Google details new customization options coming to Android 14

11 May 2023
Generative AI comes to spice up your wallpaper and chats.

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Anonymous, 11 May 2023Yes morejesus christ

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 1Dr
    • 11 May 2023

    Anonymous, 11 May 2023So your argument is that we should bot innovative and remai... moreI use an old car. Please explain to me how full touchscreen cars are innovative. Please explain to be how making parts proprietary and hard to obtain is innovative. Cars do one thing and one thing only. Get the person from point A to point B. Anything that interferes with that goal is not innovative. With a touchscreen infotainment center, you are looking at that more than the road instead of pressing a button for AC that stays there until you change where it is. You don't have to worry about a software update doing anything bad to your car or make you learn anything new, because old cars don't need software updates to do their job. All they usually need is general maintenance to keep them moving forward and backward. Can your new car fly? Can it go underwater? Can it climb a mountain vertically? Can it outlast the warranty?

      • A
      • Aruba
      • 8IT
      • 11 May 2023

      Been a while since we asked for color to be customized to our liking. Not just they choose our color for us.

        • A
        • Aruba
        • 8IT
        • 11 May 2023

        That wallpaper emoji is so stupid. I hope they improve performance with this update or at least battery drain issue they have. Such a light OS and yet such battery drainer.

          • O
          • Ok
          • u7E
          • 11 May 2023

          oofio2461, 11 May 2023I hope this comes to One ui 6...would be an amazing final v... moreIn my opinion the best Samsung phone since the s10e

            • O
            • Ok
            • u7E
            • 11 May 2023

            If anyone knows, does the locks screen still have Live Photos unlike iOS 16?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • nw}
              • 11 May 2023

              Anonymous, 11 May 2023According to (gs.statcounter), there are currently more use... moreSo your argument is that we should bot innovative and remain still. Do you ride horse back or use modern transport vehicles?

                People still use emojies?
                Cringe as pok.

                  Anonymous, 11 May 2023According to (gs.statcounter), there are currently more use... moreA lot of budget & midrange devices run android 11 and below, especially from Motorola. not sure why, but they do.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3SI
                    • 11 May 2023

                    0odle-noodle, 11 May 2023IOS has emoji wallpapers? Yes


                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3SI
                      • 11 May 2023

                      Anonymous, 11 May 2023Sounding like Apple doesn't rip things off. List could... moreNever said that iOS has not taken „inspiration“ from android. It‘s just that some Android fans will say that a feature will only come to iPhone in 5 years (because iOS is always so far behind and only copies stuff from android, haha get it?) when in this instance, Android did. in fact copy this from iOS. Like it doesn’t make sense to say a feature will come to iOS in 5 years when iOS does not only already have it, but had it before Android and to add to that, Android clearly based their versions off of the one on iOS.

                      I guess I really have to write a 10 line comment on this website just to explain bigotry

                        Anonymous, 11 May 2023The emoji wallpapers are like the most obvious iOS ripoff t... moreIOS has emoji wallpapers?

                          • O
                          • Oki
                          • sw3
                          • 11 May 2023

                          What a bunch of unimportant updates. Normies will love this. Yet Google removes functional features every year

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • g4r
                            • 11 May 2023

                            Anonymous, 11 May 2023I wonder how many artists had their work stolen for the &qu... moreI think the internet has already made stealing artist's content ridiculously easy. If it's online, it can basically be stolen. But I agree this is going to make it much either. Original Content from artists is probably going to die out in the next decade or two, although I have a feeling it will eventually have a resurgence. Either way it's cool in a way, but it's also a shame that so many talent people will be overshadowed by technology. Having their job taken away from them, and I am sure the government will be way behind the times on taxing AI and robot "labor." UBI will become a necessity sooner than later

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 1Dr
                              • 11 May 2023

                              According to (gs.statcounter), there are currently more users using Android 11. Yes, Android 11 without Material You than people who are using Android 12 or 13. Let that sink in.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • HMZ
                                • 11 May 2023

                                This can all be solved by giving us a HEX color editor/color wheel in Android developer settings to set any color we want anywhere in supported material you apps.

                                'But what if I screw it up to where I can't figure out how to turn it off since I can't read text?'
                                Solution: warn users before they change HEX values of colors when they attempt to do it that the solution to reset colors to defaults would be to reboot the device in safe mode, or to select 'reset material you color palette' in Android recovery menu.

                                  Google talks about customization, I see less and less contrast. With every f-ing Android release.

                                  It's like they are hellbent on making Android smartphones as unreadable as humanly possible.

                                  Android 4.4 remains the best Android that there was in terms of usability. Everything after has been made to make interaction with your smartphone as complicated as possible.

                                  On/Off toggles? No one has got any clue.
                                  Text/controls? No one has got any clue.
                                  A ton of white totally wasted space? Yes!
                                  Gestures which must be discovered and are absolutely illogical? Yes!
                                  An easy way to configure the accent color? F u!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • nC4
                                    • 11 May 2023

                                    Anonymous, 11 May 2023The emoji wallpapers are like the most obvious iOS ripoff t... moreSounding like Apple doesn't rip things off. List could go on and on of things that Apple ripped off of Android and even Windows Phones, basically adding stuff 7 years and more late.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • nC4
                                      • 11 May 2023

                                      Anonymous, 11 May 2023I wonder how many artists had their work stolen for the &qu... moreSoon most artist will be out of the job, also photographers, music producers and so on.

                                        • M
                                        • Mami Oni
                                        • y6V
                                        • 11 May 2023

                                        Neat. I kinda like the emoji wallpaper and generative wallaper. No need to search and download from the internet.