Nokia joins Apple to secure injunction against Samsung
- ?
- Anonymous
- t75
- 07 Mar 2013
You're drunk Nokia. Go home to Finland and focus on your phones and OS. Maybe release a Firefox or Ubuntu phone or something.
- D
- AnonD-109004
- 7j}
- 07 Mar 2013
brick factory, 07 Mar 2013Nokia windows brick factoryHa ga ha..lolroflmfao:) said correct:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 07 Mar 2013
this shows that, that other companies are hoping apple wins these cases against Samsung. Easily. Nokia reconizes apple as a leader in creating products unique and different products. Sure here and there something might be infringing but Samsung is the master of copying other technologies and ideas. What a load of crap. Eat it, samsung.
- d
- davor03983
- 3@k
- 07 Mar 2013
Nokia worked alone and Samsung, iPhone, Sony, htc all they do гоогле make today to be the first on the market and the nights alone worked until rabotese herself falling into the hole until it joined vindovs оперативениот system for mobile phones wentin a hole now that she started to get out of the hole began to go up the slowly now Samsung and iPhone saw that Nokia out of the crisis let to produce mobile phone togetherShame on Samsung market today in order is the first of another back but not so samung and iPhone will only fallen to the bottom will be much sooner that action
- ?
- Anonymous
- KIe
- 07 Mar 2013
Samsung already hurt Apple and soon launch number of Windows Phone 8.0 to get from Nokia Lumia WP market shares. This is the best way to fight with Nokia & Apple who are going to hurt your market.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 07 Mar 2013
AnonD-86051, 07 Mar 2013bad move nokia. U wil lose. because, samsung is the most cu... moreI work at a huge reseller in Canada.
Samsung is not customer friendly in fact they are one of the worst companies to deal with. Not joking here. They are not the only guilty ones, as Sony can also do a better job, at least they are easier to deal with, I only have to contact 1 person, these guys are all over the place. No.... Samsung is terrible when it comes to warranty.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}A
- 07 Mar 2013
Helpless companies team up against a plastic giant
- D
- AnonD-27765
- t7X
- 07 Mar 2013
I abhor Samsung to the heavens. I will never waste a cent for their shitty ugly products.
- b
- brick factory
- t}A
- 07 Mar 2013
Nokia windows brick factory
- M
- Mhirizhonga
- fjR
- 07 Mar 2013
It makes me love Samy more, cause all ifans and lumia fans are saying is that Samy is cheap plastic. So its the plastic cover only that they pick now. Anyway, majority of the people have moved from the Type writer which was all metal to deskop which is all plastic. Why are u not using type writers than desktops?
- D
- AnonD-27765
- t7X
- 07 Mar 2013
Samsung is more cunning than Apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 07 Mar 2013
my 2 favorite companies going up against the company I least like. GOOOO APPLE AND NOKIA! WOOOOOOOOO
- 👍3
- c
- crapsung
- t}A
- 07 Mar 2013
Poor nokia . crap brick phones .
apple dung phones
and last but not least
really hate nokia and apple
- D
- AnonD-27765
- t7X
- 07 Mar 2013
All Samsung has is gimmicky software. Nokia and Apple have better hardware.
- o
- o
- t1$
- 07 Mar 2013
Cool Samsung. Out of s4 profit will pay back
- j
- judge
- t1$
- 07 Mar 2013
Truly a pathetic turn of events to say the finds it easy to defeat an enemy by going for the trick apple has used day in day out.To sue the enemies for pathetic and utterly flimsy reasons for patent infringement and use their enormous clout in the court. C"mon guys, grow up..!please..As for Nokia it is desperate to win back it's market so it has joined a company that specializes in hitting enemies below the belt.When are we going to see fair business practices?my respect for these companies has become next to nil.Samsung freed us from the walled OSes and gave us freedom from phones that bored you to death and the uber strict ,payment- hungry phones and services.Instead of going for flimsy and made -up claims and boring us to death,apple should concentrate on making it's OS and phones for me Nokia is a dead thing now,losing all self respect.Pity on you Nokia and apple....I am with Samsung in this battle..Winning the customer base by hard work and giving them feature rich affordable phones is better that securing business by court injunctions...Some fan boys drill some sense into the heads of the C.E.Os please...
- n
- noobus maximus extra
- X}n
- 07 Mar 2013
Come on Nokia, All it takes is a powerfull jab from samsung on the WP8 battleground to crush you down. If you think wp platform is all about what you deliver then you may be in for a surprise like what samsung did to HTC in the android platform. You will be warned not to drag samsung to court, If you do prepare for facing your downfall. Don't just think you can take samsung down. For u its enemy of my enemy is my friend. Apple gives no $hit if you team up with them or not. Your activities deserve no respect.
- D
- AnonD-47717
- U{i
- 07 Mar 2013
One of the very good thing which I have heard this year.