Three UK and Vodafone merger being considered
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuv
- 20 May 2022
Cloud, 16 May 2022I Hope they don't merge. I hate Three so much I went t... moreAustralia around merged those 2 back in 2009
- T
- ThreeStinks
- nw}
- 16 May 2022
Cloud, 16 May 2022I Hope they don't merge. I hate Three so much I went t... moreI did the same thing! Went to Vodafone because I couldn't stand Three. Their customer service was abysmal, they tried to charge me a year's contract for a SIM that never even left the envelope (I requested for it to be cancelled same day but they still sent it out, which I didn't know about), and they then tried to rope me into selling contracts to my friends. Never again.
- S
- Skunkos
- mpf
- 16 May 2022
Disgrace!!! Paid early upgrade fee £187 during April (22nd) bombarded with misinformation texts telling me Upgrade mobile phone be delivered, IM STILL WAITING!!!! FFS!!!
- a
- aektzhs 1
- gLr
- 16 May 2022
Anonymous, 16 May 2022Both network So bad ,three no signal , vodafone show signal... moreWhile I will talk to you about Vodafone Greece. As for the capture
a few years ago It was second, while now It is third. The investments he makes are very small. From prices Relatively economical it is. In Greece, the first and best provider is COSMOTE, the second provider is WIND (renamed Nova from September) and lastly Vodafone
- C
- Cloud
- y6a
- 16 May 2022
I Hope they don't merge. I hate Three so much I went to Vodafone to get away from them.
- a
- alcoapple
- ShK
- 16 May 2022
Abcderf9, 15 May 2022Coming from someone who works for one of the said networks ... moreComing from someone who also works for one of these organisations, I can tell you conversations are 100% happening about this and something similar.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGR
- 16 May 2022
Both network So bad ,three no signal , vodafone show signal but no service
- A
- Abcderf9
- 7$w
- 15 May 2022
Coming from someone who works for one of the said networks I can tell you this is completely false information.
- ?
- Anonymous
- HjI
- 14 May 2022
The competition commissions whose purpose is to be a 'prudential supervisor' should NOT approve such a merger simply on the grounds that there will be FEWER players resulting in a therefore much "less competitive" environment and this is NOT good for end-users and consumers generally. The answer to the request to merge is NO.
- D
- AnonD-844232
- Cx@
- 13 May 2022
Whaaaaaat ????
- A
- Arek
- pma
- 13 May 2022
Anonymous, 12 May 2022Nothing to do with leaving the EU, we’ve had network merger... moreBut before EU companies allow to use plans form other countires. Which mostly were cheaper ;)
- A
- Angry Customer
- pYF
- 13 May 2022
How about fixing network coverage instead. 2022 and covarge is so bad even in the city's.
- Koishi Komeiji
- Kir
- 13 May 2022
lol for Indonesia, Indosat and Tri merged as Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison in January 4th 2022. but 2 companies will keep the same operator after merged.
- M
- Microplex
- HX1
- 13 May 2022
Here in Australia "3 Mobile" (which was owned by Hutchison Telecoms Australia) and "Vodafone" (Vodafone UK) basically merged their respective mobile networks together in 2011 and it was a total mess for several years (they ended up loosing something like 2.5 million subscribers over a 2 year period and to this day they have not recovered anywhere near those numbers) that the combined business under the name "VHA" then had to make a deal with another communications company TPG to save it from going out of business.
Today "Vodafone Mobile" is total trash here in Australia a distant *3rd in a field of 3 main national network providers so much so that parant company TPG has been trying to secure a deal with the number 1 network Telstra to basically take over their regional network (with TPG shutting down something like 750 base stations and also withdrawing from around another 250 joint venture base stations with Optus Mobile the number 2 network in Australia) and also allow for regional/rural roaming in return Vodafone are basically giving Telstra their "radio spectrum" in those regional rural areas because TPG can't or are not willing to compete in the base station network race against Telstra and Optus.
Vodafone here in Australia since 1993 has been a total a abomination not willing to invest in spectrum and as such base stations which cover the vast geographical regions.
* Just how bad is Vodafone in Australia? if you combine the virtual retail providers (re: resellers) they actually match what Vodafone have in terms of network subscribers which is around 5 million subscribers of which at least 60% are prepaid and can leave at any given time.
The brand Vodafone in Australia is trash, why parent company TPG continue to persist with it is only known to TPG executives.
- ?
- Anonymous
- StU
- 13 May 2022
Anonymous, 12 May 2022I would be amazed if this was actually allowed to pass on t... moreYou forgot about EE? Do you remember Orange and T-Mobile?
- H
- Hmm
- nGT
- 13 May 2022
Funny :)
- s
- sq2013
- 7P3
- 12 May 2022
Hmm, 12 May 2022Best thing we ever did was leave the EU end ofYeah sure Nick Griffin. It was only a push from xenophobic knuckledragging fools. Name one benefit?
- J
- JJ
- pYg
- 12 May 2022
LucaKirani, 12 May 2022Terrible idea. Three and EE already share their 3g networks... moreThey don't share networks.