compatitor like samsung to grow.its a pity. such agreat platforms always lack behind in term of hardware.

    • D
    • AnonD-59530
    • 4QS
    • 28 Jan 2013

    rao, 28 Jan 2013now htc droid dna no 1 phone in world Lol. Certain restrictions kinda heavily dissagree

      • D
      • AnonD-59530
      • 4QS
      • 28 Jan 2013

      m2h1984, 27 Jan 2013 i have more news abou iphone 5s specification . i will ha... moreRevolutionary like all the other releases? LMFAO! sure...Just like they dont steel or buy almost everything. Just like steve jobs was a nice guy who invented most things. Just like the iphone revolutionized smartphones rather than just being really popular because of their name.

        • D
        • AnonD-59530
        • 4QS
        • 28 Jan 2013

        Anonymous, 27 Jan 2013Great retort! Maybe one day you can make it to 4 words. T... moreObviously the point flew over your head....It was a simple justified reply. It was fitting

          • D
          • AnonD-59530
          • 4QS
          • 28 Jan 2013

          AnonD-1825, 27 Jan 2013What you mean by dominated? IPhone is faster, smoother, ... moreSound was also proven better on s3. Again. Most actually reviews proved all that bs. Iphone does some things ever so marginally faster only due to the fact that its nothing but a locked down app launcher. Give it half the capabilities of full computer like system that droid has and watch its horrible coding fail

            • D
            • AnonD-59530
            • 4QS
            • 28 Jan 2013

            AnonD-1825, 27 Jan 2013People said just what you said after iPhone 5 came, yet app... moreOnly to the masses and the ignorant. There is a reason Androids sell more. And it is because choice. Not just because there is more. Majority of people who know any better know for the same price or less they can get something that is different, cool, works better, that they control rather than being controlled, and that they can choose what they want. Its a real life yet very lame version of umbrella corp that limits everything giving all kinds of order and making you believe that you dont need what they dont give you. Its nothing but an extremely socially conformed scam.

              • D
              • AnonD-59530
              • 4QS
              • 28 Jan 2013

              Anonymous, 27 Jan 2013Dude the s3 has a very poor build quality. I dropped it onc... moreI dropped a 4.8inch screen phone and it cracked. Man what cheap quality that glass breaks when I drop it. The whole thing is just cheap.....

              You have a great outlook on things

                • D
                • AnonD-59530
                • 4QS
                • 28 Jan 2013

                AnonD-1825, 27 Jan 2013And with iPhone white is white http://photos.itpro.co.uk/im... moreBlah blah. Same crap that a lot other ilovers claim. Brightness is not everything. And majority of people actually like the color of Amoled screens. For the very few who don't (usually for stupid arguments sake) you can easily set them lower. Plus they aren't cartoonish or massively saturated like people like to lie. Just saturated. Nor is it heavily blueish. Nor is the crap non tinted. Not to mention the blacks and contrasts of Amoled still produce way way way better looking images. It even lessons the effect of lower light levels. Even at half the brightness they produce wicked blacks, beautiful colors, and have way better sunlight visibility. Before you say anything the icrap5(6) Does a little better in sun by being so much brighter. The visibility to brightness ratio is heavily in favor of Amoled. Not to mention less space required and lower power consumption, better viewing angles, and much better response time....And BLACKS!!

                  • r
                  • rao
                  • 32V
                  • 28 Jan 2013

                  now htc droid dna no 1 phone in world

                    • T
                    • Takasu
                    • vcA
                    • 28 Jan 2013

                    Apple should release Iphone 6 and not 5s to bring them again on top in mobile industry. Iphone 6 specs should be quadcore and with 1.5GHz CPU for them to win against any other phone brands. That's my opinion..

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 49L
                      • 28 Jan 2013

                      AnonD-1825, 27 Jan 2013Gizmodo screen tests: http://gizmodo.com/5960289/htc-droid-... more@Duel All of those displays you've listed, except for the iPhone 5, can be adjusted, and calibrated. At first, I was skeptical of the display on the Nexus 4, but now I'm very impressed. With Franco kernel, I can easily adjust the color values and achieve what I want. When I'm on airplane mode with WiFi enabled, I can achieve more than 6 hours of screen time while browsing the internet, and that includes having a VoIP extension active via CSipSimple at all times.

                      I could NEVER do that on my Galaxy Nexus, and I've never witnessed battery life like that on my iPhone 4s, even though it has a pathetic 3.5" screen. The LG display on the Nexus 4, and iPhone 5 are very similar. The display on the iPhone 5 is just calibrated better out of the box. They're both very energy efficient, made by LG, and similar by design (IPS). Google just needs to get serious about calibrating their displays like Apple does. That's the only difference between them. The N4 display is honestly almost TOO bright for liking.

                      Also, this Gizmodo article is garbage. There really is no reason why you should be wasting your bandwidth on that site. I personally really enjoy the AMOLED panel on the Note II, and AMOLED is only going to get better and better -- AMOLED is the future, and it's as simple as that. Black levels mean everything, and once you use an AMOLED device, you'll know what I'm talking about. I would LOVE to have a 40" AMOLED TV. The black levels on my LED TV are severely lacking.

                      I have an HTC Jewel, and it has an SLCD 2 panel, it's nice, but it's nothing special.

                      That being said, I'm not impressed with any of Apple's offerings except for the iPad, and I don't think an iPad is the device for me. @500+ per device, I'd rather spend my money beefing up my desktop, or NAS box.

                        • a
                        • arena
                        • t7X
                        • 27 Jan 2013

                        it's not the article that caugt my attention, it's the comment section. I think there's a bigger picture here.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-21445
                          • nUH
                          • 27 Jan 2013

                          iOS 6 is f**king s**t because crash connect Internet and FaceTime for 3G iPhone is rubbish and throw and I will buy which Sony or Samsung I know Tim Cook is crap plan and I need back Steve Job beat you......

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1825
                            • p77
                            • 27 Jan 2013

                            Anonymous, 27 Jan 2013To begin with OLED has infinite contrast, its contrast is i... moreGizmodo screen tests: http://gizmodo.com/5960289/htc-droid-dna-vs-iphone-5-and-everyone-else-whos-got-the-best-display

                            IPhone 5 was second sgs3 five, so it didnt even get close.

                            "But what about color? The Super LCD 2 on the One X has been our previous favorite for color accuracy, so why the is the Super LCD 3 on the Droid DNA so blue? It's definitely a step behind the One X and the iPhone 5, though it's still a little better than Nexus 4—which is slightly greenish—and the Galaxy S III, which is really, really blue. But yeah, skin tones ain't what they should be here."

                            Galaxy s3 which is really really blue...

                            So even if you are iHater you see htc one x won which have IPS screen

                              • m
                              • m2h1984
                              • mi2
                              • 27 Jan 2013

                              i have more news abou iphone 5s specification . i will has 4.2" retina display with full HD pixels . quad core A6 that cores will optimize on 1.8 GHz and also PowerVR next generation quad core. and finally 13MP camera . it would be really revolutionary product that apple will lunch

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Im2
                                • 27 Jan 2013

                                all you have to do is look at side by side comparisons of the iPhone 5, GSIII, Note II, Nokia 920 and Windows 8X to see that while the iPhone has some inferior specs as far as size...it has the best Camera quality, sharper screen, and ease of use. End of Story

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1825
                                  • p77
                                  • 27 Jan 2013

                                  Anonymous, 27 Jan 2013To begin with OLED has infinite contrast, its contrast is i... moreAnd with iPhone white is white http://photos.itpro.co.uk/images/front_picture_library_IT_Pro/dir_242/it_photo_121054_42.jpg

                                  "However, put the two handsets side-by-side and you’ll notice the iPhone 5 is miles brighter. We clocked a maximum brightness of 582cd/m2 for the iPhone 5, over double the 240cd/m2 we recorded for the S3.

                                  The numbers don’t lie – the iPhone 5 is clearly the brighter screen.

                                  Winner – iPhone 5
                                  Although we do like the screen on the S3, the iPhone 5 has a 4in display which will be suitable for most users and is brighter."

                                  By the way vibrant colours doesnt mean they look better, amoled it means oversaturated unrealistic colours.

                                  Yes i also know people who want to put too much colour in their television and it looks horrible. Most of people like see natural colours and not too red or too blue clothes or weird colour skin etc.

                                  Look the photo which i pasted, nice tan those people have in sgs3 screen... :D

                                  Also that footballer shirt is way too blue, and thats only photo of screen so in reality it has to be even more blue.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • r$g
                                    • 27 Jan 2013

                                    It's Ipad3 all over again for me ugh

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3iJ
                                      • 27 Jan 2013

                                      AnonD-1825, 27 Jan 2013Apple's iPhone 5 isn't perfect, but it just scored a victor... moreTo begin with OLED has infinite contrast, its contrast is immeasurable, the contrast is produced by the organic liquid and not by LED lights on the back so i don't know where you're getting the BS from that LCD is better than OLED. IPS is a layer that coats LCD to prevent viewing angle reflections that LCDs naturally suffer from, it doesn't add more contrast. OLED has better shadows, vibrant colors and infinite blacks. The black levels of the iPhone 5 look greyish compared to the Super AMOLED.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-1825
                                        • p77
                                        • 27 Jan 2013

                                        Anonymous, 27 Jan 2013Half of the 48 million sold iphones in Q1 were iphone 4 and... moreReally, where you get that? I Think you have some url to prove that? I dont believe you, no-one doesnt know the numbers. But im sure iPhone 5 is easily over half of those numbers.