Spotify is launching a new “Basic” plan in the US

22 June 2024
It is just the old Premium plan without audiobooks and the price hike.

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Inflation. 'Nuff said.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3Tq
    • 23 Jun 2024

    Anders, 22 Jun 2024Yeah, things are much better in Venezuela or Cuba huh...Cuba is >50 years under economic sanctions, so why do you use It as a comparison?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vGN
      • 22 Jun 2024

      This is why I don't use Spotify and I use other alternatives like Amazon Prime Music and YouTube music.

        Subscription services do this sneaky move all the time, especially internet/mobile companies.

        My cell carrier hiked the prices of my current plan, but didn't tell me they introduced a cheaper plan that's not that much worse.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3Tq
          • 22 Jun 2024

          notafanboy, 22 Jun 2024"Spotify automatically switched everyone to the more e... moreAnd this is the same company, which is crying how unfair Apple is.

            Dimtons, 22 Jun 2024Capitalism with its infinite growth make you do practices l... moreYeah, things are much better in Venezuela or Cuba huh...

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • JHw
              • 22 Jun 2024

              I really cannot understand why people use paid apps like Spotify. In the past, one guy bought a CD and copied it for his friends so they didn't have to buy it. Or people recorded songs from the radio on cassette. Same applies with video games, films etc. Now people pay hundreds of euros every year for Netflix, Spotify etc. I buy blu-ray discs for 5 euros each in an electronics shop and can watch them for free as many times as I want without having to accept the whims of each companies. And concerning music, everything on YouTube, just download, convert to MP3, enhance sound with Audacity if necessary and you got your favourite songs for free, offline and forever. It is so easy. But people are too lazy to do the simplest things nowadays. They throw their little salary away for every fancy streaming service just because it is mainstream right now.

                you can get free audiobooks at the libraries, doesn't matter anyways since there are better options than spotify.

                  "Spotify automatically switched everyone to the more expensive plan and now requires manual intervention to switch back"
                  This is outrageous, it's unfair.

                    they deserve to be sued like adobe

                      Capitalism with its infinite growth make you do practices like these... Expect more old product relaunching with new names, like the SE iphones or FE samsung or services like this Spotify one...