iPhone 15 Pro's 3 nm Bionic A17 chipset to feature with 6 GB RAM

10 August 2023
The A17 Bionic will have 6 CPU and 6 GPU cores.

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  • A
  • AnonymousLife
  • MGq
  • 14 Aug 2023

SixSeis, 13 Aug 2023One of the most ridiculous things I've read today, it ... moreRead the Newest comment he explains that for you .

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • UG4
    • 13 Aug 2023

    iPhone storage excel at random read writes. NVMe. same with desktop SSDs.
    Android storage ufs.. an evolve of emmc is typically slower.

    Thus Android need massive ram to load all their recent apps into memory.. else you see the spinners. This technique however drains your battery faster.
    Apple's chip can swap to memory faster, Plus their cpu have massive and very fast cache.. thus it load the information faster.

    It does not lie. You can see speed test of all phones.. How did a iPhone with half the RAM keep up with Android who have twice the ram and sometimes better ram?? It does not make sense if you think RAM is everything.

      Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023after year of use still can sell 6 gig of ram for excellent... moreOne of the most ridiculous things I've read today, it even feels like it lives inside a bubble or doesn't understand what RAM is

        Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023More resale value does not mean it is better. If you omit n... moreDon't extrapolate what seems to occur in your microcosm of human society to be true in the vast majority of it. I've used Samsung flagship phones since 2011 and ALSO an iPhone Pro Max since 2020. I carry both of them DAILY and enjoy using BOTH of them
        There are several Android phones which are equally or even more expensive. How come those phones aren't highly sought after by the Android community?

          Only hope this can be proved fake...

            Anonymous, 12 Aug 2023Would only ever buy an apple phone if it had expandable storage iPhone 64gbb and android 64gb are not the same.
            Apple compressed the data that goes into the storage than android. The space in android gets filled quicker than iPhone so no need for expandable storage.

            • 🤣
            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • q{B
            • 12 Aug 2023

            Would only ever buy an apple phone if it had expandable storage

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • rJc
              • 12 Aug 2023

              Anonymous, 12 Aug 2023Read what the other poster said CAREFULLY. The server refer... moreThank you m8 for backing me up. Your answer is exactly what I was trying to explain.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • vaS
                • 12 Aug 2023

                Anonymous, 10 Aug 2023Then how do you receive notifications when your phone is of... moreRead what the other poster said CAREFULLY. The server referred to in that post is for IOS apps to allow notifications if the app is cleared from memory. Due to pitiful amount of ram, ios clears backgrounded apps so their fans will get a "smooth" experience. Android keeps them running even when sent to the background so they don't need a server to handle notifications.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • IVK
                  • 11 Aug 2023

                  PorkHotdog, 10 Aug 2023Absolute cringe. I had an iPad Pro and this thing closed ev... moreSounds seems you never had “iPad pro” before

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • rJ5
                    • 11 Aug 2023

                    Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023after year of use still can sell 6 gig of ram for excellent... moreMore resale value does not mean it is better. If you omit north america, rest of the world buy iPhone just to show off which indicate it is a collection entity rather than usable thing. About the updates, most people don't understand that excess updates actually damage the device. The device hardware is most suited for 2-3 upgrades. Any more updates put pressure on device hardware.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3G$
                      • 11 Aug 2023

                      It'll get hotter than a Greek summer. Which will throttle its performance so its a pointless endeavour. I suppose they had to change something

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IVK
                        • 11 Aug 2023

                        PorkHotdog, 10 Aug 2023Absolute cringe. I had an iPad Pro and this thing closed ev... moreSounds seems you never had “iPad pro” before

                          Bailey , 11 Aug 2023Clearly, you don't understand that having an open syst... moreSecurity researchers can find more easily android vulnerability, and even create privacy and security focused fork (roms) of Android because it's open source (like Grapheneos).

                          Also major iOS FCP Zero Click vulnerability are rewarded 500k$ less than android one (src Zerodium), it's more common..

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3xJ
                            • 11 Aug 2023

                            neoxcool, 10 Aug 20236gb ram in 2024 for a $1300 phone haha ...after year of use still can sell 6 gig of ram for excellent price and still can get 6 years of software update. Your android phone that comes with 24 gig of ram after year won’t worth nothing unless if you have Samsung galaxy’s lol.

                            • 🤣
                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3xJ
                            • 11 Aug 2023

                            PorkHotdog, 10 Aug 2023Android copies Apple? Lmao are you from 2012? Apple has bee... morecan you count what apple copied from android?!.

                            Anonymous, 10 Aug 2023Are you really saying paying $1499 for a phone with the sam... moreYou completely missed my point and just focused on a single sentence.

                            I did not say those brands did not produce high-end phones either. (In fact, except Apple, Nokia and a few others, every single company makes both low and high end ones.)

                            Also i DO compare the highest end iPhone to the $149 phone because they have one of their spec (the RAM) in common, i don't see the problem with that and why you would imply i am "dead in the head" to ask that.

                            All those $149 phones probably can hold 2-3 apps open just fine, but i'd doubt the iPhone can sustain the performance after +10 ones, that was my point; that it wouldn't even be noticeable for Apple to put 8 GB but they "allegedly" opted for 6 again.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uCh
                              • 11 Aug 2023

                              Bailey , 11 Aug 2023Clearly, you don't understand that having an open syst... morenot really, in the end it all depends on user
                              stupid user can fall in scam in closed system, how apple prevent security-related-issue from social networking ?

                              allowing side party install in open system isnt make you more vulnerable as usually u know what you are doing
                              while most that dont know about those, stay in limited-enviroment, which using google playstore or apps store provided by their phone maker

                              • 👍
                              • B
                              • Bailey
                              • p%4
                              • 11 Aug 2023

                              GrapheneOsUser, 11 Aug 2023Why buy more expensive unsecure idevices that can get acces... moreClearly, you don't understand that having an open system actually makes you more vulnerable to attack than a closed one.

                              • 🤣
                              • b
                              • blue
                              • Mx6
                              • 11 Aug 2023

                              Anonymous, 11 Aug 2023More ram benefits all Android devices, even those not made ... moreHave you ever seen an android phone with 8 GB and 2GB on the exactly same chipset and other hardware?
                              Not exactly comparable, when 2 GB phones also get much slower hardware, right?