GSMA: 4.3 billion people now own smartphones

13 October 2023
Of them, 4 billion are using its internet services.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 0cB
  • 13 Oct 2023

MR45, 13 Oct 2023Yes, including iPhones (Made in China) While the remaini... moreMy Samsung is made in Vietnam. Great quality.

    4.3 billion....
    Most people will only have 1 smartphone.
    Some would go for two to 4 smartphones because of different carriers.
    And some would go as far as having 15 to 20 smartphones that are used for trolling.
    But only 1% would go as far as purchasing 50 to 100 smartphones per year.
    Those people would post reviews about the smartphones they've purchase.
    But only 1 guy that I know does Bend Test.
    Does screen resistant test. With most reviews coming on level 6 with deeper grooves at level 7.

      Zendroid, 13 Oct 2023Apple is only American in the name. I thought I told you to... moreWell fair phone is good example also phones from Vertu brand.
      Since Fair phone is fair to all and made from eco friendly materials its not from chinese.
      Also Vertu is an ultra Luxurious premium brand also not chinese.
      Believe me or not but whole Sharp and Sony is made in japan and its components comes from Japan too. Maybe the CPU maker is Taiwanese same like uses Apple but whole phone is Japan manufactury.

        Zendroid, 13 Oct 2023Did you skip school too much? Of course half of the world i... moreDo they teach this in schools ? I would imagine that this topic be in a school that teach you a job in electricity or something but i dont think they teach this in schools even now. To be honest i dont think they even teach that in school for this specific occupation

        They for sure didnt teach this topic when i went to school over 20 years ago

          Cpt.Power, 13 Oct 2023More likely 95%. Not many can afford Apple and Sony. And i... moreApple is only American in the name. I thought I told you to stop smoking that grass. Zero phone exists without Chinese components.!

            pl2rts, 13 Oct 2023Half of the world just dont have electricity so what you do... moreDid you skip school too much? Of course half of the world isn't without power. Dumbest excuse ever used.!

              • D
              • AnonD-1121190
              • 3aL
              • 13 Oct 2023

              Around half of earth 🌍 population
              We reached now 8 billion.. Grannies and grandads don't giv fk about phones because the letters are small for them.. They rather use PC

                • L
                • Laika
                • CbG
                • 13 Oct 2023

                Thanks to all of the Chinese manufacturers 🙏

                  So i see the GSM Asc. Only brought up females into the conversation because males are evil right? 🤣

                    • T
                    • Tom
                    • I@H
                    • 13 Oct 2023

                    In my country, the cost-of-living crisis only affects people living in the city where most folks wanted to be an internet celebrity or whatever you call them. But for us farmers in the rural provinces, not so much. We don't consider ourselves poor either, we have well built homes, have trucks to load our goods, and most importantly we can put foods on our table without worry. Crops don't grow in smartphones and internet anyway.

                      Zendroid, 13 Oct 2023And the rest are criminals? Like mafia, gangs and such? Sin... moreHalf of the world just dont have electricity so what you do with electronic devices that all need electricity ?

                        It feels like the it is the type of statistic like Netflix rating where they think that under one account there be like 3-4 sets of eyes watching so they calculate it in the ratings.

                        Also a lot of people have 2-3 phones that all are also connected to internet so that means 2-3 people use these phones in that statistics.

                        For the mobile internet part i would say that a lot use it cause a lot of people dont have access to cable internet cause connection in the cable internet is crazy expensive.

                        In my country the cost to just connect cable to a box cost more then the 1km cable from the box to house that you dig it under earth like a meter. As the full cost of all the cable work and devices is cheaper then just connecting it to the net.

                        So what you have left is to go with mobile internet cause cause that signal come to you trough air

                          Swaraj, 13 Oct 2023You can't say the 45% of the population living less qu... moreWell maybe the slavery ended in half of 19th centaury but we all are still slaves.
                          We all are slaves of money.
                          And those uber rich people use this power to controll those who dont have with the power of givving or taking from poor.

                          I presonnaly would happily love to live a life in a world without money where everybody is equal to another person. Noone is above and noone is below.
                          In a world filled with peace and a perfect harmony where every individual works for prosperity of civilization as a whole.
                          World where anything and everything is free and anyone could have a perfect life without worries.

                          As long as we are ruled and obbsessed with money and wealth there wont be any peace, no freedom and no absolutely happy people.

                            And the rest are criminals? Like mafia, gangs and such? Since only just over half of the world uses smartphones.

                              rizki1, 13 Oct 202380% of them could be Chinese phones.More likely 95%. Not many can afford Apple and Sony.
                              And if more than 800 millions belongs to users with a feature phone.

                                Swaraj, 13 Oct 2023You can't say the 45% of the population living less qu... moreThey are living the real life, but not because they're choosing it, just because they don't have any other option. And you're not right about them not working - on the contrary most of them work hard jobs every day without any worker rights.

                                  Swaraj, 13 Oct 2023You can't say the 45% of the population living less qu... moreNo one said they are poor because they lack smartphone or internet connection.

                                  They are iliterate, have problems accessing clean water and they would take our comfort anytime. You also have a choice to go and help them - teach them, help them and you would have a chance to live a life without working 10 hours a day, without Google and processed food.

                                  Or just change a workplace (or go freelance), eat healthier food and move away from dirty cities.

                                    • L
                                    • Lain
                                    • d%A
                                    • 13 Oct 2023

                                    Everyone must be connected (:

                                      • S
                                      • Swaraj
                                      • CbG
                                      • 13 Oct 2023

                                      You can't say the 45% of the population living less quality life or underprivileged than those who are connected to internet. They just don't care about working 10 hr a day , eating processed food , breathing polluted air , hooking up with whoes with no love or affection, letting Google decide what they need buy/watch to feel better . They living actual human life . We are on the other hand are like chickens in a farm .

                                      The idea of progress is bunch of bs . All other civilization realised it . We will too .

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • skJ
                                        • 13 Oct 2023

                                        4,3 billion smartphones and maybe 100 000 people who know how to use them properly