HTC removes HDR microphone from the One's spec sheet

02 May, 2013
HTC has removed the HDR microphone from One's specs, will continue to use it until supplies last.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • kUw
  • 07 May 2013

Gtp, 03 May 2013be it pureview or haac mics. nokia hasnt developed hardwar... moreIf you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan

Nokia does a lot of R&D to the tune of an average of 6 billion per year. To put things into perspective, Apple spends 1 billion per year in R&D up to 2011 and only increased it to 3.4 billion in 2012 despite dominating the smartphone market and banking over 100 billion.

I don't know what your expectation is, but all manufacturers have to rely on manufacturer to produce certain components as it would be impractical to specialize in the manufacturing of every single component. Would you expect manufacturers to mine the aluminum they use?

As others have mentioned, Nokia researched and designed the HAAC mics and took their design to a manufacturer that has the manufacturing capability to produce the mics. What HTC did was despicable. They took someone else's work and renamed it "dual membrane HDR". It's only after the news broke out, they removed the name and are calling it dual-membrane” microphones.

    • D
    • AnonD-128083
    • kKW
    • 03 May 2013

    "It was in 2007 that a Nokia team began thinking about how they could create a microphone that could handle high amplitude noises. "
    "Following lots of test recordings and demonstrations, the Nokia team filed patent applications for key innovations in early 2009 and began working with suppliers to develop the first prototype HAAC microphones."

    "Nokia’s team continued to refine the technology before the first HAAC microphone was launched to the world, in the Nokia 808 PureView last summer."

    "One day when a couple of our engineers met over lunch, one of them mentioned how earlier that day he found an article in the Electronics Times on satellite imaging inspiring, specifically how satellite imaging uses extremely high resolution sensors to capture high resolution images. It was the fact that we typically only ever look at a section of a satellite image that inspired him the most."
    "This is, without doubt, our most complex imaging project to date."

    Don't be ignorant.

      • D
      • AnonD-139675
      • vpb
      • 03 May 2013

      As of now remove HDR mic and put rich recording instead, to give credit to Nokia. And when the supplies lasts, remove Rich recording for us to know that the stock of HDR mic runs out. ;-)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ixu
        • 03 May 2013

        Gtp, 03 May 2013be it pureview or haac mics. nokia hasnt developed hardwar... moreif you had any sense you would read up before posting such nonsense. Nokia develop more than most manufacturers, yes they use companies to do so, but they are pumping in resources(their staff) and money to do so (unlike apple who buy the company and "reinvent" ).
        Then they have usually have solo rights for 5 years then they allow the other comopant to sell to whoever they wish.
        in this case they didnt listen and just sold it, and nokia will probably own this company with how much they will probably sue for.

          • h
          • htc fan
          • Np}
          • 03 May 2013

          I don't see why this Apple head wants a bite out of HTC ,really don't understand why he thinks HTC brings devices that don't represent quality and growth in sales.See in Africa we believe, you cannot remove a baboon of the throne snd place a monkey. Face it, you're desperate for an android fail and not necessarily HTC. Apple is under pressure because of the likes of HTC,LG,Sony and oh Samsung. Now chewbon that and excuse yourself from hating on HTC.

            • J
            • Jay CPW
            • 9Cg
            • 03 May 2013

            Anonymous, 02 May 2013"massive success that HTC one Will bring" Are y... moreIts 'device', not 'devise'. And phones such as the One X, One, even the Samsung smartphones are better than Apple - with their clique design and iOS. Before you pass me off as a hater of the Apple, I have had pretty much every iPhone and each of these have been similar to their predecessor. Boring!!! Back to the point; although HTC have had this minor set back I'm sure it won't knock them. I'm not keen on the One myself, but the hardware and software put into these phones is market leading. Go HTC!!!

              • G
              • Gtp
              • bJf
              • 03 May 2013

              be it pureview or haac mics. nokia hasnt developed hardware of any kind. they just buy parts from others and assemble it.

                • n
                • nekko
                • IV8
                • 03 May 2013

                Now is a good time if you want to grab the HTC One. Who knows when they will start replacing the HDR mics with a lower quality one. HTC One 1st batch with HDR mics will be a privilege

                  • J
                  • Jon (Swe)
                  • mhB
                  • 03 May 2013

                  Anonymous, 02 May 2013This will do nothing but hurt Nokia, once SMT and it's cont... moreAre you defending the company that broke a contract?
                  If a company breaks a contract, they should expect having a lawsuit on their hands.
                  If they didn't want to sign the contract, they never should have. But they did, so now they are bound to follow.
                  Also, in this case, they developed the technology together with Nokia. Had it not been for Nokia, STM would not have these mics at all.

                  STM are the bad guys here, the question is, if other companies would want to work with STM on innovations, after this.

                    • R
                    • Rasta from Jamaica
                    • jxX
                    • 03 May 2013

                    Also i dont own a HTC Phone yet wishing them the best to compete with the Galaxy S4

                      • R
                      • Rasta from Jamaica
                      • jxX
                      • 03 May 2013

                      Anonymous, 02 May 2013This will do nothing but hurt Nokia, once SMT and it's cont... moreAre you aware of the term "exclusive contract?" next it WONT HURT Nokia its ST Electronics broke a contract so Nokia going to sue them next learn a bit about Business before making ignorant comments

                        • D
                        • AnonD-81738
                        • X3a
                        • 03 May 2013

                        The HAAC (high amplitude audio capture) technology was developed by Nokia and belongs to them. "HDR" was merely a rebranding of the term for purposes of marketing. HTC had no legal right to adverstise this technology as its own, regardless of whether it was done in good faith or not, which is the main reason why all reference to HDR (high definition recording) is being pulled from advertising material.

                          • T
                          • Tarek
                          • a00
                          • 03 May 2013

                          Nokia have no chance to get back it's share in the market , the make a stupid decision when they avoid Android, HTC will make more success with Android, Nokia taked a wrong turn with Microsoft

                            • D
                            • AnonD-59657
                            • ib3
                            • 03 May 2013

                            Will HTC replace the 4MP camera with 13MP camera until the supplies last?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • kUw
                              • 02 May 2013

                              AnonD-40735, 02 May 2013nokia have sued htc in germany. I think nokia is one of ... morePlease refrain yourself from using terms you do not understand. A patent troll holds patents for the sole purpose of suing and extracting license fees without developing/manufacturing the patent.

                                Anonymous, 02 May 2013don't think they can do it? or don't want them to do it cau... moreI want them to make it, but I know they won't be able to.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3$t
                                  • 02 May 2013

                                  keke, 02 May 2013Nokia is jealous of the massive success that HTC one Will b... more"massive success that HTC one Will bring"
                                  Are you joking?
                                  I can bet on, that this apple-ish handicap devise will have the same "massive success" as the 'great design' HTC One X , had. LOL

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • TwI
                                    • 02 May 2013

                                    SabbyJ, 02 May 2013"improved" microphones....."yeah, right"!+1

                                    808 PureView the best imaging Smartphone and best device for Video/sound recording!!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • GYB
                                      • 02 May 2013

                                      SabbyJ, 02 May 2013"improved" microphones....."yeah, right"!don't think they can do it? or don't want them to do it cause you want them to fail?

                                        • M
                                        • MdN
                                        • 60P
                                        • 02 May 2013

                                        Anonymous, 02 May 2013This will do nothing but hurt Nokia, once SMT and it's cont... moreNokia designed those microphones. SMT was just making them. They are free to sell something else to whoever they want.