Samsung unveils Gauss - its own generative AI that's coming to the Galaxy S24

08 November 2023
It features Language, Code, and Image models.

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Dumb name

    First 100 dollar S Pen and now this. Only thing saving Samsung is S24 hype

      Ortana, 08 Nov 2023Give us actual affordable flagships before starting any of ... moreIt's a flagship? It's meant to be expensive and gives you the best hardware. Who do people expect SnapDragon 8 Gen 3 phones for less than 600 dollars? If you want an affordable flagship, go to Xiaomi/Poco and One+

        DarlingYext, 08 Nov 2023Pointless.No it's not! It's for company privacy, so their employees can use it without worry. That's their main purpose.

          Anonymous, 08 Nov 2023Performs worse than s23 due to exynosThe series also includes the ultra, which will get sd8g3 (not sure some or all)

            will this work on the s23 series or any other phones?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • nU2
              • 08 Nov 2023

              Performs worse than s23 due to exynos

                • S
                • Stoon
                • rXJ
                • 08 Nov 2023

                this is called escapism ... samsung already know their upcoming SoC will be a big failure so they are now focusing on useless technical things that consumers will never benefit from (oh google do the same) !


                    And you'll know where its name originated from.

                      I seriously doubt this is going to be much smarter than the assistant...

                        Give us actual affordable flagships before starting any of the ai bulshit. The S series is expensive as hell

                          Ai IA IA IA... things that most users won't touch hahaha