Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung

07 March, 2013
Nokia has teamed up with Apple to demand injunction against several Samsung products.

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  • t
  • therock
  • jes
  • 08 Mar 2013

Go nokiAPPLE!

Go APPLEkia!

    • y
    • yuri
    • ALL
    • 08 Mar 2013

    Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Maintaining a competitive advantage in an industry by follo... morethat is right Samsung innovators are totally different from Crapple thieves

      • R
      • Rohit
      • PBF
      • 08 Mar 2013

      Supporting Apple won't do any good to either of the company unless Nokia also files for some major lawsuits against Samsung.

      It just amazes me how every mobile company is threatened by Samsung's growth, Apple, Nokia, Google....

        • D
        • AnonD-20221
        • rKI
        • 08 Mar 2013

        Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Maintaining a competitive advantage in an industry by follo... moreExactly... I couldnt put it in better words...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Iw6
          • 08 Mar 2013

          AnonD-9158, 08 Mar 2013Maybe you can take a look at this video. moreYes,that video was posted earlier. It seems to be a darling of the Android fanboys. Do you have some points from it to discuss? I could just post something like this:

          But, it really doesn't add anything to the conversation or stimulate thought.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • qas
            • 08 Mar 2013

            Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013"Good artist copy, Great artist steals" Apple ... moreSamsung is a Good artist Apple is a great artist lol.

              • P
              • Pierre
              • 86H
              • 08 Mar 2013

              I think that's a bit of a desperate move from Nokia. Looking back at the good old days, Nokia was once hailed as the mightiest phone company. But now, it's just a thorn in the neck of the giants ready to be plucked off. Come on Nokia, you can do better than this! Instead of ganging up with Apple, why not just focus on developing great devices that could turn the hands of fate? I think Nokia should stay out of this mess.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • qas
                • 08 Mar 2013

                Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013"Good artist copy, Great artist steals" Apple ... moreYou see you said it yourself Apple is a copycat.

                  • y
                  • yuri
                  • ALL
                  • 08 Mar 2013

                  so the analysts were right, APPLE AND NOKIA HAVE SEEN THE SAMSUNG GALAXY S4, and they know that the S4 can sell 100+ million, they know apple and nokia fans will move to the latest samsung galaxy accelerated by this shameful move from nokia

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PGX
                    • 08 Mar 2013

                    Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013I understand your point but why can't we call Apple a copyc... more"Good artist copy, Great artist steals"

                    Apple is a great artist. They are able to get the idea and change it and the idea suddenly becomes very good. See all those list of supposed apple copy, almost none of them are popular nor sold very well.

                    Samsung is a good artist. They copy the victors and thus able to rise so fast to the top.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-121136
                      • srd
                      • 08 Mar 2013

                      AnonD-20221, 08 Mar 2013Because what Apple did was innovation by taking inspiration... moresame goes for samsung :3

                        • D
                        • AnonD-9158
                        • TSN
                        • 08 Mar 2013

                        Anonymous, 07 Mar 2013I have to disagree with you there. I'm gonna have to say S... moreMaybe you can take a look at this video.


                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Iw6
                          • 08 Mar 2013

                          Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013I understand your point but why can't we call Apple a copyc... moreMaintaining a competitive advantage in an industry by following it's trends is expected. If Samsung copied the industry, they would not be labeled copycats. Let me make it simple for you.

                          Every child learns words from someone else. That's how you build a vocabulary. That's the tech industry learning from each other.

                          Now if a child repeats the words of someone else after they say those words, that's called copying.

                          Adult: Today is sunny.
                          Child: Today is sunny.

                          Adult: I'll go for a walk.
                          Child: I'll go for a walk.

                          It doesn't matter if the sentence has been said by a million different people before. The fact that the child says it only after someone else says it, is what constitutes copying. That child is Samsung.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-20221
                            • rKI
                            • 08 Mar 2013

                            Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013I understand your point but why can't we call Apple a copyc... moreBecause what Apple did was innovation by taking inspiration... Not blatant copying like Samsung.. For example you say Apple copied the mouse from Xerox... In a way true... But if they had not taken inspiration from it then you would not be using the mouse as we know it today... Lets face it: the machine from Xerox wasnt exactly doing miracles at the time... It was only when Apple launched the Macintosh did the world take notice... So ya you can thank Apple for that...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • qas
                              • 08 Mar 2013

                              Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Thank you. That's a pretty good list. Do you see the comp... moreI understand your point but why can't we call Apple a copycat also?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Iw6
                                • 08 Mar 2013

                                Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013Apple copy braun design! Apple copiey Google wallet.! App... moreThank you. That's a pretty good list. Do you see the companies listed:


                                I'll even throw in Palm and Google.

                                That's healthy in the tech industry. That's normal. That's what most companies do. That's how companies deliver to customers features that have become standard in marketplace. Now look as Samsung:

                                Apple's Siri: S-voice
                                Apple's iPod touch: Galaxy S player
                                Apple's iPhone 3G/3Gs: Galaxy S
                                Apple's Passbook: Samsung Wallet
                                Apple's iPad: Galaxy Tab, etc.
                                Apple's newstand: Samsung bookstore hub
                                Apple's iTunes: Samsung's Music Hub
                                Apple's Macbook Air: Samsung's ultrabook line
                                Apple's iCloud: S-Cloud

                                Now, listen closely. I'll type slowly so you can understand ;). I'm not saying that Apple created all of these things, other companies did some of it before them. What I'm saying is that Samsung suddenly decided to come out with their version only AFTER Apple did it. It's not that Samsung copies, it's that they mainly copy one company and in a very deliberate, and many times obvious, way. I didn't even go into detail on each of these and how Samsung even tries to copy the look of Apple as well. Now do you get why people call Samsung a copycat?

                                  • b
                                  • bjorg18
                                  • vbM
                                  • 08 Mar 2013

                                  copy cat company deserves this. common apple and nokia kick the hell out of copycats

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • qas
                                    • 08 Mar 2013

                                    Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013I'm not sure if you really don't get it or your fanboy glas... moreYou want more?

                                    Apple is only a recipes company. The king of copycat. They have more money than competition that's why they have bigger marketing. But Samsung is right there with them when we talk about marketing.

                                      • m
                                      • mani
                                      • utu
                                      • 08 Mar 2013

                                      Anonymous, 07 Mar 2013Everyone has copied... mostly Apple copies others then sues... moreapple and nokia is best mobiles phones,
                                      samsung is made in chaina.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • qas
                                        • 08 Mar 2013

                                        Anonymous, 08 Mar 2013I'm not sure if you really don't get it or your fanboy glas... moreApple copy the 30 pen connector from Motorola.