OnePlus Pad in for review

27 April 2023
OnePlus' first tablet is a winner, let's unbox it.

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Contemplator, 28 Apr 2023Pad is looking amazing and promising for reading purpose. B... moreYeah honestly the smartphone industry has to be the only place where they are legally allowed to sell a product without all the necessary ancillary accessories.

Imagine selling a laptop without a keyboard? Or a TV without USB ports?

People really need to stop worshipping brands. Love the product, not the brand. It's brand worshipping that led to us not having chargers in the box. I hate Apple, but I hate the people more for accepting Apple's attempt at normalising this. When Apple won, we lost.

    That touchpad looks even smaller than Tab S8's. I wonder if anyone will actually use it. 🤔

      Pad is looking amazing and promising for reading purpose. But why they didn't provide a charger ?

      I hope, soon car companies will eliminate tyres from their cars just for the sake of saving money, oh I mean to say, environment.

        • o
        • oslikoff
        • mbx
        • 28 Apr 2023

        There is an unfriendly price...

          this is funni, it was same shared specs with OPPO Pad 2