GSMA announces nominations for its Global Mobile Awards
- j
- jin
- 3Yh
- 04 Feb 2013
No nexus 4, seriously -.-
- ?
- Anonymous
- m1P
- 04 Feb 2013
Samsung note 2 vs s3? Asus transformer infinity vs nexus 7? This looks like a good strategy for Samsung/Asus having a better chance of winning no matter what.
- D
- AnonD-75567
- X0G
- 04 Feb 2013
nokia lumia 920. all the best!
- D
- AnonD-80584
- Mfx
- 04 Feb 2013
Killer droid, 04 Feb 2013Again nokia fan boy living in denial. The winner will be S3... morefirst of all.. dont call me a fan boy when YOU"RE the one with the name "killer droid".. second of all, you're the BIGGEST troll on this site.. i've had multiple run-ins with you.. and you're not worth my time.
third of all, i listed 3 android phones and the iphone as being a top phone numbnuts. you only read the nokia part of my comment cause you're a straight up hater.
finally, if you can't admit that nexus 4 and droid dna are better than s3, you know NOTHING about phones. s3 is the ugliest, trashiest and most laggy "top-end" phone you can buy. single core nokia lumia 710 can out run that pathetic excuse for a quad core. and i donno wat makes you think s3 if for everyone... its certainly not for me.. cause i want a quality phone that doesn't hesitate when i open my multitasking screen.. or a phone that restarts by itself, or a phone that doesnt look like something a 4 year old girl would carry. it looks like a flattened pebble with immitation brush strokes in the plastic.... how pathetic.
sweet dreams
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 04 Feb 2013
The Galaxy s3 is the most problematic "flag" ship phone on the planet.
Crashing issues, random reboots, random drop calls, text messages not coming through, sub par display to the ip5 and lumia 920, weak quality build, fragile screen, update issues, everyone that owns an s3, had encountered already encountered some sort of problem with their phone. But of course they are too arrogant to admit those issues. hard to see the s3 winning this year.
Lumia 920 and or the IP5 will take it this year. I've said this 3 months ago, the Lumia 920 and the Ip5 are the best smartphones on the planet right now. Have to give props to the note 2 also.
- K
- Killer droid
- QGt
- 04 Feb 2013
[deleted post]Again nokia fan boy living in denial. The winner will be S3 or note2. But i think that S3 has more chance to win because Note 2 isn't made for everybody!!!
- k
- keltin
- jJJ
- 04 Feb 2013
- K
- Killer droid
- QGt
- 04 Feb 2013
S3 or note 2 will win this. Proud S3 onwer.
Two years in a row for the best smartphone from Samsung.
Hail Google!! Hail Samsung!!
- D
- AnonD-55345
- apS
- 04 Feb 2013
Anonymous, 04 Feb 2013 well lets see, htc one X did not have removable battery, ... moreI completely agree.
Note 2 and SGS3 has top guns aboard in it to kick out iPhone 5 and Lumia 920 as one of the contenders.
SGS3 all the way.
- D
- AnonD-78634
- 33e
- 04 Feb 2013
920 all the way
- D
- AnonD-99564
- uvh
- 04 Feb 2013
Lumia 920 one and Only
- D
- AnonD-108374
- uNV
- 04 Feb 2013
Samsung Galaxy S III is the best...
- g
- gagan
- ut8
- 04 Feb 2013
droid dna and nexus 7 will be winners
- D
- AnonD-88836
- rKx
- 04 Feb 2013
Where the hell is my nexus 10 flying high with AOKP ??
- N
- Nick
- vG{
- 04 Feb 2013
Note 2 is the best >>>
- D
- AnonD-77530
- 8U6
- 04 Feb 2013
GS3 and Nexus 7!!!!
- s
- sat
- U@C
- 04 Feb 2013
What about Sony xperia s
- D
- AnonD-88998
- LGt
- 04 Feb 2013
- k
- khanji
- U3x
- 04 Feb 2013
I am using HTC one x but galaxy s3 is the best
phone in the world
- ?
- Anonymous
- sm6
- 04 Feb 2013
Lumia 920