Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom official with 10x zoom, Android 4.2
- e
- ebie3164
- S35
- 12 Jun 2013
- M
- Mobilemaster
- 0Uu
- 12 Jun 2013
Dear Samsung, we know you are trying to make a very good camera phone, but there is a problem with this model:thickness and weigh. It's too thick, and too heavy. Look at Nokia phones. Their phones are not that thick and heavy as this one. We understand it has 10x optical zoom, but if it's too thick? It's better to make a phone with 4, 5x optical zoom and make it thinner.
- G
- Gamer
- 12 Jun 2013
Wow wat a junky thing.... Is this a mobile or binoclour....
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 12 Jun 2013
I find this ugly? haha
- Z
- Zhane
- 12 Jun 2013
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2013Awesome new design, no more soap. It's upgrades to shoes. S... moreThat made my day, to much LOL for this.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sG%
- 12 Jun 2013
this phone would look okay if it was just a camera and used for taking pictures, but you will look stupid texting and calling with this thing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Jun 2013
You will be a laughing stock when use among photographers.
You will be a laughing stock when use among smartphone users.
Either way, you will get laughed yet.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mjP
- 12 Jun 2013
more details about the sensor on that camera?...
- D
- AnonD-88657
- rv1
- 12 Jun 2013
Thank you Samsung for giving an answer to a question no one was asking...
- b
- bigfella
- Xr@
- 12 Jun 2013
i want one. They didn't bring the Nokia Pureview 808 to Australia and the Samsung Camera wasn't a phone. This is my next phone if it comes out here.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m2C
- 12 Jun 2013
[deleted post]Because there are some people, who needs phone and camera all time with them, now we must cary two devices, now it will be in one device. Of course it will not be professional camera, but better than small cameras without noticable optics in smartphones.
- j
- jay
- iB4
- 12 Jun 2013
not sure if phone... or cam...
- D
- AnonD-153914
- 0xM
- 12 Jun 2013
Why not just buy a normal camera?
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 12 Jun 2013
Awesome new design, no more soap. It's upgrades to shoes. Samsung for the win. LOL
- j
- jay
- iB4
- 12 Jun 2013
HAHAHAHA.... this is just a galaxy cam with an S4 looking like front... samsung you are just being stupid :D
- m
- mihai
- nDB
- 12 Jun 2013
epic fail with this design