Realme will partner with Rolex on upcoming 12 Pro series

10 January 2024
The series might arrive on January 28.

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So we will get a Rolex smartwatch with the phone? Or just pay more for another logo. Oh right, the logo.

    • d
    • dcdev
    • JGb
    • 10 Jan 2024

    MakeMotoBetterAgain, 10 Jan 2024when a camera bump is larger than a rolex, you know its tim... moreThey could do it in sundial stile 😅

      A person who can buy a ROLEX will never use a phone that is not an iPhone or a galaxy s23u-s24u

        Anonymous, 10 Jan 2024This is one of the most ill-throughout brand collabs I'... moreI would agree with you if this was 1993

        But this is the age of data

        A phones microphone, just connecting to similar WiFi router is more than enough to get ads targeted to your intended audience

        Smartphones are the greatest ads machine on the planet the phone and it's "interconnected-ness"
        Will do the work for you

        This isn't about selling watches, data is more valuable than gold more valuable to profit from Vs rolex's entire history..

          Anonymous, 10 Jan 2024This is one of the most ill-throughout brand collabs I'... moreThe CEO of Realme uses an iPhone, don't have the slightest doubt about that

            when a camera bump is larger than a rolex, you know its time to go smaller 😂😂😂

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • raN
              • 10 Jan 2024

              This is one of the most ill-throughout brand collabs I've seen. Totally different target markets. If you can afford a Rolex, Realme wouldn't even be on your radar as a brand (unless perhaps you are the CEO of Realme?).

                Watches can last for tens of years because there's no electronic hardware with planned obsolescence to deal with. Can't say the same for phones, though.

                  LosEstupido, 10 Jan 2024Would you rather have a generic good phone or have a fashio... moreGeneric good. Show offs will choose fashionable bad as always, of course

                    Would you rather have a generic good phone or have a fashionable bad phone?

                      Ok, there's literally no other design they could've find and used but the Mate 50's? On the GT5 Pro and now on the 12 series

                        If they didn't use the generic circular dome thing and used a camera cutout similar to the Realme 11 Pro and Realme 11 Pro+, this thing would actually look great. Their choice of camera cutout just looks terrible aesthetically speaking.