Android 14 might see lock screen widgets return, shortcuts are now customizable

24 September 2023
We just hope these new options won't be Pixel-exclusive.

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  • UsmanHSh
  • 6Py
  • 24 Sep 2023

Al Masjid Al Aqsa, 24 Sep 2023What is the lightest recent version of Android? By recent ... moreAll versions are almost same it depends on manufacturer about how many features they cram on top. Newer Android versions have introduced features like better privacy and permission management, and modular updates. These have little effect on performance. And even performance improvement over previous versions, support for newer APIs.

On low ram devices (4-6GB): MIUI you'll have less apps stay in ram compared to motorola, vivo or other brand that have a near stock implementation.

The burden comes from later versions of google play services and newer version of apps that require more ram, processing and storage than they used to 5 years ago so Android version is irrelevant as if u want to keep using ur old device you'll have to update these and it'll slowdown those so custom rom with nano, pico version of Google play would have some chance to run a bit better compared to those roms with full implementation of these.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • rA}
    • 24 Sep 2023

    Al Masjid Al Aqsa, 24 Sep 2023What is the lightest recent version of Android? By recent ... moreAndroid 13 Go edition

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Sr6
      • 24 Sep 2023

      NeonHD, 24 Sep 2023Oh the irony. Google copying a feature from a copy of their... moreWhen they give us back USB mass storage option? Now that was useful feature... Why it was removed?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Sr6
        • 24 Sep 2023

        Al Masjid Al Aqsa, 24 Sep 2023What is the lightest recent version of Android? By recent ... moreAndroid sucks nowadays. It's just one huge spyware festival. The most best lightweight version in the past couple of years was Android 10 / 11

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vaS
          • 24 Sep 2023

          Dkj195, 24 Sep 2023All manufacturers just recycle or copy others that's j... moreAh, yes. Let's be glad simple features like this is ONLY available on newer devices and cannot be put on those running just ONE GENERATION behind.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vaS
            • 24 Sep 2023

            SShock, 24 Sep 2023Greed. It's why so many devices barely get updates and... moreIt's just disgusting considering that ancient phones like Note 3 had unpaid devs like the Lineage team managing to cram features from Android 6 to 11 on a phone left behind with Android 5.

            But then we also have a huge number of consumers always chasing the newest stuff so manufacturers get away with it.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • xnV
              • 24 Sep 2023

              Anonymous, 24 Sep 2023put back freaking customized video wallpaper you google Wallpaper Engine solves that and better.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • XTA
                • 24 Sep 2023

                Anonymous, 24 Sep 2023Yeah, imagine how advanced Android would have been without ... moredon't forget that Android still using huawei bootloader

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • XTA
                  • 24 Sep 2023

                  put back freaking customized video wallpaper you google

                    All manufacturers just recycle or copy others that's just how it goes since 10 years ago, trying to catch up the trend when it's needed, tbh I forgot lock screen widgets even existed dang that's a long time ago, obviously we're used to not having it but getting it back now is good news, instead of blaming them to be lack of creativity (true but logically to get something new every year or at least a functional update need some brainstorming) just be glad they are back

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 8x@
                      • 24 Sep 2023

                      Ah, yes... the good ol' "remove features just to add them later in the future and pretend its a shiny new thing"

                        What is the lightest recent version of Android?
                        By recent I mean at least (Android 11)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • YT1
                          • 24 Sep 2023

                          Anonymous, 24 Sep 2023Gee can't wait for Android 69Better you wait for iphone 69

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • u7V
                            • 24 Sep 2023

                            Gee can't wait for Android 69

                              Oh the irony. Google copying a feature from a copy of their own feature from a decade ago.

                              Either way I'm glad this feature finally returns, but man the irony...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0cB
                                • 24 Sep 2023

                                This will be the last version for my Samsung A52. Hope it will be good enough. All versions ran fine.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3SL
                                  • 24 Sep 2023

                                  Of course they will return, after Apple introduced them. Just like Home Screen Widgets and live wallpapers. Google thinks „eh, we don’t need this stuff“ then Apple releases their version and Google says „ok we actually do need this stuff again now but the way Apple did it“

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 05e
                                    • 24 Sep 2023

                                    Anonymous, 24 Sep 2023Already have it on my Samsung device with Android 13, never... moreYeah, imagine how advanced Android would have been without Google's involvement. Google has the attention span of a five year old on crakk. "Let's do this! Seems important! What were we doing? Oh well, let's do this other thing! Seems important!"...

                                    It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that they keep making a mess of everything.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 8N3
                                      • 24 Sep 2023

                                      So many more important things to add to android, google spends money on this.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • YUU
                                        • 24 Sep 2023

                                        404, 24 Sep 2023I hate it whe everytime Google implemented a new idea on An... moreI quote:
                                        "revolutionary". Or maybe they will say "aPpLe iMpLeMEnTeD iT bEtTer"

                                        For haters, yes, it's a pain for them and as what the old words say. If you can't fight them, join them. Apple did revolutionary the smartphone and implemented a lot of feature batter, either you hate it or love it. Stop being sour and bitter. What're you saying now is reflecting yourself to people around you.

                                        P/S: Apple haters comedy is pure comedy 🤡