Samsung Exynos 2400 to bring a massive increase in GPU performance

19 April 2023
The new graphics unit will have 12 compute units instead of the 3CU on the Exynos 2200.

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Gbadoh, 19 Apr 2023Which Snapdragon overheats? It is like you have forgotten ... moreWe won't talk about Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, 888 series, or Snapdragon 821 and all of it's predeccessor but yeah you should know there's something called "sarcasm".

    • s
    • spoiler
    • xkA
    • 19 Apr 2023

    Samsung should put Exynos on their acc that way maybe they will provide update faster.
    Exynos is pure garbage.

      • x
      • xcv
      • LHf
      • 19 Apr 2023

      Gbadoh, 19 Apr 2023Which Snapdragon overheats? It is like you have forgotten ... moreEvery one produced by Samsung Semiconductor Foundry i.e. Snapdragon 888, 888+, and 8 Gen 1.

        RealLifePhones, 19 Apr 202395% of people don't play demanding games on their phon... moreThat's true, but from nerd point of view like me, it's amazing to watch GPU wars on phones. They are actually so powerful these days they put Switch GPU to shame long time ago :)

          Vegetaholic, 19 Apr 2023Twice the core count it would put only around 8 gen 3 Snapd... more95% of people don't play demanding games on their phone (candy crush runs fine on both) and don't give a sh!t about GPU performance. Nobody except the nerds here care trust me. Most people don't even know what chip is inside their phone.

            RealLifePhones, 19 Apr 2023Exynos 2200 has 3 WGPs (=6CU) and not 3CU that's somet... moreTwice the core count it would put only around 8 gen 3 Snapdragon, as it promises significant gains in the GPU performance comparing to 8 gen 2 in other words, Exynos 2400 will not beat Snapdragon 8 gen3 in GPU performance, very doubtful, considering 8gen2 is twice faster than Exynos 2200 gpu, that should put in about 8 gen 2 level of performance or little bit above

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • UG4
              • 19 Apr 2023

              This is the chip that will surpass snapdragon.. Not like much anyways.. snapdragon overheat just to edge out.

              Year after year, you can see the gap closing. Samsung skip 1 year.. when this come out.. snapdragon is finished.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • GR@
                • 19 Apr 2023

                rizki1, 19 Apr 2023bring HD PC or PS3 games to Android, there are some that ha... moreThey will not bring older games to mobile because then people will not buy consoles and simply game on phones. It's all about money 🤑 mobile gaming will remain childish, like it is

                Instead, their solution is to make portable consoles like Steam Deck and ROG Ally. You gotta spend the money on dedicated console, that's where the profits are. Like I said, all about 💸

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • xjH
                  • 19 Apr 2023

                  Anonymous, 19 Apr 2023Perhaps they should improve the battery life firstGuess you don't read tech news or just woke from a long sleep

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • fCE
                    • 19 Apr 2023

                    Perhaps they should improve the battery life first

                      • D
                      • AnonD-454049
                      • 2WB
                      • 19 Apr 2023

                      Anonymous, 19 Apr 2023oh boy here comes the whiners and complainerslemme guess you only use entry level feature phones. so why are you even here ?

                        Exynos 2200 has 3 WGPs (=6CU) and not 3CU that's something the leakers got wrong in the beginning thinking WGP=CU and now everyone repeats the mistake. and then we wonder why AI trained on this data gives wrong answers 🙄

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • XTA
                          • 19 Apr 2023

                          Gbadoh, 19 Apr 2023Which Snapdragon overheats? It is like you have forgotten ... moresnapdragon that manufactured by Samsung like sd 888 or sd 8 gen 1 well its samsung fault tho🤣

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • th1
                            • 19 Apr 2023

                            The only bottleneck is the crappy cpu part. Best for AMD to make their own mobile arm soc & ditch scamsung!

                              the Koreans have apparently learned nothing. Peak performance doesn't matter if it only runs for a few seconds and then completely burns out and loses 60% of its performance dear Samsung!!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • I2e
                                • 19 Apr 2023

                                Anonymous, 19 Apr 2023you mean that crap cant even match ancient sd 855? let a... moreI meant will not 😅

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 0p}
                                  • 19 Apr 2023

                                  GSMArena, the Exynos 2200's Xclips 920 has 3WGP or 6CU, not 3CU. Odd number of CU or Compute Units is not possible with RDNA architecture, the CU number will be always even.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PEW
                                    • 19 Apr 2023

                                    And then proceed to throttle games while excluding benchmarking apps

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • kx2
                                      • 19 Apr 2023

                                      oh boy here comes the whiners and complainers

                                        Max, 19 Apr 2023Maybe Exynos will rise again? The only thing Exynos will rise in is cpu temperature... Shit's about to go NUCLEAR!

                                        - An SD 8 gen 1 user (4nm fabrication by Samsung)