Apple aims to add Galaxy S4 to patent lawsuit against Samsung
- Y
- YogiMan
- LK3
- 14 May 2013
It's about time Apple give Samsung a rest. It appears that Apple is getting better at lawsuits than smart phones. There is more than enough for all smart phone makers to survive!!!!!
- T
- Temi
- jAM
- 14 May 2013
Apple! When is it going to learn. Why fighting a lost battle instead on focusing on its market share. I believe this is the beginning of the end of all Apple's product. I termed this pure and simple Jealousness. Nothing compares to ANDROID
- U
- Ubuntu Takeover
- Rbq
- 14 May 2013
You all are acting as if Samshng didn't copy from Apple with the S4.
Look, Samsung marketed the device as 16GB but really only 8/9GB are available to the user so it should have been marketed as a 8GB device.
Samsung is accused of copying Apples fraudulent marketing and lying to its consumers.
- c
- chris
- 3ay
- 14 May 2013
why do they act like small crying babes??? I am a Samsung fan but cmon both of you.. Samsung and Apple stop acting like small babes.!! They get billions of money and they want MORE and MORE and MORE!!!! Someone tell them that some people have no money to EAT!!!!
- n
- nazir khannnnnnnnnnn
- KIv
- 14 May 2013
Samsung very nice mobile ,,,,, apple crazy
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 May 2013
Shareholders burn their hands in the drop in share prices so hoping to do something about it? lol
- D
- AnonD-145536
- vb$
- 14 May 2013
I do sincerely hope that Apple burns its hands on every single implicated Samsung device...remember...Apple is a company, Samsung is a conglomerate.
- n
- nazir khannnnnnnnnnn
- KIv
- 14 May 2013
apple is crazy crazy
- A
- Al
- XNt
- 14 May 2013
There we go again !!!!!
- D
- AnonD-124009
- mJS
- 14 May 2013
It is enough for this ridiculous... Apple dont know what to do to the decline in its market share so it is using this to compensate its weakness ,,, you Apple will never and ever defeat Samsung you need trillion year to follow the technologies in Samsung ,,
- M
- MdN
- B}Q
- 14 May 2013
Wow. Apple didn't sue anyone for a week so they had to do something. I hope they feel better now.
- s
- sfb14
- 0Ys
- 14 May 2013
apple is jealous because they are way tooooo behind on everything.
- s
- sour_grapes
- fxN
- 14 May 2013
Apple new business model. Innovative patent troll.
- D
- AnonD-75832
- vpY
- 14 May 2013
here goes apple again..
- f
- fer05
- Sb6
- 14 May 2013
anything new..?we don't care for crapple and samdung. we just like technology.. :/
- D
- AnonD-41889
- fm{
- 14 May 2013
Apple will always be jealous. Admit it guys, you're not that innovative anymore
- D
- AnonD-122611
- tet
- 14 May 2013
apple then-less bitching and more inventions
apple now-more bitching and less inventions
- D
- AnonD-30239
- 0V5
- 14 May 2013
They are unf***** believable! Seriously? Drop this Apple, stop being silly!
- B
- Boom
- SXn
- 14 May 2013
So bitter that Samsung im more successful and selling more!