Modular Fairphone 4 finally lands in the US but isn't running Android anymore

06 July 2023
It's been brought Stateside by a company that's known for "de-Googling", and thus it's "de-Googled".

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  • B
  • Big Hand Joe
  • njn
  • 06 Jul 2023

Stoon, 06 Jul 2023useless idea ... this is just a scam How is avoiding child labour and general labour exploitation a useless idea? Do you personally work 12h a day in a mine? I hope so, otherwise your comment would just make you look a very asocial and ignorant human being. Someone who is not needed in society.

    • S
    • Stoon
    • NhC
    • 06 Jul 2023

    useless idea ... this is just a scam

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • EUk
      • 06 Jul 2023

      they have their customers already, no worries about that.
      for sure its not the phone for the people who reads GSM arena

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • t0n
        • 06 Jul 2023

        Very interested in "de-googling" a phone and rapidly moving away from Android (or iOS) and towards a Linux or similar OS if there is such an animal. Android being open source should mean anyone can take the code and adapt it for a new OS that excludes Google.

          Ginoza, 06 Jul 2023It's still running on Android, though, isn't it? ... moreThe camera performance won't be affected, even if you're using a GCam port.

            Aoi Akane, 06 Jul 2023> You get a five-year warranty for the hardware, and ver... moreActually, it was Fairphone that started it all since its inception in 2013. But no one bothered because they are literally a niche brand. It wasn't until Apple stepped in where everyone started doing the same thing.

              zaryan, 06 Jul 2023I get the concept of modularity but isn't too expensiv... moreFairphone aren't as big as most corporations, and they're a heavy advocate for fair wages, so don't expect their product to be cheap.

                Not the first time we have /e/ OS on Fairphone as it happened before with the 3/3+.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vaS
                  • 06 Jul 2023

                  rizki1, 06 Jul 2023Shouldn't this be a gimmick? Budget phone over the yea... moreThere is a market for this, especially those who hate disposable budget phones that are also hostile to modding like the newer batches of Samsung.

                    • G
                    • Ginoza
                    • j@B
                    • 06 Jul 2023

                    It's still running on Android, though, isn't it? Just a degoogled, skinned version like Huawei's devices?

                    Anyways, how is that going to affect camera performance? If it's still android the camera might not be affected, but it's hard to tell.

                      Anonymous, 06 Jul 2023Sony gives 5 year warranty?they do give warranty if you buy directly from sony store. just dont buy xperia on gray market.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3SL
                        • 06 Jul 2023

                        Aoi Akane, 06 Jul 2023> You get a five-year warranty for the hardware, and ver... moreSony gives 5 year warranty?

                          NeonHD, 06 Jul 2023I mean, it's technically still running AOSP android. I... moreExactly, as far as I know it's still AOSP, just without Google traces. You can even install e/OS/ as a custom Rom on a bunch of phones, even my current Redmi Note 9 Pro is supported.

                            rizki1, 06 Jul 2023Shouldn't this be a gimmick? Budget phone over the yea... moreyeah imagine a tear drop notch and thick chin but they are overpriced, something like vivo Y series.
                            fairphone will launch the 5th gen one with punch hole display. not sure about the existence.. but i'm pretty sure it'll appear soon or later

                              • M
                              • Md
                              • fCZ
                              • 06 Jul 2023

                              NeonHD, 06 Jul 2023I mean, it's technically still running AOSP android. I... moreWill it get regular software updates?1 please reply

                                I mean, it's technically still running AOSP android. I've seen /e/OS ROMs before.

                                  > You get a five-year warranty for the hardware, and very minimal packaging with no adapter, not even a cable. Just the phone and a quick start guide.
                                  Funny to see they're actually following Sony's step at this point.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • XTA
                                    • 06 Jul 2023

                                    Privacy + usa . Those words can't be combined

                                    Even some gaming streamers get swatted monthly 🤣

                                      Shouldn't this be a gimmick? Budget phone over the years is better than buying this. Niche phone, normal people will get bored with this. And for me, I don't want to see that tear drop notch and thick chin in 2023.

                                        Will you buy this?
                                        I like the idea, but the price and specs...