Sony sends invites for IFA event, is it Honami's turn to go official?

11 July, 2013
The Xperia Honami Android camera phone is the only prominent phone in the rumor mill at the moment.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4QS
  • 18 Jul 2013

AnonD-161447, 18 Jul 2013You know what,I had enough. The buses thing had nothing to... moreThen why did you feel the need to push the subject so far in the first place and tell me what I said about the S4 Amoled was not true? Why would you do that if you could not handle me standing my ground back?

    • D
    • AnonD-161447
    • uvr
    • 18 Jul 2013

    Anonymous, 18 Jul 2013I said it's most proper WB was most proper was in a differe... moreYou know what,I had enough.
    The buses thing had nothing to do with nit picking.
    Amoled is improved oled ,ips is improved LCD,ips panels are used in larger displays commonly,so is oled,but not amoled,that's what I meant by that
    Oversaturation in amoled is commonly noted to a tad further extend than lack of contrast in LCD.
    But the difference is comparison is irrelevant for practical use.
    I'm not returning to this page again to reply to you.

      • D
      • AnonD-161447
      • uvt
      • 18 Jul 2013

      Anonymous, 18 Jul 2013I said it's most proper WB was most proper was in a differe... moreThere you go again.
      My point is this:movie mode has cooler WB.Then how can,it make images look more natural than LCD which also has higher color gamut and accuracy.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4QS
        • 18 Jul 2013

        AnonD-161447, 18 Jul 2013So you're saying that it has proper WB in another mode. T... moreI said it's most proper WB was most proper was in a different mode I believe that actually hit a more desired mark than LCD. In Movie mode it's not as perfect, but still good. It's overall color balance is not 100% perfect, but very close and very accurate. I already have stated I'm not talking about just test results but the screen in person too. Yes even skin tone looks great on S4 in Movie mode. And the entire screen is overall way way way more realistic. That is my whole point. Is it 100% perfect? No. But only by the smallest of differences and overall is much better. Where as LCD cannot fully do either.

          • D
          • AnonD-161447
          • uvu
          • 18 Jul 2013

          Anonymous, 17 Jul 2013And all I stated was that the test results claimed to hit a... moreSo you're saying that it has proper WB in another mode.
          Then in movie mode,how can skin tone along with other colors look more natural than LCD .Leave the test results aside,I am talking about an S4 I test drove for myself .

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4QS
            • 17 Jul 2013

            AnonD-161447, 17 Jul 2013That's when it's far towards either side.But for LCD,the W... moreAnd all I stated was that the test results claimed to hit a more proper white balance. Though I also said I think that they said the most proper Amoled white balance came from another mode.
            It's white balance is not perfect, but the movie mode performance is great. It's colors are extremely accurate, and it's contrasts\blacks are amazing. Skin tones look right because of the fine tuning in it. It's overall way more natural and realistic. It leaves LCD's only advantage being higher brightness which really does not do much. Even then you can just through the Amoled back in another mode under sunlight and in auto brightness it gets brighter than maximum.

              • D
              • AnonD-161447
              • uvy
              • 17 Jul 2013

              Anonymous, 17 Jul 2013A white balance leaning to far towards either side does not... moreThat's when it's far towards either side.But for LCD,the WB slightly on the warm side,help the colors look more natural.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4QS
                • 17 Jul 2013

                AnonD-161447, 17 Jul 2013Contradicting again. Difference of opinion is called contr... moreA white balance leaning to far towards either side does not hit a proper color.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-161447
                  • uvs
                  • 17 Jul 2013

                  Anonymous, 17 Jul 2013No that is a difference of opinion. And I said they had a ... moreContradicting again.
                  Difference of opinion is called contradiction,it doesn't necessarily have to be stating the opposite.
                  Answer this,how does cool white balance give more realistic colors?Especially skin tone .

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4QS
                    • 17 Jul 2013

                    AnonD-161447, 16 Jul 2013Differing from my opinions is exactly called contradicting... moreNo that is a difference of opinion.
                    And I said they had a more proper white balance. Though that was in RGB mode I believe.
                    The buses? You seem to be better at banter and nit picking rather than tech

                      • D
                      • AnonD-161447
                      • uv8
                      • 16 Jul 2013

                      Anonymous, 16 Jul 2013The amoled in movie mode is overall more natural and realis... moreDiffering from my opinions is exactly called contradicting.
                      How does cool white balance give more natural images?
                      Th buses don't go where you live do they?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4QS
                        • 16 Jul 2013

                        AnonD-161447, 16 Jul 2013Most people like a warmer white balance unless they're l... moreThe amoled in movie mode is overall more natural and realistic is my only point. That is is nearly as perfect as LCD in color accuracy. It's white balance is good in it's other settings as well. You see plenty of blacks in life. Especially more so than LCD can produce.
                        LCD is a barely noticeable amount more accurate in colors alone. Just a tad higher than Amoled movie, but the entire Amoled tech plus accurate colors is more true to life.
                        Stating fact which differs from what you say is not contradicting.

                        And in the end it anyone I have ever spoken to like Amoled standard as it is anyway. I understand the importance of spot on colors for certain situations of people, but overall most people like the saturation. It's mostly only online haters.
                        However for the few that care now it's nearly as perfect, but overall more realistic.
                        I never said what to like or pick either. Just stating fact and correcting the misconceptions.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-161447
                          • uvw
                          • 16 Jul 2013

                          Anonymous, 16 Jul 2013Are you reading anything??? Or are you just replying to do ... moreMost people like a warmer white balance unless they're looking at a picture of the ocean,ips is more natural to life just admit that. How often do you see true blacks in life anyway,I never said LCD is better overall or I will prefer amoled to LCD.
                          If you want to contradict,fine ,I agree.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4QS
                            • 16 Jul 2013

                            AnonD-161447, 16 Jul 2013Movie mode is not as natural as LCD,its something accepted... moreAre you reading anything??? Or are you just replying to do so. It has already been stated in every single post that it is not as perfect as LCD. But it's not that it is not natural or realistic. It is just a small hair off the same accuracy. About 3-5% less. And the cooler white balance is closer to the desired mark. It's not the same as it's Dynamic mode white balance. In movie mode it hits about 97% color accuracy, but has blacks and contrast. LCD hits about 100% accuracy, but has no blacks and hopefully ok contrast. The Amoled will look way way more true to life in movie mode that means.

                            Yes, but again what does that have to do with anything?

                              • D
                              • AnonD-161447
                              • uvv
                              • 16 Jul 2013

                              Anonymous, 15 Jul 2013Settings, tweaking, and calibration is what makes all these... moreMovie mode is not as natural as LCD,its something accepted widely,you're the one who sounds like a fanboy .How can skin tone be true if it has cool white balance and in contrast LCD gas warm white balance .

                              Amoled is improved oled which is used in larger display units .

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4QS
                                • 15 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-161447, 15 Jul 2013Settings can only do so much .No one else,even Samsung exe... moreSettings, tweaking, and calibration is what makes all these things work...So to say it's just a setting does not make sense.

                                And in fact Samsung, GSMArena, users, and the company that gave Samsung the reward would all say it is natural.

                                Movie mode is near perfect. No it is not as perfect as LCD, but only in the sense it's 0-5% off. It's a huge improvement not just a slightly improved setting. You keep sounding like a broken record. Look it up instead of sounding so redundant.

                                It can't be natural because it's Amoled? You sound like a fanboy. And in that same sense LCD is not fully natural either. In movie mode the green follows 100% accuracy while the other colors are within 3-5% 100% accuracy. That is natural. While it also has true blacks, high contrast, and good white balance. It's overall way more natural than LCD. LCD is just about 0%-5% more accurate on a couple colors which almost nobody will be able to notice. Even skin tone will look right.

                                So both screens are not fully realistic by default. The difference Amoled can be more saturated or more realistic. LCD may never be able to do both.

                                And duh. IPS is just improved LCD. What a ridiculous comment.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-161447
                                  • uvu
                                  • 15 Jul 2013

                                  Anonymous, 15 Jul 2013Because LCD has been around for many many many years. Amole... moreSettings can only do so much .No one else,even Samsung executives will say amoled is natural .Movie mode is just the most natural mode in S4, it's not as natural as LG's IPS or Sony's triluminous.Amoled does have true blacks.But it also has a slightly cool white balance,ofcourse ,white balance of no device is perfect.

                                  IPS is already being used in LG TVs.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4QS
                                    • 15 Jul 2013

                                    AnonD-161447, 13 Jul 2013I'm sorry ,I forgot Samsung fans hate Apple by default.Yup that explains it. It has nothing to do with being like a lame real life version of umbrella corp

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4QS
                                      • 15 Jul 2013

                                      AnonD-161447, 13 Jul 2013Your facts. Let me see, that's exactly why amoled is cons... moreBecause LCD has been around for many many many years. Amoled is newer and in fact is coming to tv's and monitors.
                                      And even in movie mode it's unnatural because it's amoled? And you say Im being the fanboy??????? Look it up yourself instead of being a broken record. In movie mode on the s4 it's nearly perfect color accuracy. But still Amoled so you get blacks and contrast. Even a more proper white balance. Where as LCD can only have natural colors or slightly saturated colors. At best decent contrasts and crappy blacks. It's incapable of being completely natural or very saturated. Where Amoled can do both better. LCD's downfalls are considered unnatural just the same as Amoled's are. But with Amoled it's fixed right in settings and overall more natural.
                                      That's knowing the facts of display not following a company.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4QS
                                        • 15 Jul 2013

                                        one , 15 Jul 2013yah i agree on u dude..honami is the forum here why these 2... moreRealize it or not most people use their phones in many varying angles throughout every day. And it helps with sun glare too. Also for sharing content.