iOS 6.1.1 update released for the iPhone 4S
- c
- changegame
- t5{
- 12 Feb 2013
i4s, 12 Feb 2013Apple always no. 1!Ahem! WAS no.1, unless u been living under a rock or something they got beaten by Samsung to top spot. Now they are starting to eat a huge chunk of apple's meal in their own backyard.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 61r
- 12 Feb 2013
i4s, 12 Feb 2013Apple always no. 1!To be honest, no it's not. Most phones are worse, but a FEW are better. Still, there's nothing quite like it. :3
- 6
- 619
- vIw
- 12 Feb 2013
Anonymous, 12 Feb 2013Nokia should learn from appleu foul they r using nokia maps on there mobiles so apple should have to learn from nokia...................
- 1
- 1sickbastard
- 61r
- 12 Feb 2013
Fly bird, 12 Feb 2013I seem to have the same problem on my iPad 2. What should I do?The same symptom doesn't necessarily mean the same cause. Check with your friends who use the same service provider but different devices.
3G connection has always been shitty in my region. So I couldn't really tell if it was the 6.1 update that caused me problems.
- i
- i4s
- KZ8
- 12 Feb 2013
Apple always no. 1!
- P
- Prasad II
- MGm
- 12 Feb 2013
And don't forget "File:///" case. This is hilarious :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0X
- 12 Feb 2013
Nokia should learn from apple
- ?
- Anonymous
- Iw6
- 12 Feb 2013
Prasad II, 12 Feb 2013So, let's read Apple users cries for help: Wi-Fi https://... moreOh and don't forget the GS3's email bug, sudden death and buttons falling off. LMFAO
- ?
- Anonymous
- Iw6
- 12 Feb 2013
Prasad II, 12 Feb 2013So, let's read Apple users cries for help: Wi-Fi https://... moreSo? A simple Google search for Samsung Galaxy S3 rebooting, overheating, battery drain and, of course, lag will give you enough reading material to last you until for quite a long time.
- P
- Prasad II
- MGm
- 12 Feb 2013
So, let's read Apple users cries for help:
seems to be one thing fixed, another 5 damaged
- ?
- Anonymous
- sSR
- 12 Feb 2013
Good to get the update, the battery drain for my iphone 4s finally stopped. i am releived of the dain now and enjoying my 4s..... :D
- K
- Kalk
- MGm
- 12 Feb 2013
Anonymous, 12 Feb 2013Microsoft should learn from APple and push out updates to t... moreJB your iProduct to have Android functionality? i.e widgets? Maan...
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2c
- 12 Feb 2013
Microsoft should learn from APple and push out updates to their phones FASTER!!!!!!!!! hell they control all the software and they can do it to Windows OS why not the phone
NEXT: YOu can JB this one. so Looks like Apple is playing good guy this time around
- D
- AnonD-77464
- mD6
- 12 Feb 2013
Fragmentation FTW...
Btw. I thought that iOS is perfect, isn't it?
- L
- LosHo
- nUV
- 12 Feb 2013
Samsung, learn from Apple!
- F
- Fly bird
- fuv
- 12 Feb 2013
I seem to have the same problem on my iPad 2. What should I do?
- o
- ognosaj32
- 7Xc
- 12 Feb 2013
damn, can they fix battery drain issues with iphone5?
- D
- AnonD-28464
- KZ8
- 12 Feb 2013
Your totally right...Android is all about Customization..
- m
- mohammed talib
- wdU
- 12 Feb 2013
thanks for the update,
now 4s really works fine.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IW1
- 12 Feb 2013
Problem detected, patch released, instant access to phones. This is what Android lacks. No wonder WP8 followed the Apple route.