Jelly Bean update for Samsung Galaxy Note now available
- v
- vinay
- t@C
- 18 Feb 2013
can anybody tell me when it will be available in India
- b
- bpal
- uuq
- 18 Feb 2013
is it available through Phone settings>software update ?? I m from India.
- D
- AnonD-57033
- 18 Feb 2013
Praise the lord! JK good job Samsung
- v
- vish
- Hkq
- 18 Feb 2013
when in india?
- D
- AnonD-79493
- XNs
- 18 Feb 2013
It would at least take another two months or even more to get it in India, so guys, don't waste your valuable time in checking for update every day. :)
- B
- Batman
- KZ8
- 18 Feb 2013
Any one in Malaysia get this upgrade?
Where can we find out Samsung is providing the upgrade now?
- Z
- Zeeg
- mn0
- 18 Feb 2013
Can anybody explain me, why are they launching it earlier in some countries than in others? If I live near the boarder and update isn't available in my country, I'll just drive 30 min to the other one, get in free wi-fi spot and download it, instead of waiting 2-3 month.
Why Samsung can't make it available worldwide?
- D
- AnonD-114352
- 18 Feb 2013
Are u kidding me? There is No update available in everycountries yet! I asking u , Whre do u live bro?
- k
- kews
- N7H
- 18 Feb 2013
Is this information a trusty one?? Can we have confirmation of this information please??
- R
- Rahul
- vId
- 18 Feb 2013
It is not available in India yet?
- V
- VladUK
- Swr
- 18 Feb 2013
Anyone from UK with sim free version of Note managed to get this update?
I tried 2 minutes ago but no luck, all I got is "No new updates"
- n
- noah
- H4X
- 18 Feb 2013
when is this going to be available for GALAXY S2 I9100 in INDIA??
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 18 Feb 2013
What does very soon means? In a couple of 6 months? Lol
- D
- AnonD-114345
- JkE
- 18 Feb 2013
Test 100% Germany 2013 February N7000XXLSZ 4.1.2
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Feb 2013
4.2.2 For Note 2 by when ?
- s
- sahil
- XNt
- 18 Feb 2013
finally the long long wait is over... waiting to flaunt my note with JB