Google releases Android 15 Beta 2 with Private space and better large-screen multitasking

16 May 2024
There are many other new features too.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 84G
  • 18 Jun 2024

GSMARENA viewers alway talking crap about everything never see positivity and have never use the device or intend to use it ,just talking crap. Learn

    • C
    • Cric
    • IB%
    • 18 May 2024

    We don't need new features, instead of that we need a good android 15 os.
    1. Stop the too much of battery consuming apps (chrome , map , find my device).
    2. Increase the minimum system requirement android os 9 for all third party apps in google play store.
    3. Reduce the graphics and increase the details and power saving mode.
    4. Every one hour time automatically clean the background apps memory usage.
    5. Increase the pair device security.

      • P
      • ProMax Ultra
      • CbF
      • 17 May 2024

      Stock UI is the best android akin by far but there is definitely room for improvent.

      But what i wanted to say hat how much crap these companies preload your phones with in the name of customisation/features.
      My S22 despite being 2 yr old flagship,feels like midranger many times & many fanboys cherish OneUI as the best.

        • M
        • Multi-Profile
        • P$b
        • 17 May 2024

        They had this feature called 2nd profile in Lenovo phones with Android 7 Nougat. And yes, it was Android default feature, not Lenovos. It allowed to create a separate profile entirely with its own app data, exactly like Windows and without any limits on which apps will work, basically any app you want. Even wallpaper & settings were separate. It worked miles better than what Samsung gives today, which is limited to just WhatsApp & communication apps that Samsung approves.

        Not sure why Google removed that feature from Android in the first place.

          ProMax Ultra, 16 May 2024If Stock UI is so bad than imagine different custom UIs by ... moreYeah don't get me wrong. I actually love stock Android, it's the only flavor of Android I'd use. But as someone who's a long time fan of AOSP/Pixel Android, I can't help but see many areas that Google could've improved with the ROM. These areas are tiny and almost negligible, but it would just make the experience ever so slightly more refined.

            • P
            • ProMax Ultra
            • CbF
            • 16 May 2024

            NeonHD, 16 May 2024Please stop adding in new features and focus instead on pol... moreIf Stock UI is so bad than imagine different custom UIs by various manufacturers among these StockUI.

            I use Samsung & honestly it feels $#!T.
            Stock UI feels like whole another level on UI animations,resposiveness & overall design consistency.

            Android has peaked now with just few here & there customisation & Design changes in Major OS it'll be better if Google finally focus on optimising android,improve app support,tools & make developering apps easier for Android.

              What is the point in releasing these stupid new versions with minimal update just focus on making 14 more polished so pointless.

                I received this update and it can be said that it is true that no new functionality has been added, but it can be said that it is promising

                  Anonymous, 16 May 2024Samsung had these features since 7 years ago. Can't wa... moreIt's interesting, why do you have to offer these features for free for 1 year on your latest phone series and pay to have them after a year?

                    Finally Google is catching up with the rest of android makers software feature-wise. If they also catch up in hardware with their next release, I might consider getting one and recommending it again.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • K7h
                      • 16 May 2024

                      Lenovo is to something....

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 8XV
                        • 16 May 2024

                        Samsung had these features since 7 years ago. Can't wait to see if the back gesture prediction will work as intended

                          Please stop adding in new features and focus instead on polishing the UI/UX.

                          I'm no Apple fan, but stock Android feels less polished and less coherent than iOS, in terms of animations and some design elements. They just need to polish the tiny details.

                            MiUI: We already did it long time ago with dual space feature

                              Dear Google, please modernize international fonts. Some of the foreign fonts haven't been updated in like a decade. (Across all Google products/services)

                              Some languages have had the same font ever since the days of Android Jellybean. Get your act together!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • vaS
                                • 15 May 2024

                                So, they gonna fix the splitscreen that they broke these past updates? Like how pushing the home button also minimizes the app on the upper part of the screen?