Purported images of low-cost iPhone back cover emerge
- y
- youareanoob
- Qy}
- 02 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013haha how am i a fanboy?? I also don't quite think you grasp... moreyou spell "grammar" wrong.
- Z
- Zzzz
- t}S
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-153003, 01 Jul 2013you know why apple fans are not so blinded as u say???becau... moreyeah thats y we had lots of news about iphone5's paint peel off right out of box on the first day of launch.
- D
- AnonD-1825
- p77
- 01 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013haha how am i a fanboy?? I also don't quite think you grasp... moreThanks for the answer now i see you were full of empty words, yeah i understand its hard to say anything smart for my answer, because video don't lie ;) so instead you started to bash me and my language skills, very mature, very mature! But actually typical from android fanboy, when they havent anything to say they go low.
No im no American, very far from that, thousands of miles. English is actually my third language, so sorry if my english isnt perfect, i only use english when writing in internet. I dont have situations in real life where i can use english, last time i studied english was ten years ago, but i try to maintain my english "skills" writing these blogs, its good practise and im learning when reading others people comments.
So end of day, you can call me fanboy but i cant call you? Thats interesting... I only called you fanboy because you called me. If you ask me this fanboy thing is so stupid and childish.
- ?
- Anonymous
- smx
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-1825, 01 Jul 2013If apple technology is prehistoric, how pathetic this video... morehaha how am i a fanboy?? I also don't quite think you grasp what I have been saying to you?? Also you must be American as someone with any form of IQ can spell and use grammer properly.
I could google a video to prove everything i say too!! But i am not that big of a geek and working in the telecoms industry i kind of see what all phones are like for usability....sorry that means how user friendly a phone is, thought i might dumb it down for you
- D
- AnonD-1825
- p77
- 01 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA great value for money!!!! Only reason thei... moreIf apple technology is prehistoric, how pathetic this video make those android flagships look.
Apple with prehistoric hardware runs that game smoother than any other phone, also it looks better on iPhone 5. Oh know, how could that happen...
Hear how that guy say game is laggy in every other phone than iPhone ;)
Like i said great value for money, these kind of videos are good way to show how powerful iOS devices really are in real life performance, and end of the day thats only thing which matters, no numbers on paper or cores.
But you are typical fanboy who have no idea what he's talking about, so its ok, i get it.
- b
- ben
- 3Ax
- 01 Jul 2013
meh come on apple start fighting back on a war samsung are winning.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wY8
- 01 Jul 2013
yuk disappointed with apple.. i expect more from them that's too much cost cutting it looks even cheaper than china phones
- ?
- Anonymous
- smx
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-1825, 01 Jul 2013No those figures still doesnt give any information about wh... moreHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA great value for money!!!! Only reason their prices are so high is because they can't manufacture their own parts they have to import them from other companies such as SAMSUNG and sharp as well huawei!!
Apples technology now is prehistoric compared to all other brands such as Sony, Samsung, HTC and Nokia. The designers are incredibly lazy and have no innovation. iOS is an awful operating system and you are incredibly easy to wind up....Oh how i love fanboys!!
- D
- AnonD-1825
- p77
- 01 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013u can bring up what ever piece of rag u want but figures sp... moreNo those figures still doesnt give any information about what you said. Where you see from those numbers how much people went from iOS to android? Answer is nowhere.
Only thing which you see from those numbers is android is more popular than iPhone, but what you said is entirely different story.
"iPhones are bought by brainwashed people who buy them because they are "Apple"
And samsung phones are bought by brainwashed people who buy them because they are "samsung"
Also people who buy samsung televions are brainwashed, because product cant be good right... I could continue this list forever.
By the way that brainwashing thing gets so old, millions of people are buying iPhones and going to buy in future because the device is great value for money, deal with it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uH{
- 01 Jul 2013
the focus now is not Apple anymore. People slowly get tired of samsung similar phones. we see people slowly, but surely, moving to Sony ( http://www.androidauthority.com/sony-uk-samsung-share-237576/ )
- ?
- Anonymous
- smx
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-1825, 01 Jul 2013That doesnt say anything about what you said.
Try this h... moreu can bring up what ever piece of rag u want but figures speak for themselves, over last quarter android has increased its share in every market, apples is a mixture of losses and small gains. iPhones are bought by brainwashed people who buy them because they are "Apple". It would be interesting if they made their own components to see how good a company it actually is??? I am also going to take a wild guess that the 5S will run jellybean.....i mean iOS 7 and the 5S will just be a 5 with some 'new features'.
- D
- AnonD-1825
- p77
- 01 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013http://www.gsmarena.com/idc_western_europe_buys_fewer_phone... moreThat doesnt say anything about what you said.
Try this http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57588948-94/iphone-owners-more-loyal-than-android-users-study/
"According to new data from Retrevo, 81 percent of current iPhone owners will buy another Apple handset when it's time for their next purchase."
"81 percent of current iPhone owners will buy another Apple handset when their contracts are up and they have to purchase another device. Another 14 percent of current iPhone owners identify themselves as "undecided." Just 4 percent say that they plan to switch to Android."
Then android users: "It's a different story on the Android side. Just under two-thirds of current Android owners -- 63 percent -- say that they'd stick with a handset running Google's operating system. Another 12 percent plan to switch to the iPhone, while 23 percent say they're unsure what they'll buy next time around."
12% plan to switch to iPhone
Like i said more android users buying iPhone than iPhone users buying android phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- smx
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-1825, 01 Jul 2013"More and more people are moving away from iOS to andr... moresorry i also forgot
- ?
- Anonymous
- smx
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-1825, 01 Jul 2013"More and more people are moving away from iOS to andr... morehttp://www.gsmarena.com/idc_western_europe_buys_fewer_phones_prefers_android_to_ios-news-6279.php
Need i say anymore, thankyou and goodnight
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@@
- 01 Jul 2013
why I prefer Android? because I don't need to rely on Itunes all the time. I can use different launchers with different looks and functionality. There is even a windows 8 launcher if you want the look of windows 8. With IOS you can only change the arrangement of you apps and the wall paper.
- D
- AnonD-1825
- L2Z
- 01 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013i currently own an S3 and my partner an S4 and have both ne... more"More and more people are moving away from iOS to android"
Its actually opposite according every research, so where you get that? I think from your imagination ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- smx
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-153003, 01 Jul 2013i am completely in accord with u...but let me tell u someth... morei currently own an S3 and my partner an S4 and have both never experience any lag what so ever, all people i work with (in the phone industry) all stay away from iphones because the actual build quality is shoddy! Granted i will say Apples customer service is brilliant with regard to their products. However iPhones lag just as much as the rest, anyone who thinks otherwise is viewing through tinted glasses. More and more people are moving away from iOS to android and even windows (not sure why as it is the most limited platform) because iPhones just haven't progressed and even their big new launch iOS7 is just going to be Jellybean with odd "Apple Tweak".
- D
- AnonD-153003
- t0B
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-1825, 01 Jul 2013Did you reply the wrong guy? I think sohaha i think so too lol
- D
- AnonD-153003
- t0B
- 01 Jul 2013
AnonD-160177, 01 Jul 2013Wrong, I am still using my Galaxy SII with custom ROM. Runn... morei am completely in accord with u...but let me tell u something: 90% or + of android users dont know what is custome rom,root or other stuff,inside the rest of 10%,5% dont know to flash their phones...so here is the thing,neither u buy a high end phone to run it smooth or u gonna meet up some lag,i know people using android,a lot of people and most of them dont have high end ones,i can even say that they use low end samsung(just for the brand and the ads they see in tv)thinking that they will have same experience as S4 or S3 and some others use other brands like huawei...and those people finish to tell u that ur iphone is so cool just because it dont lag,and they will buy iphone if they can afford it,so google should start thinking to low end phones and not only high ends or apple will start eat that segment if they put a low end iphone on the market...
- D
- AnonD-151727
- m@x
- 01 Jul 2013
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2013No ... not iphone. It is ipod touch.itouch