HMD introduces Pulse+ Business Edition with extended software support and warranty

20 May 2024
With the help of DHL, repairs can be as easy as handing the phone over to a courier. Or, if you want, you can do it yourself with tools and instructions from iFixit.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • MSK
  • 20 May 2024

DBS, 20 May 2024"First off, the phone comes with an extended 3-year wa... more"Or, as we call it in Europe, the LEGAL WARRANTY that *all* hardware comes with, including the fruit phone, and that companies can't escape from."
Minimal warranty is 2 years in EU.

"The crooks at the Home of Mediocre Devices are really trying to pass a legal obligation as a "benefit" of their rebranded Chinese trash? Ahahahahahahah"
Strong words from someone who doesn't even know that in EU the minimal warranty is 2 years.
BTW, can you enlighten me from which country you are, I am very interested what high-end smartphones are made in your country. Or are you saying that your country can't even make a trash like HMD? Facepalm

    "HMD Pulse+ Business Edition"

    Really? What is this, the early 2000s?

      • D
      • DBS
      • nqK
      • 20 May 2024

      "First off, the phone comes with an extended 3-year warranty"

      Or, as we call it in Europe, the LEGAL WARRANTY that *all* hardware comes with, including the fruit phone, and that companies can't escape from.

      The crooks at the Home of Mediocre Devices are really trying to pass a legal obligation as a "benefit" of their rebranded Chinese trash? Ahahahahahahah

        Well at least they are trying and fighting to get a niche market!! A high-end is necessary now, there is a gap in the flashkiller range as there was at the time in Oneplus 2014! grab that niche HMD and come out with a decent phone

          Using these things for company use is a bad business decision itself

            • Z
            • Zero
            • yIE
            • 20 May 2024

            YUKI93, 20 May 2024If I run a business and use smartphone as the preferred com... moreIndeed, the Desktop mode now would be really capable and can really hurt the competition without it.

              • M
              • Minu
              • ter
              • 20 May 2024

              YUKI93, 20 May 2024If I run a business and use smartphone as the preferred com... moreI'd like to see a proprietary Desktop mode from HMD, the now-defunct Ovi namesake would do imho

                If I run a business and use smartphone as the preferred computer, I'll make sure it has Desktop Mode capability like Samsung DeX and Motorola Ready For. Maybe Samsung do has the right idea with the XCover line.

                  If this can't cut it for consumers, it most likely won't cut it for businesses.