Galaxy S24 Ultras were used to film the sailing competition at the 2024 Olympic games

05 August 2024
The phones were right in the mix of things, being mounted to the masts of sailboats and even to the shoulders of wind and kitesurfers.

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  • b
  • barti
  • MUm
  • 05 Aug 2024

Is it just me but I have no knowledge of this. It's like advertising a great phone camera, but the advertising photos were taken with a professional camera. There have been plenty of such events in history.

    • y
    • yalim
    • 0Iu
    • 05 Aug 2024

    the phones can survive seawater splash. salt will kill the ports in the following weeks. streaming under sun will put stress on the hw. since, these phones are only used for demo purpose, they only need to function for the day of the event. then, they can be sent to refurbishment. nice photos though. I wonder how did they manage to snap during the action.

      • j
      • jKhan
      • I@H
      • 05 Aug 2024

      Anonymous, 05 Aug 2024Haven't the phone cut any sail? Or sunk any boat?It will be if it is fruit.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • XLj
        • 05 Aug 2024

        I think base S24 and S24+ are basically midrange phones for Samsung. After the release month they are completely forgotten about and never featured again in advertisement by Samsung.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 8XP
          • 05 Aug 2024

          Haven't the phone cut any sail? Or sunk any boat?