Gmail now has emoji reactions, for better or worse

03 October 2023
They are spreading across Android tablets and phones first.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • gxL
  • 25 Oct 2023


    • Y
    • YourChoice
    • 3SL
    • 09 Oct 2023

    You don't NEED to use this feature. You just need to prepare others will. No big deal.

      • D
      • David
      • 8Kr
      • 09 Oct 2023

      I have an idea for an article. Title: “Pissing off your customers. How much is too much? Report from Alphabet.”

      Gmail, the last Google product I still use. For how long?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pKy
        • 05 Oct 2023

        Can someone tell me if Gmail or Samsung Email is the better app?

          • C
          • Chowmin
          • vcB
          • 04 Oct 2023

          Will those reactions also consume extra space within the 15 GB space? 🙄

            • A
            • Anon
            • y6V
            • 04 Oct 2023

            That one email from your boss that had him reply ">:("

              • W
              • Wojtek
              • 3Lr
              • 04 Oct 2023

              omfg.... every reaction will be a separate email... Google once again trying to ef up world of email... could thwy, just for a second stop being total morons? eh... 🙄

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • XTA
                • 04 Oct 2023

                imagine using emojis for your resume 🤣

                  Is This even useful?

                    Been using it for 1.5 years in Outlook. Quite a nice feature. Outlook sends collective email reports with all reactions received after some time the email was sent - it doesn't send the user an email for each and every reaction received.