Samsung I9506 Galaxy S4 with Snapdragon 800 surfaces

18 July, 2013
The benchmark result of the Samsung Galaxy S4 with Snapdragon 800 CPU has been leaked.

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  • D
  • AnonD-162634
  • spH
  • 18 Jul 2013

@popye Apple the best? Where do you live dude? :)) Apple is the best in nothing. Asus, Alienware, Razer are better than MacBook; Samsung, HTC (Android) better than Iphone; Microsoft Surface better than iPad. First look at the specs and benchmarks and everything you want and then come and tell us who is the best.

    • D
    • AnonD-164438
    • LKm
    • 18 Jul 2013

    AnonD-156746, 18 Jul 2013well a functioning device is all you want then why did you ... moreI bought it out of curiosity, due to the low cost to upgrade to it and because I give all brands a try at one time or another.

    And I'm not sure that they're debating it's resource consumption, but the fact that the consumption is so great that it causes their phones not to perform well. And I believe their point is valid.

    Because believe me, I understand your point that a wp8 phone may perform well on a single core while it takes an android 4 cores to do the same, but the fact that with the 4 cores it does perform the same is reason for persons to be offended if you call their item sub-par. Do you not agree?

      • D
      • AnonD-166514
      • bHf
      • 18 Jul 2013

      AnonD-27765, 18 Jul 2013The best laptop in the world is a Macbook, the best desktop... moreI can build a PC for the same price as your iMac that'll run circles around it.

        • D
        • AnonD-156746
        • Xu9
        • 18 Jul 2013

        AnonD-164438, 18 Jul 2013Possibly not...but isn't the end result what one would be a... morewell a functioning device is all you want then why did you buy a sgs4...anyhow my point was android is much more resource hungry than wp8(or bb10,ios,meego,jolla and basically everyother smartphone os)and most biased fanboys deny that without using common sense....

          • D
          • AnonD-164438
          • LKm
          • 18 Jul 2013

          AnonD-156746, 18 Jul 2013you do realize that lumia 900 is a single core phone and sg... morePossibly not...but isn't the end result what one would be after? A functioning device?

            • D
            • AnonD-156746
            • Xu9
            • 18 Jul 2013

            AnonD-164438, 18 Jul 2013Fair enough, it is not a wp8's 7.5, but I mentio... moreyou do realize that lumia 900 is a single core phone and sgs4 has a quad core and they have same smoothness...and if you will see a single core android with same resolution as lumia 900,do you think it will still be as fast as 900...

              • W
              • WUT
              • Lxh
              • 18 Jul 2013

              AnonD-27765, 18 Jul 2013The best laptop in the world is a Macbook, the best desktop... morehahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah, you made my day with this comment.-

                Another crappy release from Samdung bearing the S4 tag!!! then will come s4 s800 lte-a, s4 s800 active, s4 s800 mini and all types of shit produced by samsung, and people say samsung is innovative???

                  • c
                  • china
                  • f0b
                  • 18 Jul 2013

                  Tom-Helge, 18 Jul 2013I think you are either on another planet than we are on, or... morehe is absolutely right nothing can stand before the great iphone. Moreover, samsung has 4 different s4 thats absurd and ludicrous. Iphone 5s my next phone

                    • A
                    • Adame
                    • IVZ
                    • 18 Jul 2013

                    This is nothing compared to Intel's

                      • S
                      • Shteeve
                      • mga
                      • 18 Jul 2013

                      To all those saying that Samsung should bring out phones with minimum of 128gb plus have a MSD slot have you ever worked in Telecoms?

                      Its better to have the lower memory option of 16/32Gb and option to upgrade with MSD rather than do minimum 128Gb here you automatically have to pay more for the device even if you dont need all the memory.

                      Think things through before you spout nonsense.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-164438
                        • LKm
                        • 18 Jul 2013

                        AnonD-156746, 18 Jul 2013lumia 900 is not a wp8 devices and BTW i never said it is b... moreFair enough, it is not a wp8's 7.5, but I mentioned it only to show that I have used both phones and have not seen much fault in either.

                        My wife has a 520 (now I haven't used it that much), but I saw no difference in it than in my 900, hence the reason I would use my 900 usage in contrast to my SGS4 usage to speak to this issue of "lag" and "smoothness" that everyone is talking about. And I am neither that impressed or deterred by either device.

                          • d
                          • david
                          • 8cA
                          • 18 Jul 2013

                          Make it waterproof and you win

                            • D
                            • AnonD-166480
                            • tVx
                            • 18 Jul 2013

                            AnonD-58835, 18 Jul 2013Samsung please release IMMEDIATELY worldwide this device. S... moreWhy don't you just rip out snapdragon and replace it with a dual core i5 with a fan? even that will give you more performance than any other smartphone in the market for the next 5 years or so. All this smartphone quad core thing is ridiculous. It's just a phone. If you wanna play decent games, get a computer. Otherwise you don't even need a quad. My iPhone 3GS used to run lag-lessly on a .6ghz single core. (Of course software's got a little heavier over the years, but Windows phones and iPhone 5 still runs on dual core and works fine)

                              AnonD-27765, 18 Jul 2013The best laptop in the world is a Macbook, the best desktop... moreI think you are either on another planet than we are on, or you are to much of an Apple fanboy that you actually believe the crap you are saying.

                                • j
                                • julai
                                • wHr
                                • 18 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-27765, 18 Jul 2013The best laptop in the world is a Macbook, the best desktop... moreWho told you so? Clear your senses and taste buds buddy, your "apple" is not as sweet as it used to be anymore. It is left way to low behind now and trying a lot to copy the trending brands. Consumers have become wiser users. Wake up sleepy cat!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-166480
                                  • tVx
                                  • 18 Jul 2013

                                  AnonD-166339, 18 Jul 2013We asked for it, they are again delivering. We asked for... moreYeah! super glueing galaxy phone on a thick point to shoot camera with a rubbish sensor is such an achievement! And you probably complain that apple lacks innovation.

                                  And since people seem to buy samsung for its spec sheet, if Samsung keeps releasing newer variation who will invest $800 when better one will be released every other month?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • v0q
                                    • 18 Jul 2013

                                    I always prefer the beautiful black sexy phone so i will buy LG G2.

                                    The same specs as S4 ,but beautiful than S4.

                                    G2 im waiting...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • v0q
                                      • 18 Jul 2013

                                      G2 is beauitiful classy and Unique design.

                                      S4 is looks like s3 nothing new for design.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-27765
                                        • v0q
                                        • 18 Jul 2013

                                        TheNeighbor, 18 Jul 2013Yes, Apple is the the vanilla of electronics. Mediocre. Lim... moreThe best laptop in the world is a Macbook, the best desktop, an iMac, the best tablet, an iPad, the best smartphone, an iPhone. Every electronic device gets compared to Apple because Apple is the benchmark in technology. Their critical acclaim, sales and customer satisfaction rating attest to that.