Weekly poll results: the Honor 100 and 100 Pro have potential, but looks are a problem

03 December 2023
The Honor 100 Pro received more positive interest, while the Honor 100 will have to prove itself in reviews. The Art Nouveau design of both models was heavily criticized. 

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There is no problem with the look the only problem are peple who dont know what they want and are unable to made and invent own phone from the scratch.
Nowdays people are so overfeed with casual common boring design everywhere else they treat anything unique and uunlike any other as a something far worse.
Truth is the opposite.
Even i wouldnt like, love, have or enjoy to eat exactly same food for as long as it works for me.
After many weeks, months or years no matter how good device was its gets bored, tired and refused and rejected to use.
People would like to abandon it,
Something new and unique will come into a favor.
With this phone is the same.
Different than other means usually better and thus way more prefferable.

    Nah, honor 100 pro desgin is top tier!😤😍